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Energy Monitoring: Circuits, Plugs, Interface


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Your first task is to pose this question to UDI and the forum members with the particulars of your Z-Wave device. See if anyone has been able to take the various nodes from Z-Wave device(s) and transpose them into *State Variables*.


If that isn't presently supported then obviously you will need to wait for said support. If on the other hand this information can be scraped from the 994 Series Controller from what ever method that allows the state variable to be updated.


Then, you will have a nice aggregation solution waiting for you . . . 


I shall so inquire...

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Yes, pulling data from a Z-Wave device and pushing back to a state variable would be pretty easy with ISYHelper, but I don't currently have any so development would be slow.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


If it helps, I'm happy to send/give you a few to work with and/or keep for the effort...

Do you have the z-wave ISY module?  If not, I wonder if UD would loan you that for development use.

You did such a great job with IsyHelper with its with Harmony Hub, IFTTT, Hue emulator, Echo etc, communication, in my opinion its the least we can do.

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Hey guys,


On 5.0.2, I am using a network resource and variable substitution to write Energy values from my ZWave smart switches to state variables then posting to SEG or Emoncms from there.  In some cases, I can go direct to SEG/Emoncms without posting to a variable first.  Depends on the use case.  Either way, VERY doable right now.  Does require 5.0.X I believe unless the 4.X branch has gained variable substitution in network resource rules.


Also posting Temp/Humidity data as received from ZWave multi sensors and CAO Tags in a similar fashion.


Hope this helps.



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Hey guys,


On 5.0.2, I am using a network resource and variable substitution to write Energy values from my ZWave smart switches to state variables then posting to SEG or Emoncms from there.  In some cases, I can go direct to SEG/Emoncms without posting to a variable first.  Depends on the use case.  Either way, VERY doable right now.  Does require 5.0.X I believe unless the 4.X branch has gained variable substitution in network resource rules.


Also posting Temp/Humidity data as received from ZWave multi sensors and CAO Tags in a similar fashion.


Hope this helps.



Xathros, thats great!!!!


Care to give us a "how to" :wink:

Do you feel the need it include your RPi ( or a DASH) or would that only be applicable if one wants long-term in-house data retention?

Also, how do you feel about Emoncms vs SEG?

Starting to get exciting on the isy energy front...

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Hi ccclapp,


Pretty much all the answers to your questions are "no". Of couse, we could make the portal start logging stuff (including energy information that come through subscriptions anyway) but the main question is: how many would use this service and what are the requirements? i.e. how granular, how long to keep the history, what happens if portal loses subscription to ISY, etc.


ISY is OpenADR2.0a/b certified which means that it automatically sends energy reports for all devices in the AutoDR group (in Admin Console) and regardless of their type. Unfortunately, OpenADR servers are quite expensive and only commissied by utiltiies. Perhaps someone may come up with a cheap OpenADR server (VTN)?


With kind regards,


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Hi ccclapp,


Pretty much all the answers to your questions are "no". Of couse, we could make the portal start logging stuff (including energy information that come through subscriptions anyway) but the main question is: how many would use this service and what are the requirements? i.e. how granular, how long to keep the history, what happens if portal loses subscription to ISY, etc.


ISY is OpenADR2.0a/b certified which means that it automatically sends energy reports for all devices in the AutoDR group (in Admin Console) and regardless of their type. Unfortunately, OpenADR servers are quite expensive and only commissied by utiltiies. Perhaps someone may come up with a cheap OpenADR server (VTN)?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel:  


Did you see the few posts just above yours?  It sounds like we are getting very close to "yes"


To clarify, I don't think this requires the Portal (though Xathros or others could clarify) and the intent is NOT to have ISY/Portal hold large data stores or do the final reporting/monitoring GUI.  The reporting monitoring are done by 3rd party sites such as SEG or Emoncms.  Those sites hold long term data.  Others may also want inhouse data retention.  This would be by meand of adding a DASH box or RPi.


All we need from ISY is to get the current energy readings from ISY devices, which will then be used to populate the monitoring site and/or DASH/RPi.


Given this, do you stay is is not possible/feasible to obtain ISY-device energy data?  It seems Xathros and Jimbo believe it is doable.


Thank you very much for your insights and support!!

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Xathros, thats great!!!!


Care to give us a "how to" :wink:

Do you feel the need it include your RPi ( or a DASH) or would that only be applicable if one wants long-term in-house data retention?

Also, how do you feel about Emoncms vs SEG?

Starting to get exciting on the isy energy front...


I have detailed this once or twice elsewhere on this forum, Not sure I can easily located those posts now tho. I will see if I can put together the basics for this thread later today.


Emoncms is software running on a Pi in my case.


I can't speak for the DB as I don't yet have one.  The RPi is hosting Emoncms on my LAN and is doing a wonderful job.  SEG is now charging for their service which is what drove me into Emoncms.  SEG seems more capable than EMoncms but for my needs both are quite sufficient. 


Here is a network resource that posts an energy meter value to SEG.  I suspect this is the critical piece you need.  Let me know if you want further details.



Here is an example of taking a ZWave Temp from a multisensor and stuffing it into a state var for use in programs...




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 I will see if I can put together the basics for this thread later today.


 The RPi is hosting Emoncms on my LAN and is doing a wonderful job.  


Here is a network resource that posts an energy meter value to SEG.  I suspect this is the critical piece you need. 





Thanks.  If you run across those prior threads or can do a brief how-to summary for us to chew on that would be fabulous.  My advanced ISY abilities are limited.


Which specific devices are you talking about? ISY reports Energy data for all those devices that report energy!


With kind regards,



As you say, its the "devices that report energy" :wink: such as iMeter Solo on the Insteon side and on the zwave side, things like the Aeotec HEM, smart plug, smart strip, etc


FYI below are links to the two energy monitoring sites being referenced.  There are also others.


SEG:  https://smartenergygroups.com/

 EMoncms:   http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/energymodeling


As Xathros mentions, SEG has now starting charging, but is very robust with calculated streams, great reporting, visuals, etc, etc

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This is the step by step guide I created for the Autelis Bridge. The basic principle still applies with energy readings so long as you're able to obtain those readings which can be transposed into state variables: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/16095-autelis-bridge-pushing-data-to-smart-energy-groups-seg-guide/




Thanks for the guide to your approach!!  It looks very clear (as always).  I have to go out now, but look forward to studying it later tonight.  Do you have a sense if this is similar to what Xathros is doing via a RPi, vs your use of an Autelis Bridge?  Im just wondering how much of your guide will be somewhat universal vs specific to the Autelis Bridge.


Thanks again!

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Thanks for the guide to your approach!!  It looks very clear (as always).  I have to go out now, but look forward to studying it later tonight.  Do you have a sense if this is similar to what Xathros is doing via a RPi, vs your use of an Autelis Bridge?  Im just wondering how much of your guide will be somewhat universal vs specific to the Autelis Bridge.


Thanks again!


The guide is universal in its idea and implementation - the Autelis Bridge was simply my reference device being used at the time. If you read further down I do call out this method can be used for other 3rd party devices. So long as the information can be transposed into the 994 Series Controller as a *State Variable*.


I noted you asked about the iMeter Solo and would be interested to know how this information could be transposed into a *State Variable* if it can this would be great to know how to.


To date I haven't seen anyone explain in detail how this is done with a working example. For too long I've read lots of threads where the OP or others never took the time to explain the *How To*!


Nothing frustrates me more than to see those kinds of replies . . .


As it doesn't lend to the concept of *Sharing* which is why we are all here - which is to learn - and do the very same.

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I noted you asked about the iMeter Solo and would be interested to know how this information could be transposed into a *State Variable* if it can this would be great to know how to.


To date I haven't seen anyone explain in detail how this is done with a working example. For too long I've read lots of threads where the OP or others never took the time to explain the *How To*!



Unfortunately, I'm the Noob in the crowd, but we have some very smart people posting to and watching this thread, 6,300 views!!!!


 It feels like we are getting close.  As soon as I am able to understand and work through one or a few viable solutions, I will write it us and add to the opening post

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I have detailed this once or twice elsewhere on this forum, Not sure I can easily located those posts now tho. I will see if I can put together the basics for this thread later today.


Emoncms is software running on a Pi in my case.


I can't speak for the DB as I don't yet have one.  The RPi is hosting Emoncms on my LAN and is doing a wonderful job.  SEG is now charging for their service which is what drove me into Emoncms.  SEG seems more capable than EMoncms but for my needs both are quite sufficient. 


Here is a network resource that posts an energy meter value to SEG.  I suspect this is the critical piece you need.  Let me know if you want further details.



Here is an example of taking a ZWave Temp from a multisensor and stuffing it into a state var for use in programs...





Hi Xathros.  


I'm following up on our "sidebar" or earlier today and trying to move forward to getting ISY smart switch, etc data up to SEG, where it can merge with my GEM/DashBox data streams. I am on ISY v4x but can easily jump to 5.x anytime (unless there is a compelling reason not to).  


From your screenshots #1 I can see/understand the basics of sending something to SEG.  I gather in the Body one puts one's SEG site, and then a string of ISY info to specify the IDY device or variably being sent. Would you mind spelling out those ISY components and how one sees them on ISY?  Also, do corresponding devices need to be pre-configured as SEG or is that done automatically as in the case of using the Vera plugin or a DASH (with those one enters one's SED credentials and Token etc and the devices auto-populate.


As to screenshot #2 (and likely parts of SC #1) being on ISY v4x I am not familiar with "variable substitution" etc.  I have read about Nodes/Polyxxxxxt Nodes and looked at the threads on io_guys NodeLink etc, but not yet implemented.  Thus if possible would you state those steps based on no v5 experience/familiarity.  To save you from writing a novel (I will do that when mission accomplished on this), you can give the skeleton and I can try and reply with specific brick walls as I find them.


I know this is a PITA for you and wish I didn't have to ask questions like how to convert numbers to ASCII/Hex :wink: for example.



Zooming back for a moment...


When asking how to get energy data into variables on the Variables forum, KeviNH and Jimbo made the following two comments:



KeviNH, on 09 Feb 2016 - 10:54 AM, said:snapback.png

I'd skip the idea of putting the values into a variable and trying to accomplish this purely with the ISY, instead use an external polling script (running on a Unix host, possibly rPi), have the external script pull in all the known meters and massage the data.


Writing a Perl or Python script to poll a known zwave node every X minutes is easy enough.


One advantage of using an external script is that you can use existing API implementations to post energy data to a number of services, including PlotwattBidgely, etc, and if the vendor changes their API you just grab a fresh copy from github and don't have to rewrite your tool.



Yes, that was how I was thinking it would work. ISYHelper already maintains a subscription to ISY events so pushing those events to something else would be pretty easy, especially with existing interfaces. Hopefully someone with a little python experience would be interested in working together to add this. Honestly I do not have much spare time, and would like to start moving some of my code to a node server.


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I expect you agree with this.  I expect this is where we should head.  I expect this takes some significant effort.  However I am flagging this in as a second phase, after I acomplish the seeming easier task of replicating what you've done. Having said that my training-wheeled RPi looks forward to it...


Thanks for your efforts!!  Feel free to do this here or via PM/email, in which case ill post here with progress updates.

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The link I provided in the Autelis forum outlines all the required steps and network resource elements.


Yes it fully explains the info needed to understand/translateXathros' screenshot #1.  GREAT and THANKS!. (Sorry I had read your how-to, but forgot it answered that part of the question). Im duplicating the link here again for others.


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Yes, please!!!

Thanks for jumping in.


For clarification:  Are you saying if I/we load Nodelink on the RPi, this is all set to beautifully do this, or, is there further development needed by you to have Nodelink do this?

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Sorry my phone is being stupid lately and cutoff.


In a future version of Nodelink I'll be integrating ISYLogger into it with additional functionality.  You'd be able to select certain nodes that could be sent to SEG or Emon.  I currently have code to send to both in my GEM module so adding the functionality for ISY nodes shouldn't be too hard.

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Sorry my phone is being stupid lately and cutoff.


In a future version of Nodelink I'll be integrating ISYLogger into it with additional functionality. You'd be able to select certain nodes that could be sent to SEG or Emon. I currently have code to send to both in my GEM module so adding the functionality for ISY nodes shouldn't be too hard.

Great, so if io_guy has plans for it then I probably won't pursue adding it to ISYHelper.


Sent from my Pixel C using Tapatalk

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Sorry my phone is being stupid lately and cutoff.


In a future version of Nodelink I'll be integrating ISYLogger into it with additional functionality. You'd be able to select certain nodes that could be sent to SEG or Emon. I currently have code to send to both in my GEM module so adding the functionality for ISY nodes shouldn't be too hard.

That would be great, thanks!


Any idea what the likely timing would be?

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Great, so if io_guy has plans for it then I probably won't pursue adding it to ISYHelper.


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Hi Jimbo. I understood from your post a couple above, that this was not something you were wanting to tackle it this time. If you would, I truly welcome and the effort you're interested in.


Bottom line, I'm hoping that we can have an immediate solution on the lines of what xathros is doing, and then a more robust long-term solution using an intermediary like IsyHelper and/or Nodelink.


Thanks everyone for your collective thinking in Defort

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Hi Jimbo. I understood from your post a couple above, that this was not something you were wanting to tackle it this time. If you would, I truly welcome and the effort you're interested in.


Bottom line, I'm hoping that we can have an immediate solution on the lines of what xathros is doing, and then a more robust long-term solution using an intermediary like IsyHelper and/or Nodelink.


Thanks everyone for your collective thinking in Defort

I am very interested in this, and on the surface it seems pretty easy to add. But finding the time and deciding on the priority is my issue. Also, I'm afraid if I start adding this, I will end up wanting to install many more monitors around my house, sucking away more of my free time :-) I will review the referenced posts and make a decision.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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