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KPL Non-Toggle Off Button Turns On when Pressed


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I have an 8-button KPL (latest revision from SH, just installed). Button A is the local load; Buttons B to G are various scenes; and Button H is the "Room Off" button.


What I'm trying to accomplish is: pushing Button H should cause all room devices and KPL buttons to turn off. This should happen immediately on button push with no delay or KPL button flashing.


So far, I've been able to get close, but not perfect (at least not without a program). Here's what I have so far:


Case A

- Set Button H as the controller of a scene with all room devices and all KPL buttons (A to G) as responders

- Set device levels to 100% (under the main scene and under the Button H controller)

- Set Button H as non-toggle OFF

---> This works, however when Button H is pressed it flashes for a few seconds on the KPL before the KPL buttons are shut off. This is a bit confusing to the user.


Case B

- Set Button H as the controller of a scene with all room devices and all KPL buttons (A to G) as responders

- Set device levels to 0% (under the main scene and under the Button H controller)

- Set Button H as non-toggle OFF

---> This results in all devices and KPL buttons turning off immediately when Button H is pressed; EXCEPT for Button H, which turns on and remains on. This is strange because it is definitely set as Non-Toggle OFF. Also, the ISY believes Button H is OFF until I query the KPL (local load), at which point is recognizes it's actually on. Pressing Button H again has no effect - it remains on until I issue an off command to the scene containing it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated - even if it's just explaining WHY Case B is happening.




- Brian

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I have been battling this same issue since I got new dual-band dimmer KPLs.


They simply don't work right. I resorted to creating special scenes to turn them off, and run a program a few seconds after any button is pressed that turns them off. It's rather annoying.

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This issue was addresses in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=13123&start=15

I continue to have this problem with firmware 4.1 with a KPL 2334 v 0.43. It is interesting that you observed different behaviors of the KPL based upon the responder settings. I have responders set to 0% for my all off scene in the great room. I just tried setting the response for the all off button "H" to 100%, but the problems persisted. Meaning when I press the all off button it stays lit.

I have a program that runs to turn the KPL button off:

       Control 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots / GR Spots KPL (DB) - H All Off' is switched Off

       Wait  5 seconds
       Set Scene 'Great Room / GR All Off KPL Off' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

I have not tried manually setting the KPL to non-toggle off, but will give that a try.


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So tried to manually set the KPL to non toggle off. It seems to only go between toggle and non-toggle on, I think I recall pointing out that the user manual for the KPL only shows

• Toggle – toggles between on and off commands each time it is tapped

• Always On – sends on every time it is tapped

No Always Off listed. So maybe a device hardware problem since my older devices work fine. Now the KPL button does not want to go back to the ISY "non toggle off", so I added to my correction program.

       Control 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots / GR Spots KPL (DB) - H All Off' is switched Off
    Or Control 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots / GR Spots KPL (DB) - H All Off' is switched On

       Wait  5 seconds
       Set Scene 'Great Room / GR All Off KPL Off' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Maybe Michel will have some ideas on this.


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I had head that non-toggle off functions in the new keypad wheel were going to be deleted or have been deleted as an option with manual linking. It actually looks like the wheel has changed back to the way it use to be where you put the button in off or on mode and follow it with the three second presses of the set button. I was able to get a button to instantly send an on command with out blinking and the default of flashing three times. The flashing is so the user knows that the keypad is doing something. It does look like the non-toggle off do send On commands to the button of its own keypad. It will turn off buttons on another keypad but appears to be a bug in the keypad that it turns on the keypad buttons of its own keypad. I will let QC at Smarthome know.



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