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Unable to Sign-on Remotely with One Computer


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I am unable to sign on to the ISY994i/Pro remotely from my home computer. I get a blank admin console. The problem exists with and without Avast disabled. I am able to make contact with the ISY via MobiLinc and with my office computer which also has Avast on it. In both locations, I use 4.1.2 to sign on to the 4.1.1 program. Both computers run Win7 64 bit. I have been able to sign on with the home computer before. All of a sudden, it stopped working. I'm signing on in both locations using my dyndns address. I have rebooted the ISY remotely from the office computer. I have the latest version of 64 bit Java. I have also deleted the Java cache.


I get the following errors at home:

"socket open failed java.netsockettimeout exception" then

"XML Parse Error with https://xx.xx.xxx.xxx:443/desc".


The strange thing is that I have been on the other end of this issue before and have advised disabling Avast. Now, I'm on the wrong end.


Anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this?



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You hit the nail on the head!


I went to the trouble of signing up with dyndns and creating my own "xxxx.xxxxx-xxx.com" address as the secure https:// that I can use at home, at the office and also with MobiLinc Pro. The reason that I switched to the dyndns method is that the address did change several times in the past.


What I didn't do was to use that address to sign on to the ISY at home.





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For security reasons, you might want to refrain from using the external domain address internally :)


You never know what can happen with DNS.


Some people might say that this is going a little overboard but, I say "the more secure the better". Especially when you start using locks.

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