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ISY994iZ/IR PRO and Kwikset 910TRL Zigbee deadbolt


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Dear all,


I've contacted the Kawikset manufacturer and they let me know they offer the electronic deadbolt with two protocols. Zwave and Zigbee. Since the ISY994iZ/IR PRO is not compatible with Zwave, I have to make sure it will be compatible with the Zigbee protocol used on Kwikset 910TRL. Can someone clarify if it really have differences on Zigbee protocols?


Thank you

Sandry Seibert


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Please add me in as another person strongly wanting support for the Zigbee protocol. It seems the Zigbee protocol has been relegated to only energy management and nothing else.


Lets please move forward and provide the same support for TSTAT, Locks, and other related devices.


Teken . . .

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Hi Teken,


Are you referring to Zigbee HA?


With kind regards,



I would just be happy to see Zigbee locks and TSTAT's to be supported. The other HA devices could be supported later on, time permitting. Otherwise my only recourse is to upgrade one of my ISY to the Z-Wave model which (currently) can't talk two way with the Zigbee ISY I have now.


The cleanest approach is to provide support with Zigbee for locks and TSTAT's. Off memory I believe I saw related threads indicating Zigbee TSTATS were supported but I don't recall what brands / models.


As always, I thank UDI and you, for their endless support and development of the ISY platform.


Teken . . .

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Hi Teken,


Thank you. The problem with Zigbee is that it's completely unlike INSTEON, Z-Wave, UPB and any other protocol out there. Basically, there's really no interoperability between profiles. For instance, the RCS Zigbee thermostat that we support cannot be supported in HA. Or, none of Zigbee profiles are interoperable with Smart Meter. And, better yet, if we go to HA route, the likelihood that you can use the same radio to also communicate with your GEM is extremely low (if not zero).


With kind regards,


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I am another xbee fan and would love to see connectivity from my isy. Would it be possible to provide this feature at a lower level? Similar to tcp messages in the network module (great feature... I use it to send simple on/off/dim messages to an arduino on my network). So a user would configure a canned xbee packet (assuming xbee series 2 in api mode) specifying destination address and message data. then make sending that pre-defined packet a programmable function. Even one-way messaging would provide value... and its a first step towards two way! tie variables to offsets into received message packets.... but thats for later!'


I am not familiar with the door locks mentioned above (sounds cool!), but if their protocol is open, it may be possible to replicate the required messaging with this feature.... at least for controlling the lock.


Anyway, just a thought.




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Hi Teken,


Thank you. The problem with Zigbee is that it's completely unlike INSTEON, Z-Wave, UPB and any other protocol out there. Basically, there's really no interoperability between profiles. For instance, the RCS Zigbee thermostat that we support cannot be supported in HA. Or, none of Zigbee profiles are interoperable with Smart Meter. And, better yet, if we go to HA route, the likelihood that you can use the same radio to also communicate with your GEM is extremely low (if not zero).


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


It would be appreciated it you could find sometime and review the API docs for the Zigbee enabled locks the OP has posted up and report back if its even possible.


One would think some of these makers would try to follow a standard. History has proven when standards are not followed, adoption rates are near zero from the consumer point of view.


Any help in this regard would be very helpful and would at least put to bed whether this is something those who have the ISY-994 iZ version can either look forward to, or just abandon.


Teken . . .

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Hello Teken,


Do you have a link to their APIs? I think an NDA is required.


With kind regards,



I would have to assume since you're already working on their Z-Wave devices its would be one and the same?? The only difference in my view is that you're asking them for the Zigbee API documentation and have to believe you would have signed a NDA to obtain their Z-Wave API docs, no?? :?:


Teken . . .

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just a feedback..


I've decided to have a Schlage lock with Z-wave instead ZigBee. It's working, but have some small bugs to be fixed by UD or maybe Schlage.. I've noted that if you request too many queries to the lock it will forget or lock the node and you'll loose connection to your ISY. Also the signal from lock or ISY or BOTH is too weak and about 30feets you may have issues. I've purchased a separate antenna from eBay to "try" to solve this issue.


Schlage lock is good, but expensive as the Kawikset, however is the only one I've heard is working well with ISY.


Mine use entry codes and I'm able to use programs to alert me who arrives. Hopefully one day UD implement PUSH notification for Apple devices.


Sandry Seibert

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  • 3 months later...

I need some Feedback / Clarification .

I currently, have the ISY994 Z Series (zigbee)..


- Does the current ISY994 Z Series (zigbee) provide any support for any zigbee HA locks ?


- Currently, what does the isy Zigbee RCS Module support ? Wireless energy monitoring and Thermostats devices?


- If I go the Z-Wave Dongle route, with the Z-Wave Assembly Kit, will it stop my zigbee wireless communication and enable Z-Wave wireless communication?


- With the Z-Wave change over ,  can I use the network module to connect to Greeneye and still have all of the isy energy monitoring functionality ?


Thanks in advance for your comments...


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You can have only one or the other protocols: zigbee or zwave


The current zigbee module you have currently supports thermostats and the energy module.


This thread was about gaining support for zigbee locks which has since fallen in the cracks because zwave is the primary focus at the moment.


I hope very much after 5.0 is released there will be development set aside to allow zigbee locks.


Those who have zwave can already monitor energy. It can not interact with the GEM as it uses zigbee to interact and capture the energy readings.


Once 5.0 is released it will allow two ISY Controllers to have two way communications which would allow you to have Zjgbee & zwave in one environment and tie them together.


That is one hell of a expansive solution over supporting Zjgbee locks!



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Teken, thanks for your reply.

Is there a 5.0 release date ?

ETA is the end of this year. UDI will need to confirm the final release date as it's quite fluid given all their work on Z-Wave.



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Hi mikeduck,


I want to clarify that currently we have concrete plans to support Zigbee HA devices. Furthermore, if we were to support them, it would break existing Zigbee support since HA is a completely different protocol.


We shall investigate Zigbee HA once we are in 5.0 alpha cycle but, unfortunately, I really cannot give you an ETA since it seems that there's always something there to slow us down.


With kind regards,

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  • 11 months later...

Hello Michel,

It's been a while since anyone has followed-up on this topic.


Is there any current or near term solutions as it pertains to:

  • ISY994 Z Series (zigbee) communication with zigbee Kwikset locks.
  • Two ISY994 (one zigbee and one z-wave) bridged using version 5 firmware.   This would involve changing the zigbee module on the kwickset to a z-wave module and using the second bridged ISY for communication.  As Teken stated, this would be a expansive solution over supporting Zigbee locks.  However, this would provide two widely used standards to expand one network system for future growth.

Best regards,


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