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Program Deactivation


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I have a program that prevents any of the outdoor lights from being turned on and if they were turned on, they would be shut off immediately. This program is only active until after sunset.


Sometimes with cloud cover here in PHX, it gets darker earlier outside and I want to temporarily disable this program just for that one day to allow any of the outside lights to be manually turned on, but the following night, revert back to normal operation. How do I achieve something like this? Variables? If so, can an example be provided? Thanks

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I assume you have a program such as:

       From    Sunrise
       To      Sunset  (same day)
   And (
            Status  'Devices / Outside / Front' is not Off
         Or Status  'Devices / Outside / Porch' is not Off
         Or Status  'Devices / Outside / Outside1' is not Off

       Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside / All Outside' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Option 1:

You could add an integer variable, named something like "KeepOutsideLightsOff"

Setting it to 1 keeps the program running, setting it to 0 prevents the program from running.

You would add 1 more condition to the check.

       From    Sunrise
       To      Sunset  (same day)
   And (
            Status  'Devices / Outside / Front' is not Off
         Or Status  'Devices / Outside / Porch' is not Off
         Or Status  'Devices / Outside / Outside1' is not Off
   And $KeepOutsideLightsOff is 1

       Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside / All Outside' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Note: I made it an integer variable just to that changing it wouldn't unnecessarily trigger the program. You could make it a state variable, and changing it would trigger the program, but I don't think it would do much.


Then create programs to set that variable to a 0 or 1.


Option 2:

If you have a spare KPL button, you could use that instead. Forget the variable, and use the status of the KPL button.


The program would change to:

       From    Sunrise
       To      Sunset  (same day)
   And (
            Status  'Devices / Outside / Front' is not Off
         Or Status  'Devices / Outside / Porch' is not Off
         Or Status  'Devices / Outside / Outside1' is not Off
   And Status  '' is Off

       Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside / All Outside' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Note: I have it using the KPL button status of "Off" so that usually the KPL button won't be lit. So:

Off=Program runs as usual (no daytime use)

On=Allow daytime use

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