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difference between "on" and "switched on&quot


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I am using an EZSnsRF with Dakota sensors. I have the EZSnsRF linked successfully to the ISY-26 and can see the state of the Dakota sensors changing from off to on (triggered). My problem is that if I have a program


If 'sensor1" is switched On

Then set 'warning light' On


The triggering of the sensor1 doesn't cause the warning light to be turned on.


If I use the program


If 'sensor1" is On

Then set 'warning light' On


Does successfully turn the warning light on when sensor1 is triggered.


What is the difference between "switched On" and "is On"? I know that "switched On" implies an transition between off and on will cause the "Then" to be executed. But in my case it fails. The sensor1 goes from off to on and "then" is not executed. But if I use the "is On" condition it works Ok.

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Hi Mark,


Control XYZ is switched On


Status XYZ is On


I think it may be confusing to put 'is switched' in the wiki because it is not an operator and you don't see it in the input boxes.


The operators are 'is', 'is not' etc.


The values that may be selected are 'On', 'Off' etc.


'On' shows as 'switched on' when the condition uses 'Control'.



- When you use 'Control' you are testing for how it was turned on, eg. On, Fast On, Off, Fast Off etc. You see the word 'switched' to emphasize that.

- If the action listened for occurs (eg. Fast On) then this condition activates the program (causes program to run either then or else path).



- When you use 'Status' you are testing for its current brightness level.

- If the status changes then this condition activates the program (causes program to run either then or else path).

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Are To and From operators too?


No, these are used for selecting the type of schedule to use eg. Time is, From/To, From/For.


As for operators/values ...


The set of operators, and set of comparable values depends on the type of device.


For example, for a Dimmable device (eg. LampLinc):

Operators: 'is', 'is not', ''

Comparable values: 'Off', '1%', '2%' .. '99%', 'On'


For example, for a Relay device (eg. ApplicanceLinc):

Operators: 'is', 'is not'

Comparable values: 'Off', 'On'

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