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Easiest way to track power usage


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There seems to be a lot of info on tracking energy usage but most of it is above my head. I'm hoping someone can point me down the right path.


I would like to monitor my whole house energy consumption. I don't need anything broken down on a circuit level just whole house. I would like the ISY to notify me when usage is out of the norm (based on comparisons to averages, etc). I would also like to view real time and period based consumption in Mobilinc.


I don't have Ethernet near my service panel but there is wifi in the house.


What's the easiest way to get this going?

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Hi raymondh,


If your utility provides Smart Meters, then the best would be to use the Zigbee SEP module and enroll in the HAN program in your utility.


Otherwise, the only other way would be to use Brultech energy monitors. If you need whole house only, then the Ethernet version would work fine but you will need to install CTs (Current Transformers) in the breaker.


With kind regards,


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What other technologies are you using in your home?


There is also a Z-Wave based whole house energy monitor that works identically to the Brutech one mentioned above. The communication protocol used is Z-Wave though, so if you already have a mesh network that can extend to your box this may be a viable alternative.


I use android, so I'm not sure how well the MobiLinc does on power monitoring for apple (it doesn't for android).

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I can tell you from first hand experience once you start to monitor the whole house. You will eventually want to know and monitor all the individual circuits in your home.


There are plenty of items on the open market now that provide some insight as to what energy is being consumed. Keep in mind a lot of them have huge variance in terms of power readings supplied. Many of the products do not actually give you the *True Power* which is what the POCO charges you.


I would encourage you to save up and spend your money once for a Brultech ECM-1240, or Green Eye Monitor (GEM).


This is an on going development thread I have created here to track my efforts: http://www.brultech.com/community/viewt ... ?f=2&t=929


Teken . . .

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I like using all z wave plugs when I have need as they double as power monitoring as well.


I would be very interested in seeing what sort of information your Z Wave plug ins can provide. Any graphs and charts you can provide would be much appreciated. Right now I can monitor whole branch circuits along with individual loads and track their long term energy use.


With the ongoing development of the energy module from UDI it will be even more powerful and capable in the not too distant future.


Below are some quick shots of the single device monitoring plug I use.




I currently have three of the five plugs monitoring some test equipment getting ready to be deployed in the next few months. The plan is to know the start up power / current, idle, and peak energy when under high loads.


This will help me to craft the proper ISY programs to be alerted and then have the Insteon network react to those needs.




Below is an example of one of the test circuits using the special modified plug and CT. This plug is monitoring the sump pump in my home. I don't get a lot of rain so in the almost five years I lived in this home I have not heard the sump pump go off more than a hand full of times.


This has made me a bit anxious and scared as our area is known for massive floods once in awhile. Below my fears were alleviated as you can see the sump pump came on 15 times. That week was never ending rain storms and the ISY / Dash Box, Green Eye Monitor picked it up and recorded the values.




This is a zoomed in look at one particular day. Sump Pump Channel 19 (Yellow) is monitoring the actual branch circuit. While the Utility Room 30 (Purple) is the special plug / CT installed directly to the pump outlet itself.




As indicated once you get into monitoring the whole house. You eventually want to know more about vampire draws, and what loads are impacting your over all electrical costs.


Below is my fridge and having the ability to know how many times the fridge has kicked in, for how long, and how many defrost cycles have occurred.


Has given me the knowledge to make the appropriate changes to the temperature settings to obtain the most efficiencies while balancing costs. As you can see when my fridge goes into defrost mode it consumes 472.20 watts.


There were times where the kids left the door open causing the fridge to stay in a defrost mode longer. There were even times where the rear vents were blocked which caused the fridge to keep running for hours! :evil:




This is the same graph but I have changed the DB to show me the current / amps. Knowing this information for other devices allows me to know the inrush current, etc. And build my back up systems to accommodate such loads for the generator & solar back up.




For those wanting to know the PF (Power Factor) of a device the DB / GEM can provide this information as well as Volt Amps.




A quick snap shot for the current year for various loads. This chart displays the current watts, KWH consume, and the total dollars.




Some like the pretty graphs / charts like my GF! :D Not sure why she likes the pie charts? :?:








Right now I care more about how freaking hot its getting outside and I don't even have AC! :cry:




This is the same day but rendered in a bar graph.




Just a snap shot view of the entire 1 wire temperature probes in and around my home.



Another snap shot view of various loads in the home.




One of my favorite past times is monitoring the voltage from the POCO. :mrgreen:




My GF believes I have some sort of voltage disorder because I like to monitor the POCO! :mrgreen:





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I have to say - in my old house I had the Aeotec zwave monitor on the incoming supply. I was (as @Teken suggests) never happy with that - and wanted to get more information about individual circuits, decent trending etc.


@Teken, thanks for posting what you did - both here and over at http://www.brultech.com/community/viewt ... ?f=2&t=929. I has pushed me over the edge, so to speak, and I just ordered the GreenEye Monitor from Brultech for my new house (I'll be closing on it in about 3 weeks - moving in 4 - and so will have some time I can install things like this with minimal disruption). You should get a commission!


Other than the GEM and CTs (I ordered a package, with CT pack A and G initially) - do I need anything else? Is all the graph generation done on device - or did you need to hook the GEM up to a cloud service for this?


Edit: Should point out that I have 1 ISY - with zwave. So no Zigbee is possible. I saw you mentioned something calls a 'DASHbox' to send data to SEG (http://smartenergygroups.com/api) - but I'm struggling to find details of this. I found this page: http://www.mypowerpanel.com/web-server/ but the 'Buy' link goes to a blank page.





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I have to say - in my old house I had the Aeotec zwave monitor on the incoming supply. I was (as @Teken suggests) never happy with that - and wanted to get more information about individual circuits, decent trending etc.


@Teken, thanks for posting what you did - both here and over at http://www.brultech.com/community/viewt ... ?f=2&t=929. I has pushed me over the edge, so to speak, and I just ordered the GreenEye Monitor from Brultech for my new house (I'll be closing on it in about 3 weeks - moving in 4 - and so will have some time I can install things like this with minimal disruption). You should get a commission!


Other than the GEM and CTs (I ordered a package, with CT pack A and G initially) - do I need anything else? Is all the graph generation done on device - or did you need to hook the GEM up to a cloud service for this?






Hello Michael,


To be able to see and render the energy readings from the GEM you will need to send the data to one of three solutions.


1. On premise data server using any of the free software suites indicated in the Brultech forum.


2. Send the data to SEG (Smart Energy Groups) which is a free energy hosting site.


3. Purchase the Dash Box (DB) which is a mini Linux server which generates all the pretty graphs you see in this post. The DB will capture all of the energy, temperature, pulse, voltage, etc and render it for the end user for later historic review.


The DB will also relay the same information to SEG which provides you even more charts, graphs, tools, to see the same energy, temperature, pulse, voltage readings with a different perspective. I used option three because it provided me a in house solution while also giving me a virtual cloud storage of the same data as a back up!


If you intend to interact with your home as I do then you must have the Zigbee enabled ISY. If your only goal is to see the data then any of the above is more than fine. Once the ISY is able to communicate to two different ISY controllers via 2 way network module. I will be purchasing the Z-wave option to allow me more flexibility and fail over in case Insteon ever goes under.


After you wade through the massive install thread you will see the information regarding the Dash Box! :mrgreen: Please let me know if you have more questions and I would be happy to assist.


Teken . . .

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Thanks @Teken! Can the GEM directly send data to SEG? If so - that will likely be my initial solution. I do prefer on premise though - so I'll look into that once the crush of work from moving is over. I think I'll eventually be going DASHbox (now that I looked again at the Brultech site I found the link) once I have the main monitor installed.


As far as ISY is concerned - I'll probably wait and see what UDI do. I'm invested in zwave - and do not want to lose that functionality to add Zigbee. Given the unclear direction, I need to know if I should buy a separate Zigbee ISY - or wait until the next hardware rev and hope it has dual protocol support (and live without ISY integration of the Brultech in the mean time).


If only ISY could consume the data directly over the network without needing Zigbee.... Oh well..

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Thanks @Teken! Can the GEM directly send data to SEG? If so - that will likely be my initial solution. I do prefer on premise though - so I'll look into that once the crush of work from moving is over. I think I'll eventually be going DASHbox (now that I looked again at the Brultech site I found the link) once I have the main monitor installed.


As far as ISY is concerned - I'll probably wait and see what UDI do. I'm invested in zwave - and do not want to lose that functionality to add Zigbee. Given the unclear direction, I need to know if I should buy a separate Zigbee ISY - or wait until the next hardware rev and hope it has dual protocol support (and live without ISY integration of the Brultech in the mean time).


If only ISY could consume the data directly over the network without needing Zigbee.... Oh well..


1. The GEM can absolutely send directly to SEG with out any other device.


2. UDI will not be coming out with a dual Z wave / Zigbee device as it was stated it was too expensive to produce.


3. I understand that you can see limited information via Ethernet but you still require the energy module plug in from UDI. Michel can give you more clarity and insight on that aspect.


Please let me know if there are any further questions I can answer.


Teken . . .

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  • 7 months later...

Thanks Teken for his detailed information about energy monitoring.


Some questions:


A technical question. You mentioned that your setup can show you voltage (and I have seen your other voltage fluctuation charts elsewhere). How can the device deduce voltage from a CT sensor? CT sensors measure flux from the AC current through the wire... Do you have something additional?


A second technical question: Your voltage fluctuation charts imply that the voltage is sampled pretty high (did I read 10kHz or so?). That is a lot of data... And you send all that to GEM? Even the dashbox, which doesn't have a rotating disk, must fill up fairly quickly.


A Zigbee question... From what I gather, your GEM communicates via zigbee to your dashbox and your dashbox communicates to SEG (via TCP/IP). Does your GEM also communicate the same data to your ISY via zigbee?

Since I'm new to zigbee, how far does the zigbee signal travel? Would I be stuck creating a zigbee mesh of at least a couple zigbee devices?


Also, the GEM has "options" for ethernet and Xbee (assume the latter is zigbee). I assume you have both options on your GEM?




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Thanks Teken for his detailed information about energy monitoring.


Some questions:


A technical question. You mentioned that your setup can show you voltage (and I have seen your other voltage fluctuation charts elsewhere). How can the device deduce voltage from a CT sensor? CT sensors measure flux from the AC current through the wire... Do you have something additional?


Unlike a lot of other cheaper energy monitors on the market that do not measure *True Power*. The GEM does and uses a dedicated PT transformer that plugs into a AC outlet to monitor the line voltage. This is how the system is able to detect and monitor the line voltage from the POCO.


A second technical question: Your voltage fluctuation charts imply that the voltage is sampled pretty high (did I read 10kHz or so?). That is a lot of data... And you send all that to GEM? Even the dashbox, which doesn't have a rotating disk, must fill up fairly quickly.


Depending upon what method of data storage (SEG) is free so no cost or loss to you sending it to the cloud. If you store the energy data on the Dash Box (DB) by default the server can store 2 years of detailed (minute data) and 12 years of hourly data using the base system. I have upgraded my system with a 32 Gb Micro SD which now allows me to have 8 years of (minute data) and 18-20 years of hourly data.


If you're hosting your own data server using a 1 TB drive would yield more than 75 years of data. So its really up to you how to store and aggregate the information.


I went with cloud hosting and local DB storage as it allowed fail over and many charts / graph options etc.


A Zigbee question... From what I gather, your GEM communicates via zigbee to your dashbox


Zigbee is only used to communicate to the ISY.



and your dashbox communicates to SEG (via TCP/IP).


The Dash Box (DB) is hard wired using a RS-232 cable to the GEM. The DB sends the data to SEG cloud services via a tethered Ethernet connection. 



Does your GEM also communicate the same data to your ISY via zigbee?


Yes, as noted above the ISY receives all energy data via Zigbee. This allows you to see 32 nodes in the device tree and craft programs etc with them.


Since I'm new to zigbee, how far does the zigbee signal travel?


I am unsure what the physical distance is for Zigbee as there are of course many variables that impact over all distance. But in my use case my GEM is physically in the basement while the ISY is upstairs on the main floor in a COM closet. The distance is more than 50 feet and no problems have been seen in data transmissions. 



Would I be stuck creating a zigbee mesh of at least a couple zigbee devices?


I have no other Zigbee products in my home so in my case a mesh was not required.


Also, the GEM has "options" for ethernet and Xbee (assume the latter is zigbee). I assume you have both options on your GEM?


My unit was the first GEM ever released to the public and there for only tethered Ethernet was available at the time. The company now offers a combination WiFi / Ethernet card so its a win win for install and use case.


Zigbee is indeed intended for the ISY or other Zigbee related devices, I have both. 


NOTE: I have been working with the Brultech company since the initial GEM launch. During that time ISY development was slow to none existent. Because of this I have with the tremendous help of Brultech come up with a method which allows you to use the DB to send State Variables for all channels: Energy, Temperature, Pulse, Voltage, NET metering, etc to the ISY.


This allows you to have Z-Wave in the ISY all the while pushing all the same data into the ISY Series Controller.





Hello Bert,


Answers in line . . .


Please let me know if you require more information as it pertains to the GEM / DB.

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Thanks Teken,


In the mean time, I found and read your posts on the Brultech forum. Thanks for all the details.


You wrote: "I have with the tremendous help of Brultech come up with a method which allows you to use the DB to send State Variables for all channels: Energy, Temperature, Pulse, Voltage, NET metering, etc to the ISY."

Do you see this as a good alternative to ZigBee between the ISY and the GEM? If so, I'm interested!


Since you have such an extensive setup and experience, let me ask you an unrelated question...

 I have a good generator (Honda ES6500) but when the phases are unevenly loaded, the heavily loaded phase voltage drops. This is what the regulator correctly does to avoid over voltage on the lightly loaded phase.

What I wish I could do is to let the ISY control the load when I switch to the generator after a power failure; e.g. turn off the laster printers, furnaces, refrigerators, pumps because they will all draw power at the same time when I switch to the generator. Of course, I cannot do that because I have no power; while I have my electronics and the network on UPSs, my Insteon switched and outlets are not (of course).

What would solve this is a device that turns off after loosing power and stays off after the power comes back.

Any advice? Besides buying a much bigger (Generac  :cry: ) generator?




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Hello Bert,


Since the DB can send state variables to the ISY it is a great alternate solution for those already invested into Z-Wave and can not have the Zigbee card installed at the same time.


I also pushed to have this feature because it allowed all channels to be exposed and available for use in programs.


Working with Brultech my ultimate goal has been to add more features and functions sadly missing from the current Energy Monitor offering. Also to remove some of the development dependencies from UDI as they are hard at work in other areas such as firmware 5.XX.


In the next 11 months you're going to see more features and capabilities within the DB. As I push for more unification of core HA / network attributes.


Generator: I have used many Appliance Links which upon power loss stay in the off position. This has been my solution to allow a two tiered load shedding fail over solution.


My system already has a load shedding feature but is never called to duty because the generator is over sized and will never be over loaded.


An Insteon On/Off Relay module may be the solution for you.


Please report back success / failure as I am sure others may be Interested also.





Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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  • 1 month later...



I'm getting closer to invest (buy a new toy) into a Brultech energy monitor. Unfortunately, Brultech doesn't allow me to register for their forum without a "valid" name of an energy monitor.

Thus I'm asking it here: Is it advisable to put a CT on the incoming power lines? Mine are big aluminum wires that require a big expensive CT. After all, I will have CTs on all breaker wires...


I plan on getting a GreenEye monitor and a dashbox. I have not decided yet on Zigbee and I also don't know how easy it is to upgrade my existing ISY994i with ZigBee.


After seeing the pictures of your setup, I'm jealous since my breaker box is build in a shear wall with taped sheetrock. I have a box next to my breaker box, but it is a metal box :(




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I'm getting closer to invest (buy a new toy) into a Brultech energy monitor. Unfortunately, Brultech doesn't allow me to register for their forum without a "valid" name of an energy monitor.


Please note there are two types of registration. One is for the product and the other is for the forums. Please ensure you select forum registration located here: http://www.brultech.com/community/index.php 


We look forward to seeing and supporting you in the Brultech forums!


Thus I'm asking it here: Is it advisable to put a CT on the incoming power lines? Mine are big aluminum wires that require a big expensive CT. After all, I will have CTs on all breaker wires...


I always suggest purchasing and using the primary CT's to monitor the main feed. The benefits are the following in my humble opinion.


- Ability to see live energy consumption on a global scale.

- Know which side of the electrical feed is more loaded.

- Provides the end user the ability to plan and build for a balanced load on the panel.

- Indicates (Total Power) for at a glance when drilling down is not required.



I plan on getting a GreenEye monitor and a dashbox. I have not decided yet on Zigbee and I also don't know how easy it is to upgrade my existing ISY994i with ZigBee.


Zigbee can be added at anytime to either devices whether it be the ISY or GEM. Since you already intend to purchase the Dash Box (DB) this will allow you to send state variables to the ISY in full. Meaning all 32 channels, pulse, temperature, voltage will be available for you to use and command your Insteon network to react to those incoming values.


Going this route also allows you to have Z-Wave in place which in my mind (didn't have this option since development was still being worked on) is a great balance between HA support / use. All the while incorporating Energy Management into your HA infrastructure. 


After seeing the pictures of your setup, I'm jealous since my breaker box is build in a shear wall with taped sheetrock. I have a box next to my breaker box, but it is a metal box :(


Many people have had to install conduit to allow the integration from the service panel to the GEM. Consider this a mini remodel and a long term investment to the family and home.  This is a one time purchase that will provide endless insight that many others only dream about.


Break out the hammer and smash some walls, its only chalk!





Hello Bert,


Answers inline and if there are any other related questions please do ask them here until you get registered. We all look forward to seeing your project and stand ready to serve.

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Thanks Teken,

I placed my order :)

Now, you're all knowing! Welcome to the brotherhood of energy conservation. your devices should arrive with the most up to date firmware.


If not, please do update both units to ensure the most features. Configure all networking attributes first. So you can talk to the box's if any trouble shooting is required.


Please take sometime to read over all the PDF manuals to get a basic understanding of the install process and setup.


Label all CT's at the end of the wire for ease of install and future trouble shooting. Ensure AC power is present for all three transformers: Dash Box, GEM, GEM PT.


Should you run into any problems please do let us know.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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