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Energy Monitoring - Tracking Run Time


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I wonder if the ISY is running out of network buffers.  This might explain an apparent UI hang since the UI is a network client. 


Michel, is there data that can be captured via the console port to determine if there is an issue with the network stack?



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Let's start with the 30%. Please let me know exactly what "... the never ending JAVA pop ups in various nag prompts appear" are. I do not need screenshots. I just need the errors you are getting. 


As far as ISY taking down GEM and Dashbox, well, that's pretty hard to digest. It might be the other way around as ISY does not send anything to GEM and Dashbox.


Xathros, if ISY runs out of network buffers, you will see them in the error log. The last time I checked Teken's error logs they were pretty clean except for a few instances of queues being full (which points to infinite loop in programs). This said, the fact that restarting UI fixes the issue 70% of the time makes me suspect the network. 


With kind regards,


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I wonder if the ISY is running out of network buffers.  This might explain an apparent UI hang since the UI is a network client. 


Michel, is there data that can be captured via the console port to determine if there is an issue with the network stack?




As another data point for those following along.


This problem is present on different computers at different locations. It doesn't matter if I am using the direct IP, or the Public IP to remote in to view / control the ISY.


I have used various web browsers and the problem is present in various degree's but don't take much stock on it being a web browser issue as there is no defined threshold of when and if the freeze, unresponsive, to the never ending Java nag prompts appear.


What is factually different is when the ISY started supporting higher encryption methods etc. Which thus caused that never ending nag prompt to appear to create a self signed cert.


Why am I bringing this to light??


Because this is just one element that has added to this issue.


From work using the Public IP address with the same IP address at the same computer terminal I have always received the nag prompt.


Good, or bad it appears and it has been a known variable of when I connect. This same behavior has been the case while at home using the same (Fixed IP) address and static IP computer terminal.


Now, even at home the self signed cert pop up does not always appear???


I have been told various things to explain away this behavior but the facts do not support the answer. I know if the self signed cert pop up DOES NOT APPEAR that session is going to be gamble as to how its going to operate.


Maybe the above data point will provide some insight to some of the issues I see. 

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Let's start with the 30%. Please let me know exactly what "... the never ending JAVA pop ups in various nag prompts appear" are. I do not need screenshots. I just need the errors you are getting. 


As far as ISY taking down GEM and Dashbox, well, that's pretty hard to digest. It might be the other way around as ISY does not send anything to GEM and Dashbox.


Xathros, if ISY runs out of network buffers, you will see them in the error log. The last time I checked Teken's error logs they were pretty clean except for a few instances of queues being full (which points to infinite loop in programs). This said, the fact that restarting UI fixes the issue 70% of the time makes me suspect the network. 


With kind regards,




Socket Open Failed java net Socket time out exception, XML Parse Error Proxy Device Process Event,

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As far as ISY taking down GEM and Dashbox, well, that's pretty hard to digest. It might be the other way around as ISY does not send anything to GEM and Dashbox.




I can only tell you what I see and have observed as being true.


When the ISY was very locked up the Dash Box was not accessible and none of the data streaming from the GEM was coming into the Dash Box.


At the same time the ISY obviously had nothing to show (updated energy readings). The only way to restore data flow and be able to access the Dash Box was to hard reboot the ISY 994 Series Controller.


This problem has happened more than ten times now.

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Thank you. Anything other errors above and beyond:

Socket Open Failed java net Socket time out exception, XML Parse Error Proxy Device Process Event,


With kind regards,



Invalid / Incorrect program key other screen shots are appended in the 4.2.8 thread.

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Thanks Teken.


This is what I want you to do:

1. Tools | Clear Error Log

2. telnet to ISY (open a terminal window and type "telnet isy's.ip.address", log in using your credentials. At the prompt, type DON followed by enter

3. Clear your Java cache: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/plugin_cache.xml 

4. Delete ALL bookmarks to ISY's remote IP address. For this test, you can NOT use the remote IP address of ISY

5. Go to http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.2.8/admin.jnlp ... this will install an icon on your desktop and brings up the Admin Console. If it does not, click on the Add button and enter http://your.isy's.ip.address. This icon is the one that you MUST use for this test and NO other methods

6. Wait for the Admin Console to hang. Once hung, either write down the error messages or screenshots PLUS what you were trying to do at that time

7. Restart the Admin Console

8. Go to Tools | Error Log and save it

9. Send me both the error log (#8) AND whatever you have created in #6 to support@universal-devices.com


Thank you.


With kind regards,


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Is this program I have created following your steps correct?


        $s.GEM_FridgeRuntimeCycleMins >= 34
    And $s.GEM_FridgeNotifySuspend is 0
        $i.GEM_Fridge_Cycle_Extra  = $s.GEM_FridgeRuntimeCycleMins
        $i.GEM_Fridge_Cycle_Extra -= 34
        Send Notification to 'GMX' content 'GEM - Fridge Cycle Exceeded'
        $s.GEM_FridgeNotifySuspend  = 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
The system does not seem to provide me the difference in run time that exceeds the 34 minutes max I set out.
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The first notification is sent at 34 minutes because runtime is equal to 34.  Since 34-34=0, I would expect a notification using $i.GEM_Fridge_Cycle_Extra to read 0 on the first notification.  Does this Re-Notify after a period of time if the cycle has not ended?  If so, the next notification should show the amount beyond 34 minutes that the cycle has been running.



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The first notification is sent at 34 minutes because runtime is equal to 34.  Since 34-34=0, I would expect a notification using $i.GEM_Fridge_Cycle_Extra to read 0 on the first notification.  Does this Re-Notify after a period of time if the cycle has not ended?  If so, the next notification should show the amount beyond 34 minutes that the cycle has been running.




Well, here's what I have seen and observed. 


If its past the 34 minutes it does not send me the difference at all. If its at the 34 minute mark I agree the total should be zero which is what I do see and have monitored.


Today the fridge ran for more than 40+ minutes and yet all I got was the first message at the 34 minute mark, no follow up?

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There would need to be a second program to reset the variable $s.GEM_FridgeNotifySuspend back to 0 after a predetermined delay.  After that has been reset, if the fridge is still running, another notification will be sent this time showing the time beyond 34 minutes.



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There would need to be a second program to reset the variable $s.GEM_FridgeNotifySuspend back to 0 after a predetermined delay.  After that has been reset, if the fridge is still running, another notification will be sent this time showing the time beyond 34 minutes.




If you could provide an example to follow that would be great. For testing purposes I set the existing program to -=1 and it did in fact send me an alert indicating the difference of 33 minutes.


What ever happen to the days were you simply entered a value for a defined time and getting an output of the excess?? LOL

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The reset/throttle program would look like this:

   $s.GEM_FridgeNotifySuspend is 1

   Wait 5 Minutes
   $s.GEM_FridgeNotifySuspend = 0


So, after 5 minutes of suspended notifications, the timer runs out and sends another notification as long as the fridge is still running.



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OK, I want to be sure this is going to operate as I intend it to. So please bare with me on this issue.


I would like the notification to send me an alert indicating the fridge is running past the defined threshold say 35 minutes. Afterwards once the fridge has actually stopped the total run time will be sent out indicating the total amount of run time.


Will the above program do this or will it simply nag me at five minute intervals telling me it's another five minutes in running?



Encrypted By: Phoenix Security Solutions

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That program is an every 5 minute nag.  what you want instead is:

   $s.GEM_FridgeNotifySuspend = 1
   $s.Fridge_Wattage_Variable < running Wattage value  <---- Obviously not the correct syntax here.

     $i.GEM_Fridge_Cycle_Extra  = $s.GEM_FridgeRuntimeCycleMins

     $i.GEM_Fridge_Cycle_Extra -= 34

     Send Notification to 'GMX' content 'GEM - Fridge Cycle Exceeded'

You will also need to add a delay in the original monitor program to hold off resetting the runtime variable long enough for this notify to be sent:


        Wait  1 minute
        Repeat Every  1 minute
           $s.FridgeRuntimeCycleMins += 1
           $s.FridgeRuntimeCycleMins Init To $s.FridgeRuntimeCycleMins
           $s.FridgeRuntimeDailyMins += 1
           $s.FridgeRuntimeDailyMins Init To $s.FridgeRuntimeDailyMins
        Wait 15 Seconds <----- Add delay here!
        $s.FridgeRuntimeCycleMins  = 0
        $s.FridgeRuntimeCycleMins Init To $s.FridgeRuntimeCycleMins


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