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Another ALL ON Event

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In time all the Insteon devices should be updated to avoid the condition.   Until then local program changes have been successful in avoiding creating the situation. 


Hi Algorithm,


There could be a bug in ISY but, based on the code (and specifically if you have not moved to 5.0.x) it's quite unlikely.


The fact that the disabled program is only run by physical activity AND the fact that a KPL button is involved is quite intriguing. May be the bug is that a disabled program is run when it shouldn't? Is this KPL button a controller in any scenes? If so, which? Do you see any activities from this KPL prior to the All on event (in the logs)?


With kind regards,



Hi Algorithm,


There could be a bug in ISY but, based on the code (and specifically if you have not moved to 5.0.x) it's quite unlikely.


The fact that the disabled program is only run by physical activity AND the fact that a KPL button is involved is quite intriguing. May be the bug is that a disabled program is run when it shouldn't? Is this KPL button a controller in any scenes? If so, which? Do you see any activities from this KPL prior to the All on event (in the logs)?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


The KPL is in a pedestal, and none of the buttons are controllers of any scenes; each button can operate (via programs) different devices, depending on the sequence of buttons pressed.  One such sequence operates the disabled program under discussion--note that it takes a sequence of presses to trigger that program.  There is no activity shown in the log, from the KPL, for a lengthy period of time prior to the event.  The KPL pedestal is sitting on my desk in front of me, where I was when the event occurred, and I know that I did not operate it at that time.  I just can't believe that the KPL, or the disabled program, had anything to do with the ALL ON event.


Whether it is a bug, or is considered correct operation, the additional two scene ON commands do occur every time the same original sequence of events occurs; i.e. laundry light is on, stair light is off, motion is sensed, stair light turns on, program runs to turn on rec room lights, and then the rec room light scene turns on twice more.


This is a fairly frequent series of events, and from the log, it appears to always includes those extra two scene ON commands.  But only that one time did an ALL ON event occur at the same time.


Are the extra two scene ON commands normal operation, or a bug?  I don't know.  Do they have anything to do with the ALL ON event?  I suspect not.




Hi Al,


Thanks so very much for the details. If they happen all the time, would you be kind enough to use the Event Viewer, change the level to 3, and then cause that specific program to run? Once that's done, please copy/paste the output of the Event Viewer to a reply to this post.


Thank you.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel and All,


With regard, not to the ALL ON events, but to the repeated scene ON commands, I have been able to reproduce those events.  It would be appreciated if others might be willing to confirm.  I am on firmware 4x, but it would interesting if this were tested on both 4x and 5x firmware.



A motion sensor, and a light, together in a scene (will be referred to as motion sensor, and motion light)

Another light (will be referred to as regulator)

A third light in a scene (will be referred to as target and target scene)

A test program, shown below.



Create the following program, using whatever name you like, and of course using your devices:


Repeat Test

             Control 'motion sensor' is switched On
          Or Status  'motion light' is not Off
    And Status  'regulator' is not Off
    And Status  'target' is Off
        Set Scene 'target scene' On
   - No Actions -


Optional:  open event viewer to level three.


Ensure that regulator is on.

Ensure that motion light and target are off.


Activate motion sensor.



View log; you should see the following:


Motion sensor activated, and motion light turned on

Target scene turned on by program and status updated

Target scene turned on by program again.




Here is my actual data:


Repeat Test - [iD 0270][Parent 0001]

             Control '3Lvl / 3d Bathroom Motion-Sensor' is switched On
          Or Status  '3Lvl / 3d Bathroom Lights' is not Off
    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d CompRm Main Lights' is not Off
    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Hall Light' is Off
        Set Scene '3Lvl / 3s Hall Light' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

97478 3Lvl / 3d Bathroom Lights	Status               90%  Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:03 PM  System  Log
97479 3Lvl / 3d Bathroom Motion-Sensor      Status  100%  Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:03 PM  System  Log
97480 Scene:3Lvl / 3s Hall Light            On            Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:04 PM  Program Log
97481 3Lvl / 3d Hall Light                  Status   90%  Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:04 PM  System  Log
97482 Scene:3Lvl / 3s Hall Light            On            Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:05 PM  Program Log
97483 Scene:Scenes / sbAll                  On            Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:05 PM  Program Log
97484 Scene:Scenes / sbAll Except MBR       On            Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:05 PM  Program Log
97485 Scene:Scenes / sbAll                  On            Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:06 PM  Program Log
97486 Scene:Scenes / sbAll Except MBR       On            Fri 2016/04/15 01:58:06 PM  Program Log


In the original program shown in previous posts, the light linked to the motion sensor is controlled by two switches.  I didn't have another three-way switch that was linked to a motion sensor, so I used the single-switch light in the program above.  For reference, here is the original program, and resultant log:


4Lvl Stairway Motion Laundry Check - [iD 0253][Parent 013C]

             Control '4Lvl / 4d Stairway Motion-Sensor' is switched On
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Top' is not Off
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Bottom' is not Off
    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Laundry Light' is not Off
    And Status  '4Lvl / 4d Rec Room Track Lights' is Off
        Set Scene '4Lvl / 4s Rec Room Track Lights' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

97487 Scene:3Lvl / 3s Laundry Light         On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:03 PM  Web     Log
97488 3Lvl / 3d Laundry Light               Status  100%  Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:03 PM  System  Log
97489 Scene:Scenes / sbAll                  On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:04 PM  Program Log
97490 Scene:Scenes / sbAll Except MBR       On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:04 PM  Program Log
97491 Scene:Scenes / sbLaundry              On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:08 PM  Program Log
97492 1Lvl / 1d Kitchen Cntr KPL - D        Status  100%  Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:08 PM  System  Log
97493 2Lvl / 2d Office KPL - D	            Status  100%  Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:08 PM  System  Log
97494 4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Top          Status   90%  Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:37 PM  System  Log
97495 4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Bottom       Status   90%  Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:37 PM  System  Log
97496 Scene:4Lvl / 4s Rec Room Track Lights On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:37 PM  Program Log
97497 4Lvl / 4d Rec Room Track Lights       Status   90%  Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:38 PM  System  Log
97498 Scene:4Lvl / 4s Rec Room Track Lights On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:38 PM  Program Log
97499 Scene:4Lvl / 4s Rec Room Track Lights On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:39 PM  Program Log
97500 Scene:Scenes / sbAll                  On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:40 PM  Program Log
97501 Scene:Scenes / sbAll Except MBR       On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:40 PM  Program Log
97502 Scene:Scenes / sbLaundry              On            Fri 2016/04/15 02:00:44 PM  Program Log

Notice that in the original, the additional scene ON command occurs twice, while in the test, it occurs only once.  I relate this to the fact of the original updating the status of two switches, and the test updating status of only one switch.


Event viewer data follows in next post below.





Hi Al,


Thanks so very much for the details. If they happen all the time, would you be kind enough to use the Event Viewer, change the level to 3, and then cause that specific program to run? Once that's done, please copy/paste the output of the Event Viewer to a reply to this post.


Thank you.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Here is the event viewer level three log, both for the test shown in the post above, and then for the original program:


3d Bathroom Motion Sensor 11.9F.18

3d Bathroom Lights 30.DA.46

3d CompRm Main Lights 30.DA.64

3d Hall Light 30.DA.57


4d Stairway Motion Sensor 14.6C.D4

4d Stairs Light Top 30.D9.4F

4d Stairs Light Bottom 30.D9.65

3d Laundry Light 39.94.57

4d Rec Room Track Lights 30.D9.85



Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 11.9F.18 00.00.01 CB 11 01    LTONRR (01)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [std-Group   ] 11.9F.18-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [11 9F 18 1] [DON] [1] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [  11 9F 18 1]      DON   1

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [D2D-CMP 0270] CTL [11 9F 18 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [D2D-CMP 0211] CTL [11 9F 18 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [D2D-CMP 020D] CTL [11 9F 18 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 11.9F.18 00.00.01 CF 11 01    LTONRR (01)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [std-Group   ] 11.9F.18-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 11.9F.18 3B.97.42 45 11 01    LTONRR (01)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [std-Cleanup ] 11.9F.18-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 28 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [30 DA 46 1] [sT] [229] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [  30 DA 46 1]       ST 229

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.28 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:01 PM : [D2D-CMP 0270] STS [30 DA 46 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 0211] STS [30 DA 46 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 020F] STS [30 DA 46 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 017B] STS [30 DA 46 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 00CE] STS [30 DA 46 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 0042] STS [30 DA 46 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 28 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [11 9F 18 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [  11 9F 18 1]       ST 255

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.28 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 38 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 2F CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [30 DA 57 1] [sT] [229] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [  30 DA 57 1]       ST 229

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.38 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 0270] STS [30 DA 57 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 017B] STS [30 DA 57 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 00CE] STS [30 DA 57 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:02 PM : [D2D-CMP 0049] STS [30 DA 57 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:03 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.2F CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:04 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 38 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:04 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 2F CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:04 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.38 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:04 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.2F CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:56 PM : CLI-HAMW: Connecting to api.aerisapi.com

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:57 PM : CLI-HAMW: Successfully Processed HAMW Response

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:57 PM : CLI-HAMW: Connecting to api.aerisapi.com

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:57 PM : CLI-HAMW: Successfully Processed HAMW Response

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:58 PM : CLI-HAMW: Connecting to api.aerisapi.com

Fri 04/15/2016 01:58:58 PM : CLI-HAMW: Successfully Processed HAMW Response

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 2A CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.2A CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [39 94 57 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [  39 94 57 1]       ST 255

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D-CMP 0253] STS [39 94 57 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D-CMP 023F] STS [39 94 57 1] ST op=1 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D-CMP 0217] STS [39 94 57 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D-CMP 017B] STS [39 94 57 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D-CMP 013B] STS [39 94 57 1] ST op=1 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D-CMP 00CE] STS [39 94 57 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:00 PM : [D2D-CMP 004A] STS [39 94 57 1] ST op=1 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:01 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 38 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:01 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.38 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:02 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 2F CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:02 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.2F CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:05 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 5C CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:05 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.5C CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:05 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [3D 80 55 4] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:05 PM : [  3D 80 55 4]       ST 255

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:05 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [39 79 CF 4] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:05 PM : [  39 79 CF 4]       ST 255

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.6C.D4 00.00.01 CB 11 01    LTONRR (01)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [std-Group   ] 14.6C.D4-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 6C D4 1] [DON] [1] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [  14 6C D4 1]      DON   1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [D2D-CMP 0253] CTL [14 6C D4 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [D2D-CMP 015C] CTL [14 6C D4 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [D2D-CMP 013B] CTL [14 6C D4 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.6C.D4 00.00.01 CF 11 01    LTONRR (01)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [std-Group   ] 14.6C.D4-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:34 PM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.6C.D4 3B.97.42 45 11 01    LTONRR (01)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [std-Cleanup ] 14.6C.D4-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 52 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.52 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [30 D9 4F 1] [sT] [229] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [  30 D9 4F 1]       ST 229

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 0253] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 023F] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 023E] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 0217] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 017B] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 0146] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 013B] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 00CE] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:35 PM : [D2D-CMP 004E] STS [30 D9 4F 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 52 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.52 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [30 D9 65 1] [sT] [229] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [  30 D9 65 1]       ST 229

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 0253] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 023F] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 023E] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 0217] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 017B] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 0146] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 013B] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 00CE] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 004E] STS [30 D9 65 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 52 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [30 D9 85 1] [sT] [229] uom=0 prec=-1

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.52 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [  30 D9 85 1]       ST 229

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 0253] STS [30 D9 85 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 023F] STS [30 D9 85 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 023E] STS [30 D9 85 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 0217] STS [30 D9 85 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 017B] STS [30 D9 85 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 00CE] STS [30 D9 85 1] ST op=6 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:36 PM : [D2D-CMP 004D] STS [30 D9 85 1] ST op=1 Event(val=229 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:37 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 38 CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:37 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.38 CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:37 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 2F CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:38 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.2F CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:41 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 5C CF 11 00

Fri 04/15/2016 02:00:41 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.5C CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)





This Program will be triggered twice.   First trigger when the Motion Sensor sends the motion On message.  The second trigger occurs when 'motion light' status changes to On (not Off).



Repeat Test

             Control 'motion sensor' is switched On
          Or Status  'motion light' is not Off
    And Status  'regulator' is not Off
    And Status  'target' is Off
        Set Scene 'target scene' On
   - No Actions -


Here is Event Trace of my sample Program ....


Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.C1.C7 00.00.01 C7 11 01    LTONRR (01) - Motion On
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [std-Group   ] 14.C1.C7-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 C1 C7 1] [DON] [1] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [  14 C1 C7 1]      DON   1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D-CMP 0075] CTL [14 C1 C7 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D-CMP 006C] CTL [14 C1 C7 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D-CMP 0045] CTL [14 C1 C7 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.C1.C7 00.00.01 C7 11 01    LTONRR (01)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [std-Group   ] 14.C1.C7-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.C1.C7 22.80.0B 41 11 01    LTONRR (01)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 14.C1.C7-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 5C CF 11 00 - First Scene On from Motion On
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 16 90 AB 0F 11 FF
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 C1 C7 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [  14 C1 C7 1]       ST 255
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.5C CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 41 95 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [  14 41 95 1]       ST 255
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D-CMP 006C] STS [14 41 95 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D-CMP 003B] STS [14 41 95 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 5C CF 11 00 - Second Scene On from linked device On
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 16.90.AB 0F 11 FF 06          LTONRR (FF)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [16 90 AB 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [  16 90 AB 1]       ST 255
AAAA4 - [iD 006C][Parent 0001]
        Control 'MS I2CS-Sensor' is switched On
     Or Status  'LampLinc DB' is not Off
        Set Scene 'SceneCrossLink' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



This Program will be triggered twice.   First trigger when the Motion Sensor sends the motion On message.  The second trigger occurs when 'motion light' status changes to On (not Off).



Repeat Test



             Control 'motion sensor' is switched On

          Or Status  'motion light' is not Off


    And Status  'regulator' is not Off

    And Status  'target' is Off



        Set Scene 'target scene' On



   - No Actions -

I think this came up before and the second trigger is dependant on ISY's internal sequences.


Since there is no real status of a device, and ISY only keeps status from the last signal sent from the device,  the second trigger happening would be based on:

         whether ISY processes program triggers before changing it's internal last known status of the sending device.



If ISY changes it's internal last known status of the device, based on the signal, and then process the program trigger, two triggers of the program should not happen.


IIRC, the answer was unknown, due to the  multi-tasking  process engine, inside ISY..


I have to disagree.  The Program is triggered by the motion On message.   This happens when the PLM (ISY) receives the motion On message.   The Program performs it's Then coding which turns a Scene On.


The ISY is aware of the Scene the Motion Sensor is executing and sets the Motion Sensor Responder state to On.   When that happens the Program is triggered again because the Responder device is no longer Off.   The Then is executed again turning the Scene On again.


Is there some load condition that would allow the ISY to process the motion On internally and turn the Motion Sensor Responder state to On before any user Program is executed, I guess that could be possible.   However, I would put that into a rare situation if even possible.  The common result is for the Program (as currently coded) to be triggered twice.  If the user does not want two triggers the Program should be coded differently.      



Here is Event Trace of my sample Program ....


Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.C1.C7 00.00.01 C7 11 01    LTONRR (01) - Motion On
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [std-Group   ] 14.C1.C7-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 C1 C7 1] [DON] [1] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [  14 C1 C7 1]      DON   1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D-CMP 0075] CTL [14 C1 C7 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D-CMP 006C] CTL [14 C1 C7 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [D2D-CMP 0045] CTL [14 C1 C7 1] DON op=1 Event(val=1 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.C1.C7 00.00.01 C7 11 01    LTONRR (01)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [std-Group   ] 14.C1.C7-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.C1.C7 22.80.0B 41 11 01    LTONRR (01)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 14.C1.C7-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:17 AM : [iNST-DUP    ] Previous message ignored.
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 5C CF 11 00 - First Scene On from Motion On
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 16 90 AB 0F 11 FF
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 C1 C7 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [  14 C1 C7 1]       ST 255
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.5C CF 11 00 06          LTONRR (00)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 41 95 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [  14 41 95 1]       ST 255
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D-CMP 006C] STS [14 41 95 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D-CMP 003B] STS [14 41 95 1] ST op=6 Event(val=255 uom=0 prec=-1) != Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 5C CF 11 00 - Second Scene On from linked device On
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 16.90.AB 0F 11 FF 06          LTONRR (FF)
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [16 90 AB 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 04/16/2016 07:33:18 AM : [  16 90 AB 1]       ST 255
AAAA4 - [iD 006C][Parent 0001]
        Control 'MS I2CS-Sensor' is switched On
     Or Status  'LampLinc DB' is not Off
        Set Scene 'SceneCrossLink' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Hi Lee,


To me it seems that ISY might trigger the program once, or more than once, depending, as Larry said, upon ISY's processing algorithm.  Evidence (both yours and mine) suggests that it is being triggered more than once (twice, in the case of my test program; three times in the case of the original program).


But more to the point, no matter how many times the program is triggered, should it run the THEN path more than once?  In your test program, the answer is yes, since there is nothing to limit it.


But in both the original program, and in my test program, the THEN path is only allowed to run when the status of target is off; after the THEN has run, the status of target is no longer off; therefore, THEN should not run a second time.  But this, too, may be dependent upon the order in which ISY evaluates and processes, which is why I hesitate to call it a bug.  But since Michel called it out in the original program, I am waiting to see what he has to say about the test results.




The test program involves two possible triggers from the same motion detector device.


The posted, possible problem program, doesn't have a condition based on the same motion detector.

The test program logic  is what I misread your program, being  triggering from the same device that is used as a condition. This was incorrect but applies to the test program.


The two programs are completely different situations and not analogous to each other by logic but....


  ...if it could cause an ALL ON event, semi-repeatedly,  it would be a big step towards sleuthing the problem.


Hi LeeG, thanks SO very much. As always, 100% correct.


Hi larryllix, you are right on.


Hi Algorithm, as larryllix suggested - and as LeeG explained - the test program is not the same as your original program. ISY processing works like this:

1. Control ... physical activity ... causes a program to run

2. Control might also cause the status of a device to change, creates and event, and thus program that depends on the status will run again


So, in the test above, it's 100% expected that the Then will run twice.


With kind regards,



Hi LeeG, thanks SO very much. As always, 100% correct.


Hi larryllix, you are right on.


Hi Algorithm, as larryllix suggested - and as LeeG explained - the test program is not the same as your original program. ISY processing works like this:

1. Control ... physical activity ... causes a program to run

2. Control might also cause the status of a device to change, creates and event, and thus program that depends on the status will run again


So, in the test above, it's 100% expected that the Then will run twice.


With kind regards,


Well then Algorithm may have a test bench for other users to try to create an "ALL ON" event.


I would hate to tempt fate but, if others are will to install this simple program, maybe involving a few MS units or other battery operated units, to increase probability  we may come up with a test situation that could create the bad event 5-10% of the time?


Recommend people put these test programs in a folder with  the  folder enabling section to only run

    (  when the house is occupied


       occupied by the ISY OCD person, and



       during waking, energetic hours of the day


Sure would be nice to make this recreatable for UDI to find a solution.


We may just discover only certain hardware combinations do this evil event.


I sure hope Smartlabs knows the cause of the All On as they are changing the firmware in the PLM and other Insteon devices to resolve the situation.


Smartlabs does not know the specific cause of the ALL ON/OFF nor does anyone else. However, SL has eliminated the ALL ON/OFF command from currently produced devices because there's no reason to include that in the Insteon protocol (as there once was).


I would be sure SL knows more than they are making out to make a drastic change in every device they make.


They reportedly tell UDI that no other HA system has this problem and then they change their whole line?

Something stinks in Denmark there.


Hi LeeG, thanks SO very much. As always, 100% correct.


Hi larryllix, you are right on.


Hi Algorithm, as larryllix suggested - and as LeeG explained - the test program is not the same as your original program. ISY processing works like this:

1. Control ... physical activity ... causes a program to run

2. Control might also cause the status of a device to change, creates and event, and thus program that depends on the status will run again


So, in the test above, it's 100% expected that the Then will run twice.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


As per your request (post #229), I posted an event trace (post #231) of the original program (it also includes a trace of the test program); did that help at all?


Please explain how the original program and the test program are not the same?  I intentionally used different devices, and I noted the fact that in the original program, the motion light had two switches, while in the test program it had only one switch, because I didn't have a different three-way that was motion controlled.  Here are those programs again:





             Control '4Lvl / 4d Stairway Motion-Sensor' is switched On       <--  Motion Sensor

          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Top' is not Off                         <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor

          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Bottom' is not Off                    <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor


    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Laundry Light' is not Off                                  <--  Regulator Light

    And Status  '4Lvl / 4d Rec Room Track Lights' is Off                        <--  Target Light



        Set Scene '4Lvl / 4s Rec Room Track Lights' On                          <--  Scene Containing Target Light





             Control '3Lvl / 3d Bathroom Motion-Sensor' is switched On       <--  Motion Sensor

          Or Status  '3Lvl / 3d Bathroom Lights' is not Off                            <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor


    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d CompRm Main Lights' is not Off                       <--  Regulator Light

    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Hall Light' is Off                                                <--  Target Light



        Set Scene '3Lvl / 3s Hall Light' On                                                  <--  Scene Containing Target Light


   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


They follow exactly the same pattern (with different devices), and they yield the same results.  Please explain how they are not the same, for the purposes of what we are trying to test, namely, multiple scene on commands, which is what you questioned with the original program, back in post #197?






I would be sure SL knows more than they are making out to make a drastic change in every device they make.


They reportedly tell UDI that no other HA system has this problem and then they change their whole line?

Something stinks in Denmark there.


Larry, I've been thinking exactly along those lines for some time now, but you summed it up very concisely!




I'm not sure what the current issue is (and don't want to muddy the waters), but for the following ...

             Control '4Lvl / 4d Stairway Motion-Sensor' is switched On       <--  Motion Sensor
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Top' is not Off                         <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Bottom' is not Off                    <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor
    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Laundry Light' is not Off                                  <--  Regulator Light
    And Status  '4Lvl / 4d Rec Room Track Lights' is Off                        <--  Target Light

... The program will run the Then path three times because the events for the Stairway Motion-Sensor (DON), Stairs Light - Top (ST), Stairs Light - Bottom (ST) will be processed before the status of Rec Room Track Lights is updated in programs.


Of course the program will only run multiple times if ST events were generated for Stairs Light - Top and/or Stairs Light - Bottom (i.e. they weren't already on when motion sensor went on). 


I'm not sure what the current issue is (and don't want to muddy the waters), but for the following ...

             Control '4Lvl / 4d Stairway Motion-Sensor' is switched On       <--  Motion Sensor
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Top' is not Off                         <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Bottom' is not Off                    <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor
    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Laundry Light' is not Off                                  <--  Regulator Light
    And Status  '4Lvl / 4d Rec Room Track Lights' is Off                        <--  Target Light

... The program will run the Then path three times because the events for the Stairway Motion-Sensor (DON), Stairs Light - Top (ST), Stairs Light - Bottom (ST) will be processed before the status of Rec Room Track Lights is updated in programs.


Of course the program will only run multiple times if ST events were generated for Stairs Light - Top and/or Stairs Light - Bottom (i.e. they weren't already on when motion sensor went on). 

If Algorithm wants to avoid (theoretically) and prove the ALL ON events enabling  he should break up the multiple triggers with a separate program that handles the conditions without the triggers.



           Control '4Lvl / 4d Stairway Motion-Sensor' is switched On       <--  Motion Sensor


         Run following program


If (not enabled)

          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Top' is not Off                         <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor

          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Bottom' is not Off                    <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor


    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Laundry Light' is not Off                                  <--  Regulator Light

    And Status  '4Lvl / 4d Rec Room Track Lights' is Off                        <--  Target Light




I would be sure SL knows more than they are making out to make a drastic change in every device they make.


They reportedly tell UDI that no other HA system has this problem and then they change their whole line?

Something stinks in Denmark there.


Larry, it's usually not difficult to change/eliminate a firmware command. UDI updates firmware quite often. It's not a drastic change and the basic firmware is the same on virtually every Insteon controller, one change works for all.


There is no evidence that the problem extends beyond the ISY994. I haven't even seen a ISY99 user report an ALL ON.


A possible explanation is that the ISY994 is so smart that it can detect a signal that no other Insteon manger can see B)


Hi Algorithm,


Apologies. They are the same for the purposes of this test. We are currently looking through your Event Viewer logs.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Thank you.




I'm not sure what the current issue is (and don't want to muddy the waters), but for the following ...

             Control '4Lvl / 4d Stairway Motion-Sensor' is switched On       <--  Motion Sensor
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Top' is not Off                         <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor
          Or Status  '4Lvl / 4d Stairs Light - Bottom' is not Off                    <--  Light Linked to Motion Sensor
    And Status  '3Lvl / 3d Laundry Light' is not Off                                  <--  Regulator Light
    And Status  '4Lvl / 4d Rec Room Track Lights' is Off                        <--  Target Light

... The program will run the Then path three times because the events for the Stairway Motion-Sensor (DON), Stairs Light - Top (ST), Stairs Light - Bottom (ST) will be processed before the status of Rec Room Track Lights is updated in programs.


Of course the program will only run multiple times if ST events were generated for Stairs Light - Top and/or Stairs Light - Bottom (i.e. they weren't already on when motion sensor went on). 


Hello Chris,


Thanks so very much.  We were wondering why the logs showed the scene being turned on three times.  You have answered that.


Is there a rule that can be generalized from this?  Is it that the statements in the IF are processed in order (I don't think this is the case)?  Or something else?




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