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Communication Failure with EZRain/EZFlora

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ISY-994 running 4.2.66


One EZFlora module installed several years ago for sprinkler control.  Everything working fine for 2 or so years. 

Sprinklers are no longer turning on for the last several weeks.  Possibly concurrent with my upgrade to 4.2.66, but then maybe not. 

Sprinkler valves have all been checked / turned on electrically via jumpers, and all are working.


When I attempt to turn on any of the eight zones, via the Admin Console, no sprinkler activity.  The status remains OFF for the main zone (the first one in the list). 

When I do a Query, status remains OFF.  However, the query only seems to be actually taking place for the first zone, ie I can see the little arrows appear for a second in the status box, and then an update.  I do not get the "little arrows" for any of the other 7 zones, and of course there is not change in status.  This does NOT appear to be consistent with some other threads on this module I have read. 


I did a factory reset, and restore device.  No change. 

Compared the resulting link tables between the device and the ISY, and everything looks fine. 


Before I rip out the EZFlora, and return / replace it, is there something else I should check?  Has the new ISY-994 firmware changed the user interface for this device? 


I have had several issues with my EZFlora going non responsive, always required a repair / replacement.  In our area we have frequent power issues which I have blamed for my problems.  Mostly quick on and off's, not long enough for the generator to kick in.


With my last failure I have gone with the newer dual band unit placing in on a small ups.  Have not had it long enough to report on how it behaves long term.


You can try the Simplehomenet/Smartenit utility to eliminate (or confirm) the ISY as the problem. You can talk to the EZflora, look at its settings and turn the valves on and off. If SHN Utility can do it, something is wrong with your ISY. If not, the EZFlora is fried.


Its a free download, and you'll have to hook your PLM up to a serial port on your pc temporarily. You shouldn't have to worry about links, etc in your PLM. Just hook it up and do some testing.


An additional benefit is that there are configuration settings for the ezflora that the ISY doesn't set like mastervalves, so I keep it around for that reason.



(added link)




Thank you for the reply, but I only own Macs.  Thus, the utility is not viable.  The real bottom line, is there any logical reason, other than a failure,  for what I am seeing?..........


When I turn "ON" the EZFlora, via the Admin Console, the status in the admin console remains "OFF", even following a query, and the sprinklers do NOT come one. 


Novice in Dallas,




Have you tried using the Administrative Console to turn an output On,  then do a Status Check,  with the Event Viewer in Level 3 monitoring the messages? To see what maybe happening.


Is there anything obvious showing on the unit? Like discolored case or labels?


There are a few posts on the Smartenit Forums of the EZFlora failing. They do have a repair service. Though they indicated many times it is the base PLM they use to make the module failing.




Based on my experience with Insteon, I would guess the switching circuitry in unit is fried and a new unit is in your future.


The only other thing I can think of that I would try, in addtion to Brian H's comments above,  is deleting the existing EZFlora from your ISY and resintalling it. This one is a guess, and based on your checking the links doesn't seem a plausable resolution.


However, the reality is you are facing this step anyway if you're getting a new unit. It will only cost you a few minutes to see what happens when you add it back in.






Thank you for the reply, but I only own Macs.  Thus, the utility is not viable.  The real bottom line, is there any logical reason, other than a failure,  for what I am seeing?..........


When I turn "ON" the EZFlora, via the Admin Console, the status in the admin console remains "OFF", even following a query, and the sprinklers do NOT come one. 


Novice in Dallas,




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