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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Additional columns on "Main" device view for a communication summary


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Hi Michele-


A feature that has been helpful in other packages for me is a way to view a summary of communication % success by device.


This feature would allow trends to be spotted over time before they become problems. It also provides a quantitative baseline for proving if a change made actually did something;  did the percentage really go up when upgrading to dual band, etc?


The concept is adding columns to the device listing on "Main" in the Admin Console as follows:

  • A column for the percentage of communication successes with each device
  • Three columns for successful percentages by number of hops: 1. 2 and 3 hop
  • Being able to sort by the new columns is important isolate problem devices
  • Reset individual device results on the right click menu

It would show in admin console "main" like this:


Name | Current State | Address  | Type | Comm % | 1 Hop % | 2 Hop% | 3 Hop%


I'm an Insteon only user, but hopefully something like this would support Zwave and Zigbee too.


Thanks, as always, for considering input to make the product better


I second that.  Would make life much easier than exporting everything to excel etc. then slicing and dicing from there. 


Until it's implemented, in the ISY, HouseLinc has that capability if you need it now as a diagnostic :?


Until it's implemented, in the ISY, HouseLinc has that capability if you need it now as a diagnostic :?


Thanks Stu

I've tried that and they have a pretty good diagnostic procedure to go along with it. There is also an excellent 3rd party Insteon plugin for HomeSeer as well from M Sandler. I have used both of these through the hub and I'm using HS & plugin until I get tired of supporting 2 systems and sell my server and hub.


How can one use houselinc alongside the ISY?



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You can use any of number of devices as a gateway between a Widows computer and the powerline, including the serial PLM. A PLM can support only one device at a time, so you'd need a second gateway to run both concurrently. Just avoid creating any HouseLinc scenes.


Edit: It's really best to use a separate gateway for each HL and the ISY.


Ok. So a second plm. And hopefully it would work on a virtual machine on the Mac? Hmmmm



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You can download the free HL and test it w/o a gateway. If that works (i.e., HouseLinc starts), then you can test it with your current PLM if you have a cable and serial port available--after backing up the ISY!!!


Although more costly, the Hub is OS independent.


Ok. So a second plm. And hopefully it would work on a virtual machine on the Mac? Hmmmm


I've run a similar set up in a Windows 7 XPMode Virtual machine. Homeseer 3 was evaluated in this VM and used an external PLM through a virtual serial port from the host PC.


To be clear, I have run Houselinc. However, I never ran it side by side with ISY. That's a new experiment.


I do run HS2 and ISY side by side, until I move my sprinklers and fully migrate to the ISY. Getting them to work together took some work, which I expected. I got some great help from the forum and ISY tech support.


So you have to use a second plm which seems like it defeats the purpose of testing the reliability of the existing plm/ISY setup. Yes? Or am I missing something



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While I am migrating to the ISY, each of my running HA systems requires a separate PLM due to the design of PLMs.


The ISY's PLM and the HomeSeer PLM each plug into outlets wired  to a box that also houses my signalinc wired bridge going straight into my panel to breakers. They are side by side and each have identical paths to follow, powerline or RF. Conversations go straight from those PLMs to 'remote' devices in my house via powerline or RF.


Physically it looks like this:

ISY -->PLM 1-->Outlet--\

                                       Signalinc/Breaker-------->Remote Devices

HS2-->PLM 2-->Outlet--/


The signaling performance is measured between the PLMs and the devices (Success %, # of Hops), so I assume two side-by-side plms will have a very similar experience to the "remote" Insteon devices around my house. If not exact, they should be relatively the same. I get that complete report from Homeseer and one of its plugins, but not from ISY, hence the original post.


I would file my running two PLMs as a "necessary evil" during migration. Once I get my sprinklers migrated to the ISY, I will stop this practice and only fire up HS2 system if I think the diagnostic communication view will help.


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