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Motion sensor help, any examples out there?


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I'm having big issues with my motion sensor to the point I'm about ready to return the ISY and just live with the Hub's limitations since I'm not that great with this!  I've seen lots of examples online but none ever seem to properly work for me.  I just get lost with variables or when to use them vs multiple programs and so on.  I have 2 devices "KitchenMotionSensor", and "KitchenLight" to keep it easy.  All I'm unsuccessfully trying to accomplish is:


- If the time is between 3pm and 10pm, and the kitchen light is fully OFF, and motion is detected, then turn the kitchen light on to 100% and turn it off after 10 minutes.  If motion is detected at any time, then reset the 10 minutes.


- If the time is between 10pm and 5am, and the kitchen light is fully OFF, and motion is detected, then turn the kitchen light on to 9% and turn it off after 10 minutes.  If motion is detected at any time, then reset the 10 minutes.


- If at ANY time the kitchen light is turned ON using the Switchlinc wall switch (so night time motion turns it on to 9% and someone presses up on the switch to make it ON, or they press up to 50% etc, or between 3-10 if the motion has turned the light on, but someone presses up on the switch basically doing nothing or changes it to any other dimness level), then cancel the motion actions and permanently leave the light on until someone physically turns it off.


So basically what I'm trying to accomplish is between 8am and 3, motion does nothing, can turn the lights on or off, dim etc with the switch.  If the time changes from 2:59 to 3 and the lights are on at any brightness level, then ignore all motion unless the lights are off or turn off at some point.  If they are off and motion is detected, turn them on to 100% for 10 minutes and then off again.  If however I press up on the wall switch to ON again, set it to any brightness level etc, then ignore all future motion.  If the time changes from 9:59 to 10 and the lights are on at any brightness level, similarly ignore any future motion until the lights are manually turned off, or if they are already off and the time is 10pm to 5am, motion sets it to 9-10% brightness for 10 minutes then off.  If I press up on the switch to ON, change brightness etc, then disable all future motion until they are turned off manually.


Sorry I explained that basically twice, tried to write it more basic first and then more in just every day wording.  Thought I'd post here to see if there's any tips on how to tackle this before I return the ISY.  Would like to give it a proper chance, I just feel it might be overkill for me as most things I want to do have multiple conditions like this, and I haven't been able to make it work so I figure it's too hard for me to do!  Thanks!

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Do not create a scene involving the SwitchLinc and the Motion Sensor.


Instead, write two programs, one that's scheduled to run form 3pm until 10pm and anther that runs from 10pm until 5am (next day).


A condition is that the Motion Sensor sends an On. Both programs should also include the conditions that the (SwitchLinc is Off or is not 100%).


Tell the program to Then set the SwitchLinc to the desired level.


You'll also need a single program to turn off the lights.

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Thanks, that I don't really have an issue with.  It's more how do people handle the actual real world use of it all?   Like I mean, I walk in the kitchen in the above at 4pm, the lights come on.  I don't want them on now, so I turn them off, but they immediately come right back on since the motion triggers it again.  Would I write another program that if the Switchlinc goes to OFF to then disable the motion program for a set period of time?  But wouldn't that program then also disable the motion every time the motion turns off as well?


Same with if the lights come on but I want them to stay on, how do I handle that, if I want to press ON on the Switchlinc again and have the motion not turn them off.  That's where I keep getting confused, in that I find it very easy to program the ISY, it's when you actually start living in the scenes that you see all the issues, like people manually controlling the lights, or not wanting the motion to trigger anymore and so on.

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I think I might actually have this figured out, not home so can't test but I've been reading http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Using_Motion_Sensors_in_Bathrooms but I find it so confusing because it's not clear when they are starting a new program vs just adding on to a previous one. I think I just figured out that the final program basically starts at "Program 5" on the example and it's starting to click now.

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The great thing about a program is that is always does the same thing so that you don't have to. With few exceptions, it makes no sense to write a program that will only run once because it'll never again be needed. It's also useful to have a program adjust to different conditions. The more conditions imposed, the more complex the program.


You added conditions to your original premise. I'm sure you'll think of more. Life is like that. Start simple, eliminate the oft repeated tasks such as those you started with. Then, add the bells and whistles.

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I think I would first create a very simple program that serves, simply, to act as a condition for other programs. 



control switchlinc is switched on

or control switchlinc is switched fast on

or control switchlinc is fade up

or control switchlinc is fade down

or control switchlinc is not switched off

or control switchlinc is not switched fast off


stop timer program




This program is looking for manual presses of the switchlinc and will evaluate TRUE (runs THEN path) when the switch is manually turned on or brighten or dim, and will evaluate FALSE (runs ELSE path) when turned off.  It will also stop any ongoing timer countdown if runs true.


Create a timer program (probably needs to be done first, in order to create the first program, above).  This program needs no conditions, but will be called by subsequent programs:





set switchlinc to 100%

wait 10 minutes

set switchlinc off


set swithlinc to 9%

wait 10 minutes

set switchlinc off


From there, I would create a couple of programs similar to those suggested by stusviews:



time is from 3pm

to 10pm (same day)

and first program is false

and control motion sensor is switched on


run timer program (THEN PATH)




next program:


if time is from 10pm

to 3am (next day)

and first program is false

and control motion sensor is switched on


run timer program (ELSE PATH)


Syntax is, I am sure, not exact, but I hope you can get some ideas.  For the sake of time, I offer no commentary or explanation why I suggest this approach, so feel free to ask if the purpose of these is unclear, or if how this approach meets your needs is unclear.

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Great thanks so much oberkc, I'm going to try that tomorrow.  Been reading all night about this more so starting to understand things better now in terms of how they work.  One of the big problems I kept having was with the one program that stops the timer and turns off the light.  Instead of just having it then or else, I'd put a condition in, like motion sensor off turn off the light, so the lights would flash on and off over and over. :)

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As indicated the ISY can be as dumb as you like and compares to the HUB well. If you want more control, features, logic, it will surpass the HUB in every way.


But it's not a point and shoot event as you're finding out now.


The programming logic is not simple when lots of conditions are called into play.


But either is life . . .


It takes time, effort, and personal trial to learn and apply what you know.





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It would be nice if the ISY guided you through tasks or helped with certain things, like you say you want to make a new event or whatever, pick what belongs into it like motion sensor and light, and then it kind of figures out, okay are you wanting to control the light by motion?  And then just give all the options, like when should this happen?  How bright?  If the light is already on should the motion turn it off?  What do you want to press to disable the motion?  Etc, something like that would be handy.  I do see the value in it though in that because it's an empty canvas the sky is really the limit.  I think I just find it feels more limited compared to HomeSeer which I was trying out for a couple weeks which seems a bit easier to program for since they have more built in conditions like "If a device change from this status to that status then do this" or "If an email is received containing these words, launch this or that Windows application" and so on.

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I totally agree on all points and hopefully v5.0 firmware will close the gap in terms of UI and program logic ease.


Keep in mind regardless of the weakness in the current programming logic you and I have the power to ask UDI to make a change.


This sort if interaction and feed back will never be seen from Smarthome or from anyone directly from the Insteon dev team.


Please take a few moments to provide your feedback in the UI enhancements forum.


Keep plugging along!



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Is it normal though that the motion sensor triggering lights to come on is slower when using the ISY vs the Hub?  I just set up the Hub again as a test and literally as my foot enters the door the lights come on, but with the ISY I walk in and it's a solid second maybe 2 and then they come on.  All my issues are with the motion sensor, it drives me crazy because I'll get it working perfectly fine, but then it will start doing something completely random, like if you walk into the room within 10 seconds of the lights being automatically turned off, they won't come on.  You have to wait out the door for a second then go back in and then it works.  Stupid stuff like that, even though I'm following programs online exactly.  It does the same thing with the Hub sometimes just goes all weird.  I'm most likely going to just return the ISY because the motion sensors are the only things that I have where I have any use for the ISY, everything else is just scenes or status like Leak sensor, door sensor turning lights on like a closet light etc.  The ISY I only need for common areas where I wanted motion sensors, since I wanted different things at different times of the day, but there's just too many variables and conditions that could happen that I can't program it all, and then I start thinking that there's really zero point to a motion sensor turning a light on, like the light switch is RIGHT there.  It's nice in my laundry room since it had a pull chain light, but in the bathroom and so on it's just easier to hit the switch myself.  Every room I program I'll get it working but then later that day I'll turn the light off since I want it off, and the motion turns it back on.  So I realize oh yeah, I need a way to now disable the motion.  Then I start thinking of other people in the house and how they aren't going to remember to do a fast off vs off, or I'll think of my parents visiting and how I don't want to always have to say "make sure to press up twice on the light switch so the motion sensor doesn't turn the lights off if you're in there longer than an hour" etc.  That coupled with the fact that the switchlinc dimmers buzz so bad and in my bathroom especially they don't dim the lights at all, same with my lamps connected to a LampLinc that have Philips Hue, you can't dim them even though they are dimmable bulbs, you have to use the Hue app to dim them.  In my kitchen the 3 lights all buzz, and when you dim under 20%, one of the bulbs turns right off, the other 2 stay on but flicker.

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The motion sensor delay is caused by using an ISY program to turn on the light rather than a Scene like the hub did.  There are ways to work around this but one of your requirements from a previous post is preventing a quick on solution from being used.  Unless your having communications issues, the delay should not exceed 1 second.  Most of my motion light programs operate this way and I don't find it to be a major issue.


The root of the problem is the wireless motion sensor.  It is one way comm from the sensor to the ISY or Insteon scene.  If you want to only enable it during certain parts of the day, you need to use programs to make the decisions (ignore the sensor during the day).  If you only wanted different dim levels at different times of day, you could use a scene, get instant response from the MS and adjust the scene parameters from the ISY based on time of day.


The solution for manual override is fairly simple.  Use a program that watches the switches for manual operation.  When turned on or adjusted up/dn, disable the motion programs.  When turned off, delay 10 seconds then re-enable the motion programs.


The issue with having to stand still or exit the room for 10 seconds to re-trigger a sensor is likely due to the sensors internal configuration.  It can be configured for On only, sensing mode with no timeout.  In that configuration, there should be little no no dead time between detections.


I do agree with you that some automation is no better than the manual switch but in other areas it can be a godsend.


The buzzing lights are likely LED or CFL bulbs that don't care to be on a dimmer.  Some brands work better with dimmers than others.  I use Cree and Phillips LED's from Home Depot and others here have posted good results with them as well.


The motion sensors can have other uses as well.  I use mine in conjunction with other insteon device activity to maintain a Vacant/Occupied status at my place.  If no activity or motion has occurred and no phones are connected, the house goes to sleep, lights off, doors close/lock etc. For this usage the sensor reaction delay is not apparent.


I know the ISY seems hard to grasp at first.  It's a very capable and powerful controller.  Keep in mind, not all that is good is simple and not all that is simple is good.  I would urge you to hold onto the ISY for a while longer and let this community help you get started.


Hope this helps.



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Thanks for the help.  All my lights are LED, we don't have anything that isn't as we replaced them all last year.  I have a mix, some are Philips others are different brands some Ikea, most buzz to a different degree.  I think I'm going to actually try the Lutron sensing switches as they have 5/5 review on Home Depot and the motion is right in the switch and apparently is really accurate.  They are only $19.99 as well so makes more sense anyway compared to the cost of the Switchlinc and motion sensor, and the plus is that I don't have a motion sensor on the ceiling making my house look like an office.  Will see how it goes, as again everything else the Hub does perfectly for me, it's just these motion sensors giving me issues.  I think the problem with them also is when you make a change it seems like they take 10+ mins for it to fully register, so it makes troubleshooting hard as it seems like it's not working.  Where as sometimes it won't work at all after a change, but leave it alone for a bit come back 10 mins later and then it has registered the change.

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If you are following the motion sensor directions for setting parameters/jumpers, the changes should be instant.  I added a bit more to my last post after you replied.




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Sorry didn't see that.  Well for example I knew that changing the sensor to On mode or Occupancy mode might help, so I set it that way and saved it.  However any time motion would be detected after that it would just flash a red LED over and over for 5 seconds.  Once it started working, when the system would turn the lights off after the time out, the LED would just flash rapidly for 5-10 seconds in which time no motion would be detected, hence having to wait in the other room and then walk in and it would come in.  So not sure why I keep having so much trouble with these.


I'm going to keep it a bit longer but it's more I just don't think I have an actual need for it immediately.  All of this stuff really adds up, and I've bought a ton of switches and so on and I'm pretty much trying to find uses for them just to use them vs actually having a need on anything.  The motion sensors turning lights on in the bathroom really is more of a "this will be kind of cool and futuristic" vs there being any real benefit to having it.  For everything else, like lamps and so on they are all just timers, or sensors, like being able to see that my garage door is closed and notified if the front door opens if I'm away etc.  


I think my biggest problem is that my family is all also very random, so while it sounds like a nice idea to open the garage door from my car, and have that turn on the outside lights, unlock the back door, turn on the kitchen light etc, the reality is that I'd never actually ever need or use that.  If I lived alone it might be fine, but instead every idea I get requires 10 "If" and other programs to make up for all the possible scenarios for what might happen.


For me I really think the benefit and value here is in being able to have the sensors notify me if anything is odd while I'm on vacation or away from the house, and to have timers and the ability to control lights remotely should I want to make it look like someone is home.  The other area I think would be handy is with things like opening the closet door and having the light inside come on, those types of things.  I think motion events are just too complicated right now with too many possible outcomes and options, so I just don't really see the need for the ISY.  I think I'm also a bit biased now too because I used HomeSeer for a couple weeks before the ISY and I found it super easy to use and straightforward with no issues and so I'm always comparing it to that.  The main thing is that I get a full refund on the ISY, so I just figure I'm already at like $2000 in gear I've bought, I think I should return the ISY and PLM for now since I really have no need yet.

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The rapid flashing indicates that the ms did not receive a response from a linked device ( likely the plm). Sounds like either a comms problem or some extra unwanted links in the ms.





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I understand you may be finding that the ISY is more than you need and taking too much time to be worth it.  Many enjoy the challenges and benefits.  It sounds as if you are not one of them.  That is fine.  Having said that, it does seem like you are comparing apples to oranges.  In my mind, you actually are trying to accomplish a relatively complicated set of criteria and responses, far beyond what the hub is capable of doing, and probably more than one should attempt on first try. It also sounds as if you are dealing with some issues beyond the programming.


If I may offer a suggestion, why don't you try something a little easier to start with?  Why not set up a simpler program to trigger upon motion, but to reset the timer when motion is sensed again?  For now, skip the time constraints, the variable response levels, and the manual disabling (all things that I don't believe the hub can even do).  Most of us, I suspect, learned by starting simpler, then expanded our reach from there.


If interested in continuing, let us know.  If not, have fun with the hub and the money saved.  (saving money is always nice and, yes, this can get expensive.)

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See that's really the problem, simple programs I have no issue with, I can easily make the lights go on and turn off after a set time.  The problem is as soon as you are standing in the kitchen or somewhere else, you realize there's like 50 possible scenarios for what might happen with these lights.  So for example, I walk in they go on I want them to stay on 10 mins and they go off.  That's fine, but then you realize someone is going to press the up switch on the wall and expect the lights to stay on, or they might make it 50%, so now you need to include all that criteria.  Then you realize someone might want the light to stay off, so they would naturally just press down to off on the switch, which of course doesn't work as the motion sensor immediately turns the lights back on since you're still in the room.  I don't see how you can program it that if the switch is pressed "off" to disable motion, since how does the system know that an Off command to the light from the switch should behave differently than an Off command sent to it from the motion sensor, they both just say Device changed to Off.  Using Fast on or Fast off is useless, as company and guests etc would never know to do that.  Then there's the further issue of if the light is already on, don't start the motion sensor timer to turn it off, but writing "If motion sensor control is ON, and Kitchen light is OFF, turn on the kitchen light" doesn't work, since it only would the first time, but any future motion does nothing since the light is no longer off and meeting that criteria.


Just to be clear, I'm not complaining about the ISY or saying it's bad or anything like that, I absolutely get that it's powerful and that with proper programming it can do what I want.  It's more for my situation I don't feel I need it, and for the things that I do need it for, it's all really complex where I can't spend days trying to program it.  Standing there waiting for the lights to turn out to see if it worked takes a lot of time.  


If I was to sit down and write out everything that I'd want to be automated in my home, there's really nothing that needs the ISY all that badly:


- Open a closet door and have the light inside turn on (Easy with the Hub, no time conditions etc)

- Have the front door, back door, garage door, leak sensor all show status and notify me if they change, also easy from the Hub.  I realize the ISY can do smarter programming like email me if the leak sensor battery dies etc, but that's really not that critical to me

- Walk into the laundry room and the overhead light comes on for a minute then off, this works much better from the Hub, way faster trigger

- Have my living room and media loft lamps come on and off on a daily timer

- Maybe eventually control the house temperature etc, but I would get the Nest if any thermostat as the Insteon one is really ugly

- I wanted door locks eventually as well but I can't really justify the cost it would be to accomplish that


I realize the ISY can do all the above and do it well where the hub is more limited, but more criteria etc can also be done with HouseLinc if I need a little bit more control.


I think my main issue of course is that I'm having some issues programming just the motion sensors, everything else is fine, but it's that the whole home automation thing sounds so cool and helpful, but when you start adding the cost to do something, I feel like it's not worth it.  Like for example, you'll see examples on various websites or forums "With one button I can dim the basement lights, turn on the lamp, lower the projector screen, turn on the bluray player, and set it to all turn off at 2am"  Like that sounds all fine and great, but I mean my house isn't small, it's about 2500 sq feet, but there's 2 lights for all my basement lights with a switch at the stairs, and beside the couch side by side, pressing power on my receiver turns on the receiver, speakers and TV, and I mean that's really it.  To have one button do all that, it's like $80 for Keypadlinc, they were showing 2 I/O lincs, one to raise the screen one to lower it, so that's like $160, switchlinc to control the second light so $50, one of those $50 devices to control turning the TV on or off, then I guess another one for the receiver at $50.  That's $340 right there JUST because I'm too lazy to walk to the receiver, press power, go back to the couch and press off/off on the lights as I sit down.  I mean extreme example, might not have a projector or things like that but my point is now that I have all this, I'm just realizing how expensive it is to do the same things I can do for less, like $50 switchlinc, $40 motion sensor just to turn the lights on when I walk in the laundry room and off a few minutes later, which as mentioned I could accomplish for $19 using the Lutron sensing switch.


Don't get me wrong I see the value here, not trying to bash any products I'm just saying for me I keep feeling like I'm purposely trying to find uses for Insteon stuff, vs it actually solving a need for me.  Perhaps if I had a huge house, where we had LOTS of lights in the living room then scenes would be cool etc, but nothing ever changes here, kitchen light is on and living room lamp.  I always think of my friends place in Miami where I got really into wanting to do automatiion as he has all Crestron stuff and house is insane massive.  It's like the ideal home for it, huge pool with different lights, where he'd press pool scene and the patio lights would all change and so on.  Every time I think of a scene, or Insteon device to use, I'm always basically like "It's still easier to just turn the switch on".  Even having lights in the closet come on when I open the door, I mean the light switch is RIGHT beside the door handle, like turning it on as you open the door with Insteon saves you maybe a whole 1 second :) 

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I think we understand.


Your heart and brain are having an argument.


I don't use controls everywhere. Mostly in my TV area and MS in the bedrooms so that guests and ourselves getting up in the middle of the night have some light and don't run into doors and walls.


Yes it's somewhat expensive but so are all hobbies. My wife likes the back doorbell sound (we don't have a backdoor) when her dryer stops and the text message if she doesn't show up at the dryer within 5 minutes.

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That's my problem, most of these things like doorbell when dryer stops could be sort of handy, but definitely wouldn't work for us.  I doubt in 10 years we have ever emptied the dryer within 5 minutes of it going off!  I think the Motion Sensor not sending the OFF command could be key to some things here.  How do you handle though someone turning the light switch on or off manually?  If the Switchlinc sent a different command for when the light is changed from it, vs the ISY or another controller, I think that would be an insane help.  Since that way you'd just have your motion programs running as normal, but then a program saying if any command is received from the Switchlinc then disable the motion program for 1 hour.  It's that which gets me going crazy since you have to always try to program it in since it doesn't know what caused it to go off.  Unless I'm totally missing something big here lol.

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I have a few programmed like that. The xxx.auto program does it's thing with different brightnesses, and times, depending on the time of day.


The xxx.manual disables the xxx.auto program and has a long timer.....maybe 2-4 hours, just in case, shutoff timer. If somebody, or the timeout, shuts off the light manually it re-enables the xxx.auto program and the light is back on it's auto logic.


If all else fails, my bulbs are mostly low power LED or CFL and I have a "shut-down all lights" happen at 4:00 am every night.


If your wife likes ironing shirts then the dryer notice isn't worth anything to her.



Some of my motion sensors have the Off command active. I don't find it makes any difference except I can tell when the motion was from remote locations. The programs have to be written to accommodate this setting.


You seem to have your heart in this but need to justify spending the money. I buy a few hundred bucks worth every good sale at aartech.ca. When it all works too well I come here and chat with fellow hobbyists and noobies with anxieties. :)

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Larry how do you though differentiate the switch controlling the light manually versus the motion sensor doing it?  I think my actual issue (I have a lot obviously ha) is that I'm honestly thinking of every remote insane scenario and then ruling out doing something one way.  Like for example, it just hit me, why can't I set up the motion sensors the way I want, but then tell the family if you want to disable them for 3 hours you press down twice, and enable them again you press up twice.  Like that's pretty straightforward.  I think the issue is that I keep picturing certain people like a friend visiting, and how they wouldn't know to press down twice to keep the light off etc, but then it's like why am I worrying about if someone who comes to my house once a year will be comfortable disabling the motion!


Worst case too I get a Keypadlinc for the Kitchen instead, with a huge button "DISABLE MOTION LIGHTS".

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Larry how do you though differentiate the switch controlling the light manually versus the motion sensor doing it?  I think my actual issue (I have a lot obviously ha) is that I'm honestly thinking of every remote insane scenario and then ruling out doing something one way.  Like for example, it just hit me, why can't I set up the motion sensors the way I want, but then tell the family if you want to disable them for 3 hours you press down twice, and enable them again you press up twice.  Like that's pretty straightforward.  I think the issue is that I keep picturing certain people like a friend visiting, and how they wouldn't know to press down twice to keep the light off etc, but then it's like why am I worrying about if someone who comes to my house once a year will be comfortable disabling the motion!


Worst case too I get a Keypadlinc for the Kitchen instead, with a huge button "DISABLE MOTION LIGHTS".

Short of time now but each device has it's own ID and ISY knows where every signal comes from.

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Each Insteon device sends control events when actuated.  In the case of a switchlinc, the control event is generated by operating the switch paddle.  It can issue the following control events: On, Off, Fade Up, Fade Down, Fade Stop, Fast On and Fast Off.  In the case of a motion sensor, you only get On and Off.  Control events are useful in that they indicate action taken by a specific device whereas status can be affected by other devices.


Lets set up an example here.  Lets say we have a program monitoring a motion sensor and turning on a switchlinc when motion is detected.

   Control 'Motion Sensor' is Switched On

   Set 'Switchlinc' On
   Wait 5 minutes
   Set 'Switchlinc' Off


I walk into the room and the sensor see me.  The sensor issues a Control On command and the program is triggered and turns on the switchlinc.

Here is what just occurred:


Motion Sensor Control Switched On

Motion Sensor Status is On

Program Triggered By above control event.

Program turns on Switchlinc

Switchlinc Status is On


Notice that there is no control event from the switchlinc.  Also notice that we have status of On from both the sensor and the switchlinc. 


Now, I walk over to the switchlinc and turn it off.


What we get here is:

Switchlinc Control is switched Off

Switchlinc Status is off


Status changes for both local and remote actuations whereas control requires operation of the device itself.  This can be used to determine which device caused an action.

   Control 'Switchlinc' is Switched On
   and Control 'Switchlinc' is not Switched Off

   Disable Program "Motion Lights"

   Wait 10 Seconds
   Enable Program "Motion Lights"

In the simple example above, we monitor control events from the switchlinc and disable or enable a program that watches the motion sensor and runs the automatic lighting.  Since the act of disabling a program also stops that program if it already running, this solves the scenario of turning on a light after the motion program already turned it on.  The "is not Switched Off" part causes the else clause to run when the Control is switched off, this delays for 10 seconds then re-enables the motion program.


Hope this helps clarify things a little.



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