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Power On - Resume

C Martin

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Has anyone asked for a Power On Resume function?

When power is lost, it would be nice to catch up with schedules that were not performed because of the power outage. i.E - a "Power On Resume".

It could be a flag that is Set or Not Set depending on the logic one may want to use.

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C Martin,


Very interesting idea!


What would happen when the power is lost for 3 days during which time 2 schedules per day should've been run: one to turn everything on and one to turn everything off. Does this then mean that all those 6 schedules would be run immediately and one after the other?


I'd appreciate it if you could elaborate a bit.


Thanks so very much,

With kind regards,


Has anyone asked for a Power On Resume function?

When power is lost, it would be nice to catch up with schedules that were not performed because of the power outage. i.E - a "Power On Resume".

It could be a flag that is Set or Not Set depending on the logic one may want to use.

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the idea is to let the user to flag only those schedules that need to be re-scheduled if there is a power outage. Those schedule items wil be flagged and when power is restored those schedules will be run. There might be a set number of hours for the flag to be valid and that might be user defined also.

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Good idea. But, there may be an issue.


In an earlier discussion, we were taking about the ISY "polling" and setting the scenes/lights to the proper schedule. Basically, the same thing you describe. When the power comes back on, "poll" the network...and set scenes/lights according to the time/schedule setting.


It would be nice if this could be doable.

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Good thought C Martin :D


C Martin,


Very interesting idea!


What would happen when the power is lost for 3 days during which time 2 schedules per day should've been run: one to turn everything on and one to turn everything off. Does this then mean that all those 6 schedules would be run immediately and one after the other?


I'd appreciate it if you could elaborate a bit.


Thanks so very much,

With kind regards,



Ah, you are thinking of me! We actually run 8 or 9 schedules a day here depending on the day.


One option, please give credit to Ken Miller for this: Run all schedules beginning at midnight of the current day until the present time. Of course this won't always be perfect, and if the power loss was short it may not be needed. And it may be distracting enough to wake someone, everyone, but after three days without power I would be glad to be awakened the minute power is restored :)


I am sure that better logic could be created, given enough effort, but I hope I don't often need it. Work backwards from the present time and do not repeat calls to any Location. That would be more complicated and might not be any more accurate than KenM's algorithm though.


Thank you,


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This is a good idea, fortunately the new triggers partially handle this already.


For From/To type schedule entries (say 10:00AM to 1:30PM) if the power comes on at 11:30AM, the schedule will start at that time and continue to 1:30PM.


For Running something at a specific time, there is a 15 minute window. For example, if something was scheduled for 10:00AM but the code didn't try to run it until 10:12 for some reason (system busy, etc.), it would still run it, but if it got to 10:15 it wouldn't.


For running things at a specific time, it may make sense to add a 'recover at power on' checkbox such that this time window continues to the end of the day instead of just 15 minutes. This would really just be a shortcut for the user, because they could just use a From/To instead of running something at a specific time.

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