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Garage Door Program - Advanced


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Hey there guys ! 

I have this program running, it works great so I would like to share with you and ask if there is any other way of writing the code or if you guys know any other idea for the program ! Take Care !


Here is my Garage Program:

(I have two garage doors, so this is for mine)

(I also have a motion sensor in the garage because sometimes I'm working there so I don't want every 5 minutes the garage closing and me fighting against the doors... lol)



T1-Garage Thiago Auto Close - check

(Note the sign += , that keeps adding 1 to the variable every time the program runs)

        Status  'Garage Thiago - Sensor' is On
    And Status  'Garage Motion-Sensor' is Off

        Wait  5 minutes and 20 seconds
        $Thiago_Garage += 1

        $Thiago_Garage  = 0

T2-Garage Thiago Auto Close - run

        $Thiago_Garage >= 1

        Wait  15 seconds
        Set 'Garage Thiago - Relay' On
        Run Program 'T1-Garage Thiago Auto Close - check' (If)

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

T3-Garage Thiago Auto Close - notification

(This is if there is something blocking the sensor so after 5 tries it would send me a message saying that the garage cannot be closed so I have to go check it)

        $Thiago_Garage >= 5

        Resource 'NotificationGarageDoorThiago'

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

ThiagoRelay - OFF

(This is so i can keep on sending only ON commands)

        Status  'Garage Thiago - Relay' is On

        Set 'Garage Thiago - Relay' Off

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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I decided against an "auto-close" function for safety purposes. There are rare instances where my motion is limited if I am working on a small item and/or working near the corner of the same wall as the MS where the motion sensor might not fire. Perhaps you should consider two motion sensors to ensure coverage. There's a good chance your auto-close function violates local building codes as well.


Most building codes require the laser eyes to be 6 in off the ground which means my car of other item can be in the path of the door but not breaking the laser eyes and I wouldn't want the door to close on it. I've considered installing a separate pair connected to an IOLinc to deal with this but haven't done so yet.


You can read about my adventures with garage door programs here.  http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/12693-secondary-garage-door-sensor-and-helpful-programs/

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