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mini remote issue


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I have a mini remote (controler) that is associated with a switch (responder) via a scene that I've created.


When I manualy turn "off" the switch that was turn "on" with the mini remote, the device appear "off" while the mini remote still appear "on"




My question:  Is there a way to match the status of both devices when a case like that occur ?




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I suspect the bigger point here is that mini remotes have no physical status.  They transmit commands only.  Unlike a switch, they are neither ON nor OFF.


The status reflected in the ISY is simply the last command transmitted by the remote.  Do not read too much into it, I suggest.

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The status reflected in the ISY is simply the last command transmitted by the remote.  Do not read too much into it, I suggest.

...and the status of a remote is unknown after an ISY power up until the remote button is pushed for the first time. What will programs do with that status?


As Brian posted "Don't read too much into it". It isn't really useful information without too much  workaround headache

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I use one of these RemoteLink2 minimotes in my master bedroom to toggle a ceiling fan light and a night table light.  Instead of linking the remote to my lights via scenes, I used programs to catch the on/off events coming from the mini remote and then toggle the lights accordingly.  This way each press of the button toggles the lights regardless of the command the button actually sent.




Program: MBR_RL2_A

   Control 'MBR_RL2_A' is switched On
  or Control 'MBR_RL2_A' is Switched Off

   Run Program MBR_CeilingLightsToggle (If Path)

   Do Nothing

Program MBR_CeilingLightsToggle (Disabled)

   Status 'MBR_CeilingLight' is Off

   Set Scene 'MBR_CeilingLight' On

   Set Scene 'MBR_CeilingLight' Off

Hope this helps.



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