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Power Use Notifications


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Hi all,

I'm interested in getting my ISY994i to send text message notifications when the washing machine and dryer are done.

My system is mostly dual-band Insteon in every room, but I have the Zwave board as well and have three Zwave devices so far.

A whole back I ran the washer through a Syncrolinc, but since my washer cycles through the same energy usage, I would get around a hundred or more text messages every load of laundry.

Through some of my research I understand that the new Zwave by Aeon Labs Gen5 DSC10 would work to measure energy consumption of the 240VAC dryer and act as a remote cutoff. But does ISY994i have the ability to interpret a variable based on this and send a notification?

Also had heard the Aeon Labs DSC06106-ZWS may be able to do what I had attempted to do with a Syncrolinc before.

Has anyone tried this or know if it's possible?


If you are getting multiple notices from you SynchroLinc then it isn't set up correctly. I have one on my dryer and it works almost flawlessly but you have to set the power level and the SynchroLinc timer correctly so you don't keep triggering the ISY every time a cycle segment changes on a washing machine.


Do you actually want to "cut-off" your dryer? I don't understand your purpose for that.



BTW: You posted a duplicate thread. You may want to delete the other one.


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