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Motion sensor issue


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I just bought a new insteon motion sensor 2842-222 and I'm having problem, it doesn't seems to work properly. It doesn't detect motion. The only way it detect motion is when I take it in my hand.


It was linked with my isy994i, I have tried to change for a new battery and did a factory reset and it stills not working properly. I also tried different placement as per manual.


Does anyone have an idea of the problem


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Place the Motion Sensor where there is no motion, for example, an adjoining room. Wait about 4 minutes and walk past the Motion Sensor. Did it detect your presence?

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Does the LED on the front flash when it sees motion?  no, it only flash when I take it in my hand


Have you set the jumpers inside correctly? What jumper configuration are you using? The jumpers are factory set, means the only jumper that is connected on both pins is jumper 5 wich is the remote management jumper (software)


Does the ISY indicate the status change when you tap the linking button?     yes

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Does the LED on the front flash when it sees motion?  no, it only flash when I take it in my hand


Have you set the jumpers inside correctly? What jumper configuration are you using? The jumpers are factory set, means the only jumper that is connected on both pins is jumper 5 wich is the remote management jumper (software)


Does the ISY indicate the status change when you tap the linking button?     yes


It would appear you haven't set the jumpers in the motion sensor. You state you have jumper 5 across the two pins indicating the settings are to be set remotely (in the ISY). You may have the "Dark Only" mode set On so that it is blind to motion during the day.


Please reread the paper that comes with the motion sensor. Understand and set your jumpers accordingly. I set mine 4 & 5 across two pins only. 1,2 & 3 off. Jumper 4 sets the MS to not send an Off command which will confuse most ISY programs.


After linking your MS with ISY you should see the MS in your device tree list.

Click on the "Options" at the bottom of the MS device page and you will get further instructions to put the MS into "Linking mode". This is done by pressing and holding the pushbutton in the back until the LED on the front flashes. Let go. Now you can set the options in ISY to respond all day and only send the On command (no Off). Click OK.

Tap the pushbutton on the back of the MS - you will see the flash rate increase

Tap the pushbutton on the back of the MS - you will see the flashing stop

Tap the pushbutton on the back of the MS - you will see ISY report seeing motion="On"

Tap the pushbutton on the back of the MS - you will see ISY report seeing motion="Off"

Replace the battery cover.


Dark/light takes about 3-5 minutes to send and can be tested by putting the MS in a dark closet.


BTW: Battery operated Insteon devices have to be put into "Linking mode" to answer queries and be set up from ISY. They must NOT be in "Linking mode" to function as designed.

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After putting Motion Sensor into linking mode (same as done when adding MS to the ISY), click on the Sensor node and press Options button. Jumper 5 must be set. Set the Options ....


Sensing mode: checked

On Only mode: unchecked

Night mode: checked


click Ok on Options display


Take Motion Sensor out of linking mode.


With the above options set the Motion Sensor should send a Motion On for each motion detected. No waiting for Timeout value to expired, no need for darkness, etc.


If it does not send a Motion On for each motion with these options, the motion sensor is likely defective (which I doubt).

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I finally return the sensor to the reseller for test and it was found defective. I should received a new one shortly. I will take note of your recommandations when I will be in the linking process of the new one.



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