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Insteon 2443 Range Extender Questions


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I have a situation where I have an outbuilding that has a 2466SW successfully controlling a light. I would like to place a hidden door sensor in that location but the RF signal is inadequate. I considered placing a 2443 Range Extender in the outbuilding but the specifications indicate an operating range of 32-104 degrees. The building is unheated and lows near zero can be expected at that location. Do any of you have a 2443 exposed to similar low temperatures without failure? Can the 2443 be used alone as a range extender or must two be used, bridging both phases of the electrical system?


What about changing the 2466SW to a dual-band switch?

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The ToggleLinc has the same temp operating range. It could have more issues with sub freezing temps because of mechanical switch.


The 2992-222 Range Extender can be used alone to interface with the Hidden Door Sensor.


The electrical system needs to be coupled which is an Insteon requirement independent of the Hidden Door Sensor.


I would try the ToggleLinc. It will be outside its spec'ed temp range but SmartLabs devices work pretty well outside of those specs. If it fails try a Dual Band SwitchLinc which would eliminate need for Range Extended. SwitchLinc also has 32 degree limit.

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The range extenders are reported to give more coverage than a DB switch in an electrical box.  I have one switchlinc in our screened porch and an appliance linc and iolinc in a sockit box in the backyard.  They all seemed to survive the hotlanta summer.  The switchlinc also did fine last winter when we had single digit temp days.  The switch is in an outside wall of the house so it is likely that the switch had some extra warmth and insulation to it.

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I've has several AP installed outside which are protected against direct sun and weather in -40'C weather and they have performed just great.


Its safe to say the device is not rated for those extremes and I can not blame anyone if it provides a shorter life span. I was able to do this because I was lucky enough to purchase many items at pennies on the dollar. I highly doubt I would have installed any device outside if the devices were not purchased for so cheap. :mrgreen:


Heat plays a larger role on the lifespan of a product over all. But, the reality is the cheap capacitors Insteon uses can be impacted by extreme temperatures either way whether it be hot or cold. 

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From the feedback I have concluded that the best approach is to place a 2992-222 on each leg of the electrical system with one of the two located in the outbuilding. What do you think?

If this is in addition to an existing properly coupled Insteon network. You may place the AP / range extender where ever provides the best RF reception for your outdoor devices.


This is what I did and works great.



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How did you determine that the split, single-phase electric supply is not coupled. If you have at least two dual-band devices, then there exits a possibility that that the opposite legs are bridged.

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I have a situation where I have an outbuilding that has a 2466SW successfully controlling a light. I would like to place a hidden door sensor in that location but the RF signal is inadequate. I considered placing a 2443 Range Extender in the outbuilding but the specifications indicate an operating range of 32-104 degrees. The building is unheated and lows near zero can be expected at that location. Do any of you have a 2443 exposed to similar low temperatures without failure? Can the 2443 be used alone as a range extender or must two be used, bridging both phases of the electrical system?


What about changing the 2466SW to a dual-band switch?

I have a MS and 244iZTH 'stat units in my shop which is coated with aluminum foil backed insulation and a metal roof. I can barely get a local radio station on the radio there unless it is close to the window.  I just plugged in a spare On/Off module to receive the wireless MS and echo it down the branch circuit leg feeding the shop building from my main panel. 

I have a passive phase coupler installed quite close to the main panel on a different branch leg (with the ISY plugged in within inches of wire from it).  I have never had a problem with communications from either of those devices using that method. The outbuilding shop's panel  is about 60 feet of wire from the main panel.


Now my spare dual-band On/Off module runs my WebControl weather station also and I can now power cycle it via Insteon. With the date and time being sent to ISY as a watchdog ISY can automatically  power-cycle the WebControl board and wireless modem if it hangs up..

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If the outbuilding has the same power source as the main building and the main building is bridged, then so is the outbuilding. You'll still need a dual-band device in the outbuilding to receive the RF signal from the hidden door sensor. It can be a dual purpose device such as a SwitchLinc or KeypadLinc or it can be a Range Extender.

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