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Bathroom On rates at different times of the day


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Hi Guys,


I'm looking for some advice on how to change the on level and ramp rates in my bathroom at different times of the day.  Is it better to do this via scenes or programs or a combination of both.  I would like the trigger to be when the bathroom switchlinc is turned on.


I have tried manipulating the on level and ramp rate through the use of a program as follows:


        From     7:00:01AM
        To       9:59:59PM (same day)
        In Scene '2nd Floor / Upstairs Bathroom / Upstairs Bathroom' Set 'Upstairs Bathroom' 80% (On Level)
        In Scene '2nd Floor / Upstairs Bathroom / Upstairs Bathroom' Set 'Upstairs Bathroom' 0.1 Sec (Ramp Rate)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
I have 3 of these programs set up to change the on level and ramp rate throughout the day
And finally the triggering program
        Control 'Upstairs Bathroom' is switched On
        Set Scene '2nd Floor / Upstairs Bathroom / Upstairs Bathroom' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
My problem is that the lights never go on based on the ramp rate and level that the program requests.  It seems to default to what the switchlinc is set to.
Is there a better way to do this?  
Thanks in advance
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The SwitchLinc is directly connected internally to the light controller in the same SwitchLinc. Scene adjustments only apply to that link in the SwitchLinc dimmer and local paddle controls will not be affected.


You can adjust the local controls to a dimmed semi-on position so that the local paddle will activate the SwitchLinc to that level and ramp speed. Your scene in the ISY should detect the paddle signal and send out the scene signal to override the local levels. The change in brightness and ramp speed should be hardly noticeable if the local levels are set low enough.



BTW: If you are not using the 'Else' section you do not need the "To" in the 'If' time range. It's only job is to run the 'Else'.

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is it possible to provide me with a example as this would clarify things for me.  I am still learning when it comes to programming with the ISY.  I have the basics down but am not quite clear on how I would set up the scenario you describe above. 


Based on what you describe, I think I would need a scene, say bathroom daytime that sets the ramp rate and on level to say 2 min and 80%.  Then, I would write a program that would test for the switchlincs "on" command between a certain time and get that program to set the scene?


triggering program ex:  if between control upstairs bathroom is switched on between 7 Am to 9 AM

                                     then Set Scene Bathroom Daytime On


would that work?

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Unless the scene has only responders, it will always function when any controller is operated. You cannot set a scene with one or more controllers to function only at a particular time. You can use a program to change the On-levels of devices in the scene according to schedule.


Post the scene. Also name what each specific device is.

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Attached is a program that I use to set the on level of my bath light based on the time of day. You can also add a ramp rate to the same program.


You need to have the switch that controls the light in a scene and have the program adjust the scene.


If you turn on the light manually, or turn it on via a program which turns on the scene,  it will come on at a level set by the program


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I think you have to use adjust scene to get the results you want. If you use a program, when you turn the switch on the light will go to whatever on level you have set for the scene that the switchlinc is a controller for. So the light may go on 100%. The program will then run and the light will adjust based upon the program. Will slowly go from 100 to 80, not the response you want.

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Ok.  So here's my setup.


My bathroom has 2 lights.  Both are controlled by a single switchlinc.


During the night, when someone enters the room, I want the lights to ramp up slowly to say 40% over a 30 sec period when the paddle on the switchlinc is turned on.


the default setting on the switchlinc are set to 80% on and 0.1 sec ramp rate in the details of the devi


There is only 1 device in my scene - "upstairs bathroom".  This device is the switchlinc previously discussed.  For clarity, Should the switchlinc in the scene be classified as the responder or a controller?


If I gather what others have said, I should then be writing a program that adjusts the on level and ramp rate within the scene similar to what "techman" has described.  Then, when the paddle on the switchlinc is turned on, the program will then adjust the on level and ramp rate correct?


should it look something like this:


scene "upstairs bathroom" - controller - bathroom switchlinc - default on - 80% 0.1 sec ramp


program: IF -  from 10pm to 7 AM (next day) THEN  in scene "upstairs bathroom" set bathroom switchlinc to 40% , in scene "upstairs bathroom" set bathroom switchlinc to 30sec ramp rate.


Will this get the job done?

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With a long ramp rate by the time the light comes on you'll forget why your in there.

Depends on why you went in B)


BTW, the set ramp rate is the time it takes to go from off to 100%, not to the brightness level the device is set for. At a 30 second ramp rate, the light will reach 40% in 12 seconds.

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