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Amazon Echo and ISY


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I too am waiting for the official UDI solution. Today's solution is an integration of several programs: The emulator from bws systems and the configuration tool I developed specifically to help ISY users set up the bws systems hue emulator. I suspect that the UDI solution will be a singular solution which might even provide for better spoken phrases for Alexa to work with.


Right now with the emulator we are limited to what a Philips Hue Hub understand since it is an emulation of that specific device. This makes it cumbersome to say things like "...adjust my bedroom thermostat to cool to 75 degrees". Lights do not understand things like adjust or cool.


The only drawback (to some not all) IMHO is that UDI plans to use the cloud to provide the skill (Amazon speak for an Echo service).  I prefer to keep things out of the cloud. I do realize however that every thing spoken to Alexa already goes to the cloud for speech recognition so maybe I am being a little overly concerned. Generally there is an extra charge to use a skill that is based in the Amazon cloud, but I do not know what the UDI plans are. I doubt if they will be eating that cost but who knows.  


I wrote my own skill which is based on an endpoint on my LAN, I just have not populated that endpoint with all the utterances (Amazon speak for a spoken phrase to be recognized) I will eventually want as I do have other home automation systems and a home theater that is not under the control of the ISY. My skill currently can turn on my SPA, control the waterfall feature of my pool and start the Theater system.

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I suspect that the upgrade to the RPi (sudo apt-get upgrade) probably did it.


Whenever I startup a new RPi always do the upgrade so I pick up all the latest OS changes.  Since that is ingrained in my processes I just assume everybody who sets up an RPi from scratch does that. When I say from scratch, what I mean is I start with the NOOBS software system from the rpi organization and select the Raspbian OS as the resident OS. I then do the upgrade. I also install tightvnc and normally I don't install Samba. With tightvnc I can control all the RPI's from my office and run the RPIs headless (no monitor, no keyboard). Instead of Samba I just run WINSCP (a free windows package) to provide me with a very nice GUI between Windows and the LINUX system on the RPi.

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I'm new to Pi and have just set up the Pi2. 


But the method for setting a static IP must be different because the online instructions don't match what is in the new files.


Anyone set the IP on the newer version yet? 


Itching to move the emulator off of my PC and get the combined ISY - Harmony action up and running!

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just google "set up a static address on Raspberry Pi"  A typical search response is:




Almost all instructions use sudo nano to alter the internet configuration file. I run WINSCP on my windows machine and I log into the Pi as root. This allows me to use textpad on windows (The editor of my choice) to alter any file comfortably. IIRC you need to use a windows editor that understands the differences between windows and unix line endings, textpad does.


I use a very sophisticated and inexpensive router in my home. it is made by Mikrotik. That router allows for DHCP reservations so when a DHCP request comes in from a specific MAC address it assigns the same IP, essentially giving the device a static address. The Mikrotik router cost me $49, has a 4 port switch that can be configured as separate VLANs, and more built in tools than I will ever need. I bought one for my grandson which cost $59 and included built in Wi-Fi with a 1000 mw radio. It covers his whole house from the basement. The router is in a 5x5x2 box that mounts on the wall or sits on a desk. You will normally find it being used by custom installers not DIYers merely because it is not well known in the DIY community.

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I have not seen anything like what you are looking for.  


Get a 3U or 4U blank plate and mount the Pi's on the front in clear plastic cases.


Get a pull out shelf for the rack and mount the Pi's on the horizontal surface so they slide into the rack.


My Pi's are mounted on a wall in my server room where there is a lot of other "Glue" components including the ISY994. I have attached an image of the wall.



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Thanks Barry.  Hopefully the Amazon certification for UDI doesn't take that much longer.  Michel told me in a different thread the cost was going to be $50 for two years. This pays for the ISY portal - there wasn't any mention of another charge for the skill but we'll see.


Now if we could only get Crestron to write one...

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just google "set up a static address on Raspberry Pi"  A typical search response is:




Almost all instructions use sudo nano to alter the internet configuration file. I run WINSCP on my windows machine and I log into the Pi as root. This allows me to use textpad on windows (The editor of my choice) to alter any file comfortably. IIRC you need to use a windows editor that understands the differences between windows and unix line endings, textpad does.






Google searches have been helpful getting my Pi up and running, but my Interfaces file (running the latest Raspian installed via NOOBS) doesn't closely match examples found with the search.


My Interface file reads:


# Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd.
# For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'.
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
auto wlan1
allow-hotplug wlan1
iface wlan1 inet manual
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
I could not find a file named man dhcpcd.conf, but the dhcpcd.conf file reads:
# A sample configuration for dhcpcd.
# See dhcpcd.conf(5) for details.
# Allow users of this group to interact with dhcpcd via the control socket.
#controlgroup wheel
# Inform the DHCP server of our hostname for DDNS.
# Use the hardware address of the interface for the Client ID.
# or
# Use the same DUID + IAID as set in DHCPv6 for DHCPv4 ClientID as per RFC4361.
# Persist interface configuration when dhcpcd exits.
# Rapid commit support.
# Safe to enable by default because it requires the equivalent option set
# on the server to actually work.
option rapid_commit
# A list of options to request from the DHCP server.
option domain_name_servers, domain_name, domain_search, host_name
option classless_static_routes
# Most distributions have NTP support.
option ntp_servers
# Respect the network MTU.
# Some interface drivers reset when changing the MTU so disabled by default.
#option interface_mtu
# A ServerID is required by RFC2131.
require dhcp_server_identifier
# Generate Stable Private IPv6 Addresses instead of hardware based ones
slaac private
# A hook script is provided to lookup the hostname if not set by the DHCP
# server, but it should not be run by default.
nohook lookup-hostname
I don't want to hijack this thread and turn it into a Pi support topic.
I did use my router to reserve an IP address based on the Pi's MAC address and that appears to be working fine.
On to setting up everything else.
Barry, thank you for your development work, how to guide and support here in the forum.  
I've always been impressed with the helpful folks here in the ISY community!
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I'm new to Pi and have just set up the Pi2. 


But the method for setting a static IP must be different because the online instructions don't match what is in the new files.


Anyone set the IP on the newer version yet? 


Itching to move the emulator off of my PC and get the combined ISY - Harmony action up and running!


The method I used was to setup wifi then assign it a static address on the gateway.  Didn't bother with any assignment on the pi but here's an article claiming the correct way...




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Hi Guys,


Just another update: unfortunately we have to go through re-certification again:

1. Home cannot be used

2. The spoken words chosen for our test were not well understood by Echo


As such, we need your help. Would you all please

1. Post back the name of location/devices that you would most likely use with Echo? For instance, Front Door Lock. Or Upstairs Thermostat. Or Bedroom All. Or, in short, whatever you think you would want to call them. We already have a list of about 80 

2. The same for your program names

3. Invocation name. Currently we are thinking of using My Home but I very much doubt it'll fly. And, I.S.Y is too cumbersome. Izzy  is not understood: depending on the accent, Echo might consider it "easy". 


With kind regards,


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The ISY controls all lighting (Insteon switches and other Insteon modules generally of an on/off type, but also fans having 4 speed settings ) and two Z-Wave thermostats


Control Phrases I would like to see:  Turn On, Turn Off  Turn Up, Turn Down, Dim, Dim to, Brighten, Brighten to, Shut, Shut Off, Open, Close, Set, What (as a query), 


Location words: Master, Guest, Pool, Lanai, Upstairs, Downstairs, Inside, Outside, Bedroom, Great Room, Kitchen, Family Room, Front, Rear, Side, Entrance, Garage. Combinations of two or more words should also be acceptable like 'Master Bedroom'


Device words:  Sprinkler(s), Irrigation, Thermostat, Fan, Door(s), Temperature, Humidity, Light(s), Lamp(s), Lock(s)


Invocation Names:  All of them are bad, I use Sarah for a skill I am playing with mainly because of the TV show Eureka.


Amazon should allow a user to select their own wake up words. The style Amazon has chosen, <wake up word> <tell | ask>, <invocation name> , is IMHO, very cumbersome and hard to work with. I do not understand why you should need an invocation name, The HUE doesn't and other "Amazon Certified devices" do not. There should be a way to have a skill state it is the primary skill and when it does not understand what is said, pass off the spoken phrase to the native Alexa/Amazon skills included with the Echo. or have it the other way round. i.e. when the basic amazon skill does not recognize what is spoken, pass it off to a registered primary skill or chain of skills before giving up and asking for clarification.

Hope this helps
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In addition:  Barn, Deck, Porch, Patio, Driveway, Walkway, Stairs, Stairway, Steps, Attic, Basement, Barn, Utility Room, Shop, Office, Yard, Ceiling, Holiday, Christmas, Breezeway, Entry, Foyer, Boys Room, Girls Room, (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... Floor/Level), Living Room, Dining Room, Pantry, TV, Theatre, Receiver, Stereo, Wall, Sconce(s), Fireplace, Den, Library, Study.



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  • Ok, this site is great... Love my Echo and ISY. I did everything that was on page 1.
  • I have Alexa discover devices and she does find it, says she found 8 devices.
  • I try and tell Alexa to turn on Living Room Lights, then I get response "ok"
  • I can see it in the running script but nothing happens with the lights..

Am I missing something? I think Alexa communicates with the Java script then the script sends it to the ISY? if so how does the script know where the isy is located?


Thanks for any help. It might be something I completely over looked as I sometimes have done some stupid sh!%... lol :-P

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Hi Guys,


Just another update: unfortunately we have to go through re-certification again:

1. Home cannot be used

2. The spoken words chosen for our test were not well understood by Echo


As such, we need your help. Would you all please

1. Post back the name of location/devices that you would most likely use with Echo? For instance, Front Door Lock. Or Upstairs Thermostat. Or Bedroom All. Or, in short, whatever you think you would want to call them. We already have a list of about 80

2. The same for your program names

3. Invocation name. Currently we are thinking of using My Home but I very much doubt it'll fly. And, I.S.Y is too cumbersome. Izzy is not understood: depending on the accent, Echo might consider it "easy".


With kind regards,


Just a thought I wonder if you should setup a polling site for the words. Give you some metrics of what people want.

Just a thought

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Hi Guys,


Just another update: unfortunately we have to go through re-certification again:

1. Home cannot be used

2. The spoken words chosen for our test were not well understood by Echo


As such, we need your help. Would you all please

1. Post back the name of location/devices that you would most likely use with Echo? For instance, Front Door Lock. Or Upstairs Thermostat. Or Bedroom All. Or, in short, whatever you think you would want to call them. We already have a list of about 80 

2. The same for your program names

3. Invocation name. Currently we are thinking of using My Home but I very much doubt it'll fly. And, I.S.Y is too cumbersome. Izzy  is not understood: depending on the accent, Echo might consider it "easy". 


With kind regards,



See if you can get "Jarvis" as the name.

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Did you set up a HA Bridge? That is the emulator of the HUE bridge. It actually is what receives the information as to what has been said, and if properly set up, will send it to the ISY.


If you have an HA bridge running then its start command needs to specify the location of the ISY. Go to bwssystems.com for more information on setting up the HA Bridge, or read all 35 pages of this thread.  I suggest you read this entire thread if you have not done so already.  It will save you time and effort in the long run. 

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Thank you for the response.. I did exactly this. nothing else.. so I have to do something else? set up the HA bridge? I will go back thru the posts to see if I can find something, I might of skipped over something?


I'll summarize here so you don't get lost in the mud or miss steps that aren't there or download the wrong version since folks had issues with version 0.1.1 of the JAR file.


1. Install Java runtime 8

2. Download Hue Emulator JAR file v 0.1.3

3. Download user g1of4's awesome configuration app from this thread.

3. Run the JAR file:

    Open up a command prompt by clicking the start button and typing cmd

    Copy and paste the following line at the prompt:

java -jar -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true FULLPATHOFJARFILE\amazon-echo-bridge-0.1.3.jar --upnp.config.address=192.168.X.X

   The "X.X" is the IP address of your computer, NOT the ISY

    You can minimize the window, but don't close it - it stays active 24/7.


4. Run g1of4's configuration tool. Remember to use the Computer IP address on the left and the ISY IP address on the right. Add :8080 after the address on the left, thus 192.168.X.XXX:8080

5. Click "Get Devices".

5. Double-click on each item you want to add. You have the option of selecting a voice command different from the name of each device.

6. When happy with your device list, ask Alexa to "discover my devices". All should work now by saying "Alexa, turn on/off XXXXXXX".

7. You want the JAR file to run automatically when you reboot your computer. Create a text file called "HueEmulator.bat" or some such and copy and paste the JAR run command from above as the only line in the batch file.

8. Put this batch file in the Startup folder. You can get to the startup folder easiest by clicking on the Start button, clicking All Programs, right-clicking on Startup, and selecting Open for All Users. Then just drag the file there or create it there in the first place.


That's it!

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Hi Guys,



As such, we need your help. Would you all please

1. Post back the name of location/devices that you would most likely use with Echo? For instance, Front Door Lock. Or Upstairs Thermostat. Or Bedroom All. Or, in short, whatever you think you would want to call them. We already have a list of about 80 

2. The same for your program names

3. Invocation name. Currently we are thinking of using My Home but I very much doubt it'll fly. And, I.S.Y is too cumbersome. Izzy  is not understood: depending on the accent, Echo might consider it "easy". 


With kind regards,



Here are the 'friendly names' I am now using very successfully with the Echo today.  Items in () are alternatives that also work well.


  • House Fan
    House Fan Low
    House Fan Medium
    House Fan High
    Air Conditioner (AC)
    Heater (Heat)
    Door Chime
    Night Mode
    Kitchen Area
    Kitchen Desk
    Kitchen Island
    Kitchen Sink
    Kitchen Table
    Den Area
    Den Right Lamp
    Den Left Lamp
    Den Light
    Front Entry
    Front Lights
    Front Yard
    Back Yard
    Swimming Pool
    Dining Room
    Living Room 
    Jims Room
    Marys Room
    Guest Hallway
    Laundry Room


As for Invocation name, my understanding is that they require a hard syllable in the middle.  X or Z are ideal.  Which is why Alexa and Amazon work fine.  I continue to think Izzy would be great, even if it is close to easy.  Since it is not the INITIAL invocation name (to wake the Echo up), there is less of an issue for word confusion I would think.   

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