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can't get into the Administrative Console


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my isy finally showed up!

but now I have a problem, yesterday everything was fine, today I can not get into the Administrative Console anymore, it just locks up my browser (firefox) and just doesn't work... I am guessing its some Java issue, as I can get to the ISY just fine from a different PC... but I have cleared my cache, and still no luck :(

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Hello SomeWhatLost,


We have some reports of recent Firefox/Java incompatibility which we are trying to resolve. Would you be kind enough to let me know:

What version of Firefox do you have?

What version of Java do you have?


In the meantime, if you are accessing your ISY through /99i, please try accessing it directly and if you are accessing it directly try accessing it through 99i and let me know of the outcome.


Thanks and with kind regards,



my isy finally showed up!

but now I have a problem, yesterday everything was fine, today I can not get into the Administrative Console anymore, it just locks up my browser (firefox) and just doesn't work... I am guessing its some Java issue, as I can get to the ISY just fine from a different PC... but I have cleared my cache, and still no luck :(

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the behavior is the same when I use IE7 as it is with FF 3.0.1, I would think that rules out FF as the culprit?

Java is the same as you have posted, I tried re-installing it from your web site and it claimed it was the same...


I set up my isy with a static IP, just so I always know where it is at... anyway, I just connect straight to it... (my dhcp is between .100 to .200)


I did try connecting through /99i and that had the same results.


also, the only thing that doesn't work is the administrative option, the devices/scenes/programs options all work fine...

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Hello again SomeWhatLost,


I don't think it's Java. I think it's firewall ... do you have a different firewall software installed on the other computer on which everything works fine?


With kind regards,



the behavior is the same when I use IE7 as it is with FF 3.0.1, I would think that rules out FF as the culprit?

Java is the same as you have posted, I tried re-installing it from your web site and it claimed it was the same...


I set up my isy with a static IP, just so I always know where it is at... anyway, I just connect straight to it... (my dhcp is between .100 to .200)


I did try connecting through /99i and that had the same results.


also, the only thing that doesn't work is the administrative option, the devices/scenes/programs options all work fine...

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Hello again SomeWhatLost,


I don't think it's Java. I think it's firewall ... do you have a different firewall software installed on the other computer on which everything works fine?


With kind regards,


nope, both are just running the windows firewall...

I tried turning it off, and still no go...

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Now I am VeryMuchLost! Does this happen on any URL used (http://www.universal-devices.com/99i as well as the direct URL)?


With kind regards,



Hello again SomeWhatLost,


I don't think it's Java. I think it's firewall ... do you have a different firewall software installed on the other computer on which everything works fine?


With kind regards,


nope, both are just running the windows firewall...

I tried turning it off, and still no go...

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just a quick run down of where we are at so far:

  • it worked just fine Friday, did not work Saturday...
    doesn't work with either direct IP or from
windows firewall on/off has no effect...
IE and FF fail to work exactly the same...
it is only the Administrative Console that does not work...
cleared browser cache (FF only) & java cache, still no workie...
reinstalled Java (from UDI website) no help...
it is not the ISY itself as it works fine from a different PC (my server)
running v2.6.7

my desktop (where it does not work) is running win x64 XP Pro...

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Apologies for a tardy reply ( I am in a week long conference).


Aha! If you are using 64 bit Windows, you must use 64 bit Java (look for the x64 link here): http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/ea ... p#6u10JREs


Please do let us know of the outcome.


With kind regards,





just a quick run down of where we are at so far:

    it worked just fine Friday, did not work Saturday...
    doesn't work with either direct IP or from http://www.universal-devices.com/99i
    windows firewall on/off has no effect...
    IE and FF fail to work exactly the same...
    it is only the Administrative Console that does not work...
    cleared browser cache (FF only) & java cache, still no workie...
    reinstalled Java (from UDI website) no help...
    it is not the ISY itself as it works fine from a different PC (my server)
    running v2.6.7

my desktop (where it does not work) is running win x64 XP Pro...

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Hi SomeWhatLost,


We do know for a fact that 32 bit Java installation does NOT work well on a 64bit system (it runs in compatibility mode). I am not sure why it work on Friday ... we have had reports of intermittent behavior but we could not reproduce them.


With kind regards,


maybe the 64bit java will help ( I will try when I get home), but even so, why did it work Friday just fine? but Saturday was no go? I didn't start doing anything with java until Sunday...

wonder if there was a virus update Friday night/Saturday morning? or a window update?

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Unfortunately I have no more ideas. Umm, ok, one last question:

When you first used your ISY with this computer, did you accept the certificate? If not, or if you do not remember, please go to your Java console, click on the Security tab, and delete all your certificates.


With kind regards,



64bit java did not work... (ie nothing has changed... not any worse, but not any better either)

anymore ideas?

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