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Insteon Motion Sensor (beta) support on ISY firmware 2.6.7


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Was able to add a beta Motion Sensor to the ISY firmware 2.6.7


- put the Motion Sensor into linking mode

- 'New Insteon Device' on the ISY

- forced device type to SwitchLinc Relay

- typed in address of Motion Sensor

- hit Cancel and let the ISY do its thing



When the Motion Sensor detects motion, ISY shows the device at 20%. After the Motion Sensor's time out period, the ISY shows the device at OFF.


I was able to create a quick program to turn on a light with motion, and turn it back off after the Motion Sensor's timeout period. The program is processed relatively quickly - definitely more responsive than using ISY programs triggered by my X10 motions, though obviously not as quick as a direct link between the Motion Sensor and responding device.


Here is a sample program:


       Status  'Motion' is not Off

       Set 'Lamp' On

       Set 'Lamp' Off



I was also able to create a scene using the Motion Sensor as a controller. Lights respond nearly instaneously in this scenario.


Explicit support for the motion sensor in a future ISY firmware will be nice, but it's definitely usable in 2.6.7.

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Dear Mike;


I hate you.


With much Love,





All kidding aside, that is GREAT news. I have one ordered and will put it to work the very minute it is delivered. If it works as well as you indicate, I will end up ordering several.


I do wish they would make an AC version. I'd like to put a few in areas where it won't be so easy to get to them to change the battery. Or at least an a plug for an AC adapter.

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I do wish they would make an AC version. I'd like to put a few in areas where it won't be so easy to get to them to change the battery. Or at least an a plug for an AC adapter.


Good idea, and I'm sure easy for them to implement if they see enough of a demand.

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That would be great...a single device that was a switchlink dimmer with a motion sensor built in (I've seen them as standard switches). Setup with two addresses would be best...one for the switch, one for the motion sensor.


Great idea...

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