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Naming Conventions


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Does anyone have a good naming convention for devices?  


For instance, a motion sensor on the south deck has three entries in the device list.  One for low battery, dusk dawn, and state (on/off).  I have tried a number of different options but have not been fully satisfied.  An example could be:




where dd is a two digit prefix for the device.  In this case it could be "ms" for motion sensor.  Location could be the location of the sensor (SouthDeck).  And function could be LowBat.  The full name would be:




For a leak sensor under the guest bathroom sink it could be






Common prefixes could be


ms - motion sensor

ls - leak sensor

os - open sensor

ds - door sensor

sd - switchlink dimmer

so - switch link on/off

kd - keypad dimmer switch

mo - micro on/off module

ll - lamplink dimmer

td - toggle dimmer

lr - in-linelink relay

md - micro dimmer

mr - mini remote



A common problem seems to be in choosing a convention that results in names that are too long.  I am curious to see if anyone has suggestions for a good convention.

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I precede each device with a two letter description indicating the room that the device is located in. Each rooms devices' are in a folder with the same prefix. Same for the scenes. A number following the device name indicates the On-level for that device.




          BR Art Wall 60

          BR Ceiling Primary 50

          BR Ceiling Secondary 50

          BR Ceiling Fan

          BR Fireplace





          BR Art Wall

         BR Bedtime




   CR (Computer Room)


   DR (Dining Room)


   EX (Exterior)


   GG (Garages & Gates)


Also IN, KT, LR etc.

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interesting.  In your scheme you do not worry about the type of device.  If the on level is 100 or it is simply an on or off type of device you do not have a suffix for the On-level - correct?  


This makes sense for lights and switches.  How about a motion sensor or 8 button keypad?

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Correct, 100% and On/Off have no level suffix.


8-button KPL


     BR LampB Fan

     BR LampC Art Wall

     BR LampD Wet Bar

     BR LampE Torchiere

     BR LampF Pato

     BR LampG Bedtime

     BR LampH Nighttime


Bedtime-bedroom only, Nighttime-whole house except bedroom


6-button KPL

EX Garden KPL All

     EX GrdnA Shed

     EX GrdnB Stairs

     EX GrdnC Patio

     EX GrdnD Grill


Motion Sensor

IN Rear Hall-Motion

     IN Rear Hall-Dusk

     IN Rear Hall-Battery


Leak Sensor

KT Sink-Dry

     KT Sink-Heart

     KT Sink-Wet


I/O Linc

GG Drive Gate-Sensor

     GG Drive Gate-Relay



LR Themostat-Main

     LR Thermostat-Cool

     LR Thermostat-Heat


The prefixes are especially handy when wiring programs. For example, there are many ceiling lights, but only one IN Front Bath Ceiling.

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I always try to use nice names or descriptive ones, but then when you use a mobile app that's what it shows the name as.  So in the ISY I realized I could do folders, so made one for each room.  That way when writing a program it was super easy to select things, like "First Floor/Living Room/Lamp" but the problem is in MobiLinc and apps that comes up as just "Lamp".  You can usually rename them on the app but I use different ones and nothing is firm yet for me on what I want.  So I gave up and just have them still in folders to make it easier to write programs, but each device for me is basically "Living Room Lamp" "Master Bedroom Ceiling Light" "Guest Bathroom Light" "Shower LED" etc.

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In addition to the suggestions above, I have taken to adding a suffix to my scene names: MBR / MBR_Light.scn as in many cases I have a device and a scene with the same or very similar name.  Having the .scn extension makes it easy to tell a device from a scene.


When setting up variables, it helps to prefix them with s. or i. for State or Integer variables.



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I use a convention DDD RRR NAME, where DDD is three-character device code, RRR is three-character room code, and NAME description narrative. I am not sure that this is a perfect solution, but it is the way I started it (before there were room folders, I believe) and I am too lazy to change it.


My biggest (only) hangup is the one identified by416to305...using mobilinc and tasker, any widget I create on the homescreen shows the first few characters of the name from ISY. This is not especially useful for this purpose to have a widget with a name of OTL FRM north (rest truncated).

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I use a convention DDD RRR NAME, where DDD is three-character device code, RRR is three-character room code, and NAME description narrative. I am not sure that this is a perfect solution, but it is the way I started it (before there were room folders, I believe) and I am too lazy to change it.


My biggest (only) hangup is the one identified by416to305...using mobilinc and tasker, any widget I create on the homescreen shows the first few characters of the name from ISY. This is not especially useful for this purpose to have a widget with a name of OTL FRM north (rest truncated).


Hello Oberkc,


When you say three character device code can you provide an example?

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I do something similar with mine:


SLD - Switchlinc Dimmer

SLR - Switchlinc Relay

TLD - Toggleinc Dimmer

TLR - Toggleinc Relay

KD8 - Keypadlinc Dimmer (8 button)

KR6 - Keypadlinc Relay (6 Button)

OLR - Outletlinc Relay

OLD - Outletlinc Dimmer

DOT - Dual Outletlinc Relay (Top)

DOB - Dual Outletlinc Relay (Bottom)

ILD - Inlinelinc Dimmer

ILR - Inlinelinc Relay

MDM - Micro Dimmer Module

MS - Motion Sensor

TL - Triggerlinc

HDS - Hidden Door Sensor

BLB - Bulblinc


And so on...



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I find for me doing it my way works well, where you have maybe 1 folder for each floor, one for each room, and then I usually do another by device type, like "KeypadLinc" and then in those folders is where I keep the scenes as well, like for example each KPL button has a scene where it's just the responder, so I can light up the LED on it or turn it off with programs, so those are in the folders under the room.  I find that works well, as it's when writing programs that you really want to easily find things plus you can always rename them in the mobile apps, so seeing: "First Floor/Front Entry/KeyPadLinc/Front Entry - KPL B" works best for me since it's super easy to find when making a program plus is descriptive for apps.

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Hello Oberkc,


When you say three character device code can you provide an example?

For example


OTL = Outletlinc

KPL = Keypadlinc

IOL = IOLinc


Etc....nothing special here, in my mind. I just like three character codes, I guess. I probably like xathros' codes better than mine

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For example


OTL = Outletlinc

KPL = Keypadlinc

IOL = IOLinc


Etc....nothing special here, in my mind. I just like three character codes, I guess. I probably like xathros' codes better than mine

I had a chuckle when I saw Xathros naming convention. Some of them just hit me as I have seen them before stated in forms etc.


DOB: Date of birth

DOT: Department of transportation

OLD: Just some old guy

BLB: Bring Lots oBeer

SLR: Single Lens Reflector?

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Isn't that from WWF wrestling a DDT?



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Possibly but in my mind it is: DDT ("dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane") is a colorless, crystalline, tasteless and almost odorless organochloride known for its insecticidal properties.



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IRR: IR Receiver (irregular)

IRT: IR Transmitter (subway line in NYC)

TWD: 2-wire dimmer (texting while driving)

TS: thermostat (tough ...)


and don't forget the latest device

OOO: On/Off Outlet


Teken, SLR = single lens reflex camera

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Interesting exchange...  thanks for all the ideas


After reading everyone's preferences I will make a couple of changes.  I was approaching it more from a typical programming environment when I should be thinking of device naming from an end user perspective since it is what is displayed in mobile apps.


To make the programming a little easier I will switch to folders for rooms instead of grouping by device type.  Not sure it is necessary to have a folder for the floors since each room can easily have a unique name in my house.  I will likely having scenes in the same folder.

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I use a folder for each room or area. Then I have a sub folder for devices and one for scenes. I'll have to check my isy but I typically use the room name to start the device name. Ex: master lights. If dual band I have added (DB). I do like the concept of adding switch or dimmer. My standard name would indicate that it is a switchlinc. I do add kpl6 or kpl8 to device names, ex master his kpl8. I have added lamplincs or appliance Linc where indicated.

Starting the device name with the room name or at least an abbreviation of it makes it much easier to select it for a program if needed. I may have to shorten up to some abbreviations because some of my names start getting long for kpl buttons.

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