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New Device Icon's


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I would really like to see the ISY use new icons to represent the Insteon devices. Ideally icons could be selected from a list that best suites the end users environment. Better yet allow the end user to import or craft new icons for a more custom look and feel.


With Mobilinc the actual device shows up in the iPad. While in other 3rd party programs they offer what I consider a cartoon representation of the same. Either method is fine by me but this should be considered on the *To Do* list after 5.XX is under way and deployed to the masses.


Seeing the light bulb icon representing various devices seems odd.


My business case is that it would give the UI a more friendly and updated view. Which many find rather old and outdated at this point in time.


As always I thank you all at UDI.


Hi Teken,


Which UI are you referring to?


With kind regards,


The Admin Console where the icons are on the left in the device tree.



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Thanks Teken. I must say that this will have a very low priority simply because Admin Console is a configuration utility and not really something that should be used for viewing pleasure. This said, we'll definitely look into it.


With kind regards,



Thanks Teken. I must say that this will have a very low priority simply because Admin Console is a configuration utility and not really something that should be used for viewing pleasure. This said, we'll definitely look into it.


With kind regards,


Understood, I know there are more pressing matters to resolve in the back ground etc. having said this I would rather see my Insteon enabled Flood Stop Controller supported first.


But was shot down stating it won't be supported!


I can literally count on one hand the 3rd party companies who actually make Insteon devices. One would think everyone would support it.


But no . . .


No wonder nobody wants to make products for Insteon no one wants to support it!



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Does the company still make an INSTEON enabled floodstop? A brief search leads me to believe it's no longer manufactured.



I am unsure if they do or not. I have been sitting here for many days trying to get this thing going.


It's clear to me the device is Insteon capable based on my testing and using HL Software. I just need someone willing to give me a break!


It's like I'm always the first one to try, use, deploy, something!


This was exactly the same with GEM support and still exists today.


Frustrating to say the least blazing a trail just so others can enjoy the outcome. My comments are not pointed toward you Mike.


Just how I feel based on personal experience during the last four years.



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Are you suggesting that we should support a device that is no longer manufactured?


Are you suggesting that we should prioritize features requested by a few at a higher priority than those requested by 100s?


We are working on GEM (and you are on copy of our correspondence with Brultech) d o I don't understand the comment.


With kind regards,





Are you suggesting that we should support a device that is no longer manufactured?


Are you suggesting that we should prioritize features requested by a few at a higher priority than those requested by 100s?


We are working on GEM (and you are on copy of our correspondence with Brultech) d o I don't understand the comment.


With kind regards,



I don't believe developmental support should be based on (IF) something is still being manufactured. Otherwise, those who still have older Insteon devices in place would not be in a very good position would they?


Smartlabs has over the last several years stopped making the following devices: Appliance Linc, Lamp Linc, KPL Timer, Switch Linc Timer, Icon Line, Timer Linc, and many others etc.


This trend will continue of (deprecating existing devices) and replacing them with newer and more capable ones.  


Are you suggestion you would stop supporting these devices? Obviously not, since doing so would alienate tens of thousands of loyal ISY users and future customers.


X10 is long dead and there remains tens of millions of users. Many products have since stopped production over the years yet native X10 support is still there in the ISY.


UDI continues to support X10 with in the ISY Series Controller, which it should. All of this legacy support is just good business and in the big picture does not take away anything but adds value to the product itself.


With respect to asking (me) should UDI consider the minority vs the majority when placing a priority on support / development.


My view on that has no baring on what you're going to do what so ever. 


Do I have an position on it, of course!


More than two years ago people asked me *Why are you going with a unknown company to help manage your energy* My reply to them was based on my personal experience and dealing with this company (UDI) they are capable, driven, and passionate about pushing the HA space.


This includes the Energy Management space.


Its safe to say development of the Energy Module was less than developed and many facets were still in a state of flux and in testing. Knowing this did not deter me from moving forward with purchasing three ISY's and the Energy Module.




Because someone had to blaze a trail in this area, and based on feed back the module could be improved upon and developed more. In a three week period the Energy Module which was sitting dormant and undeveloped came to light and was released.


Was it great?


No . . .


Was it still work in progress?


Yes . . .


Fast forward two years later the module has evolved into a very robust part of the ISY Series Controller. Along with many other parts of the POCO ZS metered aspect etc. Does UDI sell thousands of IZ/ZS series controllers when compared to the basic versions?


No . . .


But, I do know they are selling one extra unit which is IZ/ ZS enabled which otherwise would not have in the past. That is a sale not lost but captured from someone else and will continue to capture those profits moving forward. As I stated numerous times here and abroad in other forums, the continued support of the energy module would get UDI ready to deploy the basic principles to the next supported protocol, Z-Wave.


Since the launch of the Z-Wave enabled ISY again this has captured sales that could have been lost to someone else but wasn't. It wasn't a surprise to me that (Energy Monitoring) would also apply to the Z-Wave camp.


These same people had seen the same erratic values that I continue to see today. How and why this has been solved for the Z-Wave camp is beyond me. But, would ask a concerted effort needs to be placed on IZ Series also.


I can safely state my initial testing and related forum posts, blogs, and articles have championed the sale of these units and brought UDI to the for front where it deserves to be. Its not a surprise or unheard of that anytime someone asks me what HA controller to purchase is.


I have, and continue to state, the ISY Series Controller is the only electronic investment that keeps giving back. These comments have been made all over the Interwebs which you're aware of.


Having said this, its also not a surprise or unheard of, hearing my thoughts about a area that requires more attention and development. I obviously have a personal stake in this and will enjoy the fruits of your labor and those of the dedicated UDI engineers.


But, its also safe to say that development will pay off moving forward. 


Hi Teken,


Thank you for the details.


1. You are on copy on the correspondence between Ben (Brultech) and I. He just got a new firmware to test. So, I am not sure I understand the comments

2. With respect to Third party devices, our policy has always been the same: based on demand. This is the first request for this device as far as I am aware of and the company is no longer active



With kind regards,



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