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Setting on-level for a group (scene)


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For some reason, the following code fragment does not work:


return changeGroupState(InsteonConstants.DEVICE_ON, Integer.toString(onLevel), address);


The idea is to set the scene address to the onLevel specified. The scene does turn on, but always to full brightness (or perhaps, I would think, to the default brightness for that scene). Isn't there a way to send a preset dim level to a scene the same way I can send a preset dim level to an individual device?

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For some reason, the following code fragment does not work:


return changeGroupState(InsteonConstants.DEVICE_ON, Integer.toString(onLevel), address);


The idea is to set the scene address to the onLevel specified. The scene does turn on, but always to full brightness (or perhaps, I would think, to the default brightness for that scene). Isn't there a way to send a preset dim level to a scene the same way I can send a preset dim level to an individual device?


Insteon does not support this. Scene commands are On, Off, Brighten, Dim, Fast On, Fast Off.


A scene could contain hundreds of devices, each of which has a level and ramp rate unique to that scene. Hundreds of scenes are available. Using the ISY-26 it is easy to create another scene with the on levels and ramp rates you desire with your preset dim levels.



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Unfortunately, INSTEON does not allow sending preset dim levels to a scene. As per philosophy: that's why each device belonging to a scene already has a preset DIM associated with it!


We would've it loved if your scenario worked as we do get a lot of requests for that functionality.


With kind regards,




For some reason, the following code fragment does not work:


return changeGroupState(InsteonConstants.DEVICE_ON, Integer.toString(onLevel), address);


The idea is to set the scene address to the onLevel specified. The scene does turn on, but always to full brightness (or perhaps, I would think, to the default brightness for that scene). Isn't there a way to send a preset dim level to a scene the same way I can send a preset dim level to an individual device?

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