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Wierd problem with keypad 2334-222


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Hi everybody,

I've been using ISY/Insteon for quite some time now, but this is the first time I'm absolutely clueless as to what's going on.

I had to replace one of my older keypads that fell victim to "restless blinking syndrome". The new keypad is latest and greatest v43, brand new from SmartHome. I did the replace operation in ISY and everything seemed to be fine. Except, ISY doesn’t see any commands from the new device. So if I press a button on the new keypad, the appropriate scene turns on or off, but there’s no change in ISY’s device status. Moreover, if I open event log, there is *nothing* there. As if no communication is taking place between the devices in the scene. If I do query in the GUI, the statuses update fine. If I control the device itself from the GUI, it also works as expected. Just no commands from the buttons themselves are visible to PLM. The link tables are identical, I checked. I don’t think there are any communication problems either as all the scenes work and another keypad next to the new one doesn’t have any problems either. Factory reset, relinking – I tried everything I could think of, to no avail… Help!!!




Did you check in the links in the PLM or just the device? If the PLM doesn't have a corresponding entry in it's table it ignores the messages. Perhaps the replace process wasn't 100% successful with regards to the PLM.




Did you try restoring the PLM?

No, thanks for the idea. That's probably the only thing I haven't done yet, short of deleting everything and recreating all the scenes again. I tried power-resting both PLM and ISY with no success. I'll try restore tonight.


Hi everybody,

I've been using ISY/Insteon for quite some time now, but this is the first time I'm absolutely clueless as to what's going on.

I had to replace one of my older keypads that fell victim to "restless blinking syndrome". The new keypad is latest and greatest v43, brand new from SmartHome. I did the replace operation in ISY and everything seemed to be fine. Except, ISY doesn’t see any commands from the new device. So if I press a button on the new keypad, the appropriate scene turns on or off, but there’s no change in ISY’s device status. Moreover, if I open event log, there is *nothing* there. As if no communication is taking place between the devices in the scene. If I do query in the GUI, the statuses update fine. If I control the device itself from the GUI, it also works as expected. Just no commands from the buttons themselves are visible to PLM. The link tables are identical, I checked. I don’t think there are any communication problems either as all the scenes work and another keypad next to the new one doesn’t have any problems either. Factory reset, relinking – I tried everything I could think of, to no avail… Help!!!






Not to take your thread on a tangent but your example and illustration is exactly what others have seen based on another issue plaguing some ISY users.


People have been seeing random ALL ON / ALL OFF issues, everyone have indicated the ISY is not aware of these events and its not captured in the logs, ever.


I am going to link your thread to the ALL ON / ALL OFF thread because this might be critical in helping UDI and Smartlabs in identifying root cause.


Did you try restoring the PLM?

That did the trick! Thanks, shannong! I gues something did go wrong during the replacement process. What I don't understand however, is how in the world did device's and ISY's tables compare ok?


People have been seeing random ALL ON / ALL OFF issues, everyone have indicated the ISY is not aware of these events and its not captured in the logs, ever.

I had couple of those... ALL ON event triggered seemingly by a motion sensor. It stopped happening though after I upgraded to 994.


Hi onever,


Compares are links in the device and not the plm. I suspect either of the following :

1. Your plm had lost all its links

2. You have too many links in your plm and now it's been defraged. Please go to tools/Diagnostics/Show PLM Links click on the Start button, wait for it to complete and then click on the Count button... Make sure the count is not more than about 800 or so


With kind regards,


Posted (edited)



The 2413 holds 992 link records.  The Show PLM Links Table issues a series of Get Next commands to read the link database.  If the PLM receives Insteon messages during this process it affects the "next" pointer such that link records can be read more than once or skipped.  Necessary to run Show PLM Links Table/Count multiple times to insure a repeatable number and stop other Insteon activity if possible. 


With a count over 992 it sounds like other Insteon is affecting the Show PLM Links Table.

Edited by LeeG
Posted (edited)

Well, in my particular case it was definitely a problem with replace command in PLM. Looks like the links for the new device were either not written or corrupted. Restore PLM operation took care of the issue completely. Links count is "only" 647. Thanks for the help!


Forgot to mention another peculiar thing. I have a (new) leak sensor that never sent heartbeat, no matter what I tried. I was about to send it back to SmartHome for replacement when all of a sudden I started receiving the heartbeats – after PLM restore…

Edited by onever
Posted (edited)

Hard to get a quiet house around here. ;)


I ran it again several times with every program disabled and nobody walking around. I'm floating around 760. Hard to believe I'm nearing the limit with approx 100 devices in my house. I did have about 10 more devices I was planning to add. Multiply that with associated scene entries for them so I could be in trouble.


What is the relevance of the 800 number Michel offered?


What does the Count button do? Each link in the window is numbered so the last entry (plus one for zero record) always gives the same count? Are there times it doesn't?

Edited by shannong

There was a time when the Show PLM display did not have the link records numbered so Count was useful. 


The 2412 PLM has a slower processor which may account for the 800 number.  Michel will have to explain.


Hard to know if 760 means anything.  Plugging the PLM into the 'filtered' side of a FilterLinc may reduce the Insteon traffic so an accurate count can be obtained.  One user found it necessary to use two FilterLincs, plugging a FilterLinc into the 'filtered' side of the first FilterLinc to shutdown the Insteon messages to the PLM.


Cannot change the number of links used by the basic device so Scene reduction/adjustment is the only area where link records can be reclaimed. 


Wait a minute. My 2413S PLM link count is 1060.




If you do a restore PLM there's a good chance you will free up memory as the restore deletes links that are no longer being used.


If you do a restore PLM there's a good chance you will free up memory as the restore deletes links that are no longer being used.


About to find out. My PLM died yesterday. I had buying a backup PLM on the to-do list but was waiting to making sure all the stock of the older version was depleted. I had to bite the bullet and order one from Amazon yesterday so I could get it on Monday. I'm expecting that to be the older one.


On Monday I'll process a warranty RMA with Smarthome and hope they ship me the newer version.


Well, I'll have my backup now.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody,

I've been using ISY/Insteon for quite some time now, but this is the first time I'm absolutely clueless as to what's going on.

I had to replace one of my older keypads that fell victim to "restless blinking syndrome". The new keypad is latest and greatest v43, brand new from SmartHome. I did the replace operation in ISY and everything seemed to be fine. Except, ISY doesn’t see any commands from the new device. So if I press a button on the new keypad, the appropriate scene turns on or off, but there’s no change in ISY’s device status. Moreover, if I open event log, there is *nothing* there. As if no communication is taking place between the devices in the scene. If I do query in the GUI, the statuses update fine. If I control the device itself from the GUI, it also works as expected. Just no commands from the buttons themselves are visible to PLM. The link tables are identical, I checked. I don’t think there are any communication problems either as all the scenes work and another keypad next to the new one doesn’t have any problems either. Factory reset, relinking – I tried everything I could think of, to no avail… Help!!!




I did the exact same thing, and had exactly the same problem. Unfortunately, I sat there and poked at my scenes and programs for a couple of hours before I looked on the forum.


The only difference is the PLM restore did nothing; however, device restore fixed the problem. I hope Smarthome has fixed the power supply in these keypads. I'm tired of replacing them. Smarthome tech support denied any knowledge of a problem with the keypadlincs. :roll:

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