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Mobilinc doesn't activate scenes correctly?


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Xathros, on 08 Feb 2015 - 08:52 AM, said:Xathros, on 08 Feb 2015 - 08:52 AM, said:

In Mobilinc on the iPhone, try changing Settins / Mobilinc Settings / Advanced Scene Status. See if that makes any difference.


Yes, that made a difference, thanks!

Now those scenes work properly, however I have now lost the % on a few scenes where I needed it.  However as a workaround perfect.


The fact that the UI workflow and logic is different on the iPad and iPhone makes me assume the issue I have is not 'by design'?  

Maybe a short-term fix would be the ability to set the show percentages on each scene rather than / as well as a global settings? 

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Glad I could help. I'm interested to hear what Wes has to say about this.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The Advanced Scene settings either attempts to calculate a scene percentage or if this setting is off, will use basic logic for determining if a scene is ON or OFF.


Because you have KPLs as controllers and responders to other scenes, that will likely cause a little confusion for the viewer on how the scene percentages under Advanced mode are calculated. The percentages here are calculated by looking at how many devices in the scene match the ON levels specified by the scene definition. If 2 of the 3 devices match the scene ON levels then you'll get a 66% scene ON level. All three devices match the scene's definition for ON then MobiLinc will show ON. It's a little more complex than that, but that's a good basic example of how this works.


Basic mode say every device in the scene MUST match the scene's definition for ON. If not, then the scene is OFF. Mixing basic and advanced scene status isn't currently supported.


I think you are seeing differences between the iPhone and iPad versions due to the different UI approaches. The logic under the hood for both apps is identical. When you tap the iPhone icon, this is effectively toggling the scene. However, depending on what percentage is reporting (if using advanced) the percentage away from 0% or 100% can drive the toggle function one way or another. Whereas on the iPad, you are explicitly tapping the top or bottom paddle (on/off) to drive the ON/OFF commands to the scene.



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Thanks for the explanation.


Any chance it can be a per scene setting in addition to a global setting?  I have scenes where I would like the % shown (2-way, 3-way linked switch scenes)in addition to scenes like this where it doesn't make sense due to the behavior.


I also still don't understand why it calculates the % the same on both the iPad and iPhone but tapping the scene to activate it does different things?



I am not quite sure why anyone would want to know the % number of items that are on in a scene (other than a troubleshooting tool) but I believe you that there are folks who do.  Personally I would want to know exactly what number of devices were not on. 


To clarify my point I was thinking it should show the load level % now that I re-read your post and realize it is the number of devices I guess I just wont use it.  Maybe UI clarification about this is not load% but number of devices on/not on.


Also I have no idea if I turned it on or not - I have habit of checking every advanced check box :-)  - my recommendation is this setting defaults to off.

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Say you have three devices with scene ON Levels set to 100%. If all three devices are set to 50%, then the scene will read 50%. So, when I gave that basic example before, that didn't include scene calculations like this that are more straightforward.


You've come around to where I'd recommend that you be and that's to use the basic mode for scene status. There are so many ways to interpret scenes (which is why I'm assuming that the ISY does not do scene status). MobiLinc has an opinion on this and it's seemed to work for most folks. We recently introduced the basic mode to accommodate users that either have really advanced scenes (like you) or very basic scenes and just want a simple ON/OFF status. 



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InsteonNut, on 09 Feb 2015 - 08:56 AM, said:

It's certainly doable...just takes time. We've got a lot on our plate right now with other higher priority items, but I'll add it to our feature request list.



Understand, not urgent.


On a related note - do you ever share your lists and prioritization with customers to help get prioritization?  Maybe a feature voting board?

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I've thought about adding a feature voting/submitting feature in the MobiLinc app. The problem with this is it takes time away from real features to implement/maintain/support. So, to date, it's just been internal based on the feedback we receive from the board and our email support line along with where we want to take the products in relation to the greater home automation market.



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Hi Jimbo,


We've look at this along with other web-based options. The problem I have with a web-based approach is it's discoverability. It really needs to be inside of the app where people are using MobiLinc to quickly add/see/comment on requests. Also while we do get great feedback from the community here and via our email line, the volume is certainly manageable for us. These voting/feature sites tend to be more useful as the request volume outpaces the support capability.



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