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SSL Certificate

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First -let me applaud you on a top notch product. I have it up and running on both my LAN and the internet for several lights and two different thermostats. Nice work.


I do have a question about SSL certificates. Do people really buy an SSL certicifate from an SSL Certificate provider (eg GoDaddy, Verisign, etc) ?? They seem fairly expensive and I for one and ready to accept userid/password security for the ISY. Am I missing something here and finally will Universal Devices do anything in future releases to make this easier?


Thanks in advance - Larry

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Hi Larry,


Thanks so very much for your kind words. They mean a lot.


As Dave pointed out, you can install a self signed certificate. The only difference is that the certificate is signed by YOU. So, when your browser complains that the authority is not valid, you can check the certificate and make sure it's the one you signed.


I strongly recommend having a certificate (self signed) for two reasons:

1. I am sure you wouldn't want anyone sniffing the network capturing your userid/password (which in most cases is common with a lot of other passwords you might have)

2. The default certificate that comes with ISY is shared with all other ISYs and therefore if one is hacked then all could be hacked


Most people do not get CA authorized certificates. But, I believe, as more and more Internet clients become machines (rather than humans), then security becomes much more important, prices will come down (probably $2/year or so), and we all breathe a lot easier!


With kind regards,



First -let me applaud you on a top notch product. I have it up and running on both my LAN and the internet for several lights and two different thermostats. Nice work.


I do have a question about SSL certificates. Do people really buy an SSL certicifate from an SSL Certificate provider (eg GoDaddy, Verisign, etc) ?? They seem fairly expensive and I for one and ready to accept userid/password security for the ISY. Am I missing something here and finally will Universal Devices do anything in future releases to make this easier?


Thanks in advance - Larry

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