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Fried Keypad Linc?


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I think I fried my keypad linc.  I want to make sure I've tried everything before ordering a new one.


I have an 8 key keypad.  When I came home from work today, none of the keys worked, and the light controlled by the upper left button was in a weird strobe pattern.  I did a factory reset on the keypad linc.  The light connected through the upper left button now works normally, but I cannot control any of my devices with the keypad linc.

  • I deleted all of my scenes associated with the suspect keypad linc and recreated them with the keypad linc as the controller.  From the ISY interface, it looks like it's writing to the device, but the devices don't respond to the keypad linc.
  • I can redefine the LED level successfully on the suspect keypad linc.  i.e. I set it to 1 on the ISY and the LEDs come on dim.  I set it to 15 and the LEDs come on bright.  I set it to 0 and the LEDs do not come on at all.
  • From a scene on the ISY, if I select Diagnostics - Scene Test, the scene tests successfully with the exception of the button on the suspect controller.  This fails.
  • I can control the responders from my ISY GUI successfully.
  • If I add a button from the suspect Keypad Linc as a responder to a scene controlled by another controller, the button from the keypad linc does not respond.

I'm not really sure what else to try.  Did I miss something or is my keypad linc fried?


Thanks for your help.

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