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PLM Failure Modes, and whether to wait for UDI's PLM


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I have been having issues with KPL LEDs that are controlled by ISY programs not always being in the correct state.  I tried replacing the KPLs with no improvement.  Also, I am starting to notice that light being controlled by my ISY (through programs) are not turning on or off as reliably as I am used to.


Could this be a symptom of a failing PLM?  I was not sure what their failure modes are.  Do they fail DEAD (no lights on the unit, no nothing), or can they also fail with intermittent communication??


Secondly, I was going to buy a new PLM, but I understand that UDI is creating their own which sounds interesting.  Any idea on release date?  If they are doing their own and it provides features that are useful, I might just try re-cap'ing my existing PLM and wait rather than buying a second 2413S.



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The older PLMs (before PLM hardware v.20) had power supply problems (bad capacitors) that had various symptoms. Smarthome is shipping PLMs with the corrected hardware.


UDI has 5 PLMs ready to ship but has to wait for All On symptoms to be corrected with new PLM firmware (PLM firmware comes from SmartLabs) or it is proven that the PLM is not the cause.


If your PLM is failing get a new one from Smarthome.


The problem is your symptoms could well be Insteon network related rather than PLM.

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OK, well I did go ahead and order a new PLM from Smarthome.  


In the mean time, I am seeing lots of "could not communicate with xxxx" every time I log into my ISY.  I can query the device and it does respond, but clearly I am having either PLM issues or network issues.  If the latter (network), what could be causing this?? I did just add the Z-wave module to my ISY and added several Z-wave devices, but that should not cause this issue should it?  

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ZWave is not causing Insteon comm issues. ZWave does not use the PLM nor the powerline.


If an Insteon network problem all the normal possibilities exist. Something absorbing the Insteon signal, something adding noise to powerline. All the issues that are covered in the forum. Look for patterns on the same electrical circuit.

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Blueman - not an expert here, but that sounds a lot like the symptoms I was having.  Things were great for a long time (couple years 'ish), and then the symptoms you mentioned.  Intermittently I would get "could not communicate with ..." errors.  After a while of that - the PLM fully cratered.  I got a new PLM and it started working again right away.  I can't tell you sustained that was - because I also ordered a new ISY with ZWave and such, and have made the jump (needed to add ZWave devices anyway).


Working ISY99IRPRO for sale now though ;)  comes with brand new PLM!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like issues that I was having with my PLM awhile back. After power cycling both units, (PLM first then the ISY) the ISY would go through each of my insteon devices and return the "could not communicate" error. The PLM was not acknowledging the commands so there was definitely something up with the PLM. A factory reset on the PLM had no effect either. So I called up smarthome and they sent me a new one. They figured it likely either needed to be re-cap'd or re-flashed. This exact thing has happened twice to me. It took about a little over a year for the PLM to fail. This last one is going on 11 months now so we'll see if it makes the cut.

mangler: why wouldn't you just purchase the zwave upgrade kit? So much less expensive.

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mangler: why wouldn't you just purchase the zwave upgrade kit? So much less expensive.


He upgraded from a 99 to a 994.  ZWave is not available for the 99.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


Just a quick update on our PLM: we are still negotiating with SmartHome vis-a-vis flashing INSTEON chips. Furthermore, we are working with SmartHome to see whether or not we can address the All On issue once and for all.


Unfortunately I really do not have an ETA. So very sorry.


With kind regards,


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My PLM lasted 3 years, it just went dead.Got myself a new one the V2.

Some people using the HL software are going to have problems with the new PLM's unless smarthome

pushes a new update on the HL software,.If not that's good news for UD.

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