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Wiring a 2476D to a Transformer


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Strange to me that the dimmer works upstream of the transformer. But that explains why you need the transformer to be designed to work in that manner. Anyway, in my case it is.


Stu, yes, there are ! marks next to the devices. Sounds like that means something to you, which sounds good to me. The system was installed while we owned the home, but I had little to do with it and, at the time, my computer could not run the ISY Admin app, so I wasn't trained on it and am having to figure it out, now. Thus my ignorance.

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The most common causes of the ! symbol is that the device was removed, defective or has a wiring problem. The first step is to remove the wall plate to verify that the Insteon ID on the device and the ISY are identical. What did you find?

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Stu, I did not do anything physically to the two existing devices (one KeypadLinc, one SwitchLinc); the third device I replaced. I've checked and the IDs for the first two devices are correct. The ID on the new SwitchLinc needs to change to the new SwitchLinc's ID. I've tried entering the IDs using the "New Insteon Device" function. On the existing two devices, the program simply flashes back to the Ready screen, possibly because those device are already linked. On the new device, the program slowly goes through the first 6% of a progress bar of adding the device, then gives me the error "Cannot determine Insteon engine."


Here is some information from Diagnostics:


• The PLM status shows "13.26.77 v92 / Connected"

• PLM links table goes through a progress bar to 14% then stops and show a blank window.

• For the two existing devices, "Show Device Links Table" returns "Failed reading device link"

• For the new SwitchLinc the same test returns "Subscriber didn't reply to event" and "Failed reading device link"

• Show ISY Links Table reuturns information I can share if it's important. The two existing devices' IDs appear.


That's the latest.

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Do you have other Insteon devices that are functioning?


For the devices with the !, what is the result of Write Updates to Device. Remove one of the problem devices. Ensure that the connections are secure, that is, remove the wire nuts and twist the wires together in the clockwise direction using a pair of pliers. Retry Write Updates to Device.

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I have only these three devices; they run landscape lighting. It is a very modest little system. The devices are all seemingly working in terms of allowing the lights to work, but not in communicating with the ISY through the PLM network.


"Write Updates to Device" goes through its progress bars, but nothing changes. This is so for all three devices. Yet the devices are functioning. I can turn all the lights on using the KeypadLinc (meaning those associated directly with it and those associated with the two SwitchLinc dimmers). I say this because it's now raining and I'm reluctant to go outside and test the wiring if the lights are clearly working.


To me it seems as if the trouble is not in the three exterior devices, themselves, but in the PLM communication. I can't seem to find a way to test the PLM network, itself.

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Good thinking. You have an older PLM. Some posters have indicated that their PLM failed (or partially failed) at about 2+ years. Remove the PLM. There will be a label indicating:






What is x.y? What is abcd?


It's raining here, too B)

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@Brian: It's a 99i. Let me see if I can test as you suggest... Okay, we have a failed test. It's in a loop, returning the same failure notice. I quit it. What does this tell us?


@Stu: Ah, I see you're in LA. So am I. That explains the rain—and thank goodness for it, blessed rain from heaven! Okay, back to my little troubles: the PLM is way past two years. Let's see, it says






And my two Access Points say






But the thing is that all these seemed to be functioning fine, yesterday. The chance that the whole network gave out at exactly the same time I messed with my ISY settings while installing a new SwitchLinc seems vanishingly small. I think I broke the network via software. I perhaps need to review the PLM manuals (thus far I've been looking at the ISY and SwitchLinc manuals). One bit of information: the ISY, with the PLM disconnected from both the network and power, still just has its power light on. According to the manual, it should have its RX light on. I will plug the PLM back in, as the manual suggests. Hmm, the PLM's LED light flashes just briefly as I plug in the PLM, then goes out and stays out. This does not seem right, contrary to my intuition that the problem is software related. Plugging and unplugging, the ISY lights do not change. Something is clearly wrong with one or both of the ISY and the PLM.

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Why do you want to dim landscape lights? Obviously personal preference, but these should be on or off.

Which buttons on the keypad controlled the landscape lights? Keypads can control a load with the A button on the 8 button Kpl or the on/off buttons on the 6 button Kpl. The other buttons are secondary buttons that can be linked to control devices with scenes.

Newer devices are not compatible with the isy99. It has been posted that a discount is offered on upgrading to the 994 by UD.

When you are replacing a device use the replace with function.



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You have one of the earlier PLMs, manufactured in 2009. Due to its age it's likely the the PLM has failed. Another consideration is the dimmer. The 99i is also an older device. It does not support a lot of the newer devices, so if you recently purchased the dimmer, that explains why you haven't been able to add it to the ISY.


You may want to call UDI to see if you can obtain a new ISY at the upgrade price. You'll will probably also need a PLM (check Amazon).


BTW, I have a functioning in-use 2412S PLM from 08 powering a 99i.

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The 99i supports the new 2476D that is replacing the old 2476D, so that doesn't explain the problem. But it is clear that I'm going to have to upgrade, eventually, to a 994. Still, with my very simple system, I'd prefer to keep the 99i as long as it's functioning, which I think it is as the Admin console tells me. It seems more likely it's the PLM that's gone down. It's statistically unlikely that it failed right when I was replacing and trying to link a dimmer, but it's certainly possible that that proved too much for its venerable circuitry. I'll let it sit and plug it in tomorrow and see if things have changed. Is the upgrade price to the 994 a really great deal?


Meanwhile, my own venerable circuitry needs dinner. It's carnitas tostadas and the Oscars! (Very Angeleno.)


Thanks for all your help in this troublshooting. I'll update things tomorrow.


Oh, and EricK, I'm not sure why the installer put in the dimming function for landscape lighting, but now that's it's in, I find that I like the downlights at about 60% while the porch lights and pergola lights are at 100%, so for me it's worth getting this thing working again. Otherwise, to dim the downlights I'd have to go to the basement and the side yard every night. And I'd have to remember to turn them on at night and off in the morning. As I say, I'm too venerable for that!

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The savings on an upgrade is substantial.


All of our dimmers have a preset that gives pleasant lighting for virtually everything except reading and cleaning. Some areas have three levels.


And I, too, like to keep the front exterior dimly lit all night.


Thanks to Insteon, I can remotely control the brightness of the walkway and driveway lights. Less brightness, less power consumed.


Thanks to the ISY, I can schedule the lighting to occur only between dusk and dawn and brighten if there's activity.


Pushing a button is easy.  Doing it with your hands in your pockets is luxurious B)

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Hi all,


Success! My new PLM arrived and it was pretty much plug and play, immediately communicating with my devices. So the old PLM died during the process of installing and setting up the new 2476D dimmer. Two simultaneous problems were what led to my confusion.


Okay, honestly only partial success. I still have one problem: the new dimmer is being recognized by the ISY as a 2876S Icon On/Off Switch v.2C. I've deleted the device and added it back several times. Same result. I've been adding it via the "New Device" method. Even when I specify the device type as a 2476D, the app immediately relabels it a 2876S and refuses to implement dimming. To be clear, the device works, but just as a switch, not a dimmer. I've attempted to use its paddle to dim the lights manually, but this just turns the lights off. I suspect it's a bad 2476D that has lost its dimming function and thus defaults in the system to a simple on/off switch. Does that make sense? If so, I'll perhaps replace it. Either that or take EricK's advice and just let it switch on the lights at full.

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Can you add the device to the ISY with Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3 running. It will show what device type the device is reporting.


Make sure there has not been an error in reading the Insteon address; 8 for B, etc.


Odd that a new 2476D would identify itself as an ICON device no longer in production.

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That should not be happening

The 2476D has an Insteon Catalog Number 0x01, Subcatalog number 0x01

The 2876S has an Insteon Catalog Number 0x02, Subcatalog number 0x0B

The Cat and Subcat numbers are read by the ISY controller. As reported by the module during reading its properties.

Event Viewer in Level 3 may show what is going on. When adding it.

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If it really is a 2876S Icon On Off Switch.

It would have only one green or amber {both where used at different times}  Off LED.


If it is a 2476D it will have all of the level indicating LEDs. That indicate the level it is turned on.

If it was a 2476S. It would have two white LEDs. One for Off and one for On.

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LeeG, I can add the device in the way you mention, but it adds as a 2876S. I did save the log when attempting to do so. I've searched it for 2476, 2876, 0x01, 0x02, and so on. None of those strings appear in the log, so I can't figure out how to interpret what device type is reporting in the log. The Insteon address is correct. That said, the "new" 2476D is not new. Bought it from eBay, pulled from a home. I believe I'll have to contact the seller. Should have forked over the $50 and bought a new one, it seems.

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An update: I just went to the basement to check the device and found out to my embarrassment that it's a 2476S, yes S, not D. So it's a non-dimming switch. Sheesh, I am an idiot. Don't know why it reports as a 2876S, but it doesn't matter. I bought the wrong device and have no dimming on that part of my landscape lighting. Fine. I shall try to embrace EricK's viewpoint!

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If they have not fallen off, the glue on them was known to dry out and fall off. There should be a few white sticker on the front of the module.

If you have a chance. You may want to post what they say.


Also verify the local paddle switches work correctly. There where some with tact switch problems in the older hardware revisions.. The symptom was paddle would click the small tact switch but nothing would change. The hardware revision would be on the white sticker on the front of the Switchlinc.


After looking at the Shipping Products list Smartlabs publicly released.

The Sub Cat ID number the module maybe different than the ones I gave for the early revision hardware.

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