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Internet IP Address


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I mostly access my ISY remotely over the internet. When I lose power on my DSL Modem/router my DSL modem/router negotiates a new Internet IP address with my ISP. I use a dynamic dns service so that I don't have to remember the new IP address all the time.


The problem is when my router gets its new Internet IP address the ISY isn't updated with the new internet IP Address. The ISY still has the old Internet IP address and therefore cannot be accessed remotely. The only way to correct the ISY with the new Internet IP address is to Disable then Enable internet access on the ISY after accessing it locally. Shouldnt the ISY poll or commuincate the router to ensure it has the most up to date internet IP address in case it changes?

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The ISY actually doesn't really care what it has for a public IP address. I think one of 2 things is happening:


- your router is giving the ISY a new internal IP address, so the UPNP port forward that is created when you originally did an 'enable internet access' is no longer pointing to the ISY.


- the UPNP port forward created when you originally did an 'enable internet access' is somehow being deleted when the router is rebooted, so you must run that function again to recreate the port forward


Either way, if I were in your shoes, I would do the following:


1 - Set your ISY to a static IP address. Make sure to choose an address outside of your router's DHCP range.


2 - Manually create the port forward on your router. For HTTPS, forward port 443 to your ISY's IP address. If you use HTTP, also forward port 80.



See here:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... IP_Address


and here:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... o_Your_ISY

(Configuring a non-UPNP router)


Good luck!

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No ISY doesn't lose power when the router does. Yes NAT is enabled and my router is set up so the ISY gets the same private/reserved internal/local IP address every time.




Internal/local IP address does not change, as described above.


Also I checked the router and the port forward is correct in the router with the right IP address and port combination in the tables.


I will try the static IP address as suggested but this doesn't make sense to me. The router has the correct local/internal address and correct Port Forward in its tables. The only difference I see is when I go to the ISY and click on help it has the old external/internet IP address and things don't connect remotely.


Appreciate the help, thank you.

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Maybe one of the UDI guys can chime in with a solution, but I can tell you that your ISY doesn't NEED to have the 'enable internet access' set to allow access from the web - all that function does is create a UPNP port forward in your router (if capable).


With a static IP set on the ISY, and a manual port forward created on your router, you can access the ISY all you want without using 'enable internet access'.


What happens when you try to access the ISY from the web after one of these outages occurs?

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I think the problme is with the public IP address that the ISY thinks it has.


Hey Gary -


Why do you think the ISY cares what its public IP address is? I could be wrong, but I don't think it does.

Wel, now that I give it more though, it may not. But as the ISY knows what its public address is (was) and it has changed, maybe it won't respond. This is a question for Michel.


Until then, I'd have the ISY boot when ever the router does. Then again, I'd put my router on a UPS. I do this so I still have internet when the house looses power.

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Please try this: from the Administrative Console File menu, disable Internet access. Then manually create the port forward rule in your router. Test.


If the problem still exists, give ISY a static IP address, reconfigure the manual port forward rule, and test.


If the problem still exists, allow ISY to loose power when the router does. Test.


Sometimes it is preferable to allow ISY to loose power during a failure. I also prefer to have the router on a UPS.

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Not sure how this helps. You want me to replicate the error and do these tests? I know how to fix the problem once it occurs "Disable and then re-enable intenret access' on the ISY fixes it. I dont change a thing on the router which as I mentioned has all the correct forwarding rules configured.


I would assume someone at UD could review your code?


Anyway I will test it next time it occurs.

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Hello jwagner010,


You raise a good point and one which we have pondered a lot: should ISY act as a dynamic dns (be cognizant of ISP IP changes) or should it let the router take care of this. We arrived at the conclusion that ISY is simply a client to your router and having a free dynamic DNS account will surely be the best way of handling this.


Now, on the ISY side, when ISY gets a different IP address, it actually does try to reconfigure the router. If ISY is not successful, then you will not have remote access. Perhaps we can have ISY keep trying it but, in most cases, UPnP traffic causes some of the routers to start behaving erratically (especially Verizon/Actiontec).


With kind regards,





I agree thats what it looks like to me too. If this is true I would think it is a bug if it requires the ISY to boot to correct itself. Shouldn't the poll the router periodically to ensure it has the right public IP address??

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