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Tapa Talk - Followers?


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Tapa Talk was updated twice over the last month or so. At the bottom of each forum is some kind of stat which says followers?!?!?


What is being followed here?


Mine says 5327 followers the last time I launched the App.





Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


I believe it's how many users the selected forum has on Tapatalk.  Mine shows  1076 for UDI forums, 18 for the Ubi forums and 3951 for iMore.




It doesn't seem to be consistent in what it shows now. At this moment it says 330 followers?


Is this for the entire site or a sub forum?



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


Mine are very consistent.  They seem to be for the specific site (UDI vs Ubi vs iMore etc)




Very strange.  Maybe it's the exchange rate.  Only way to get a different number there is to go to a different site for me.  Would be interesting to see if anyone else can match either of our numbers.





Do people without iProducts use TapaTalk?


On my Android all I got was Apple spam and links to forums I couldn't remove. I got rid of it by uninstalling it but I still get the spam.


Do people without iProducts use TapaTalk?


On my Android all I got was Apple spam and links to forums I couldn't remove. I got rid of it by uninstalling it but I still get the spam.

I use it on Android almost exclusively. It didn't link me to any forums, or apple spam. I just wish the Smarthome forum could use it...


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


Do people without iProducts use TapaTalk?


On my Android all I got was Apple spam and links to forums I couldn't remove. I got rid of it by uninstalling it but I still get the spam.

I had to laugh when I read that reply! The android platform is the most exposed OS on the market.


If someone told me 20 years ago that a phone could be infected by a virus I would have laughed at them.


The reality is the android platform has been poorly implemented. There are millions of people using older versions of android who have no ability to upgrade to the next because the hardware does not support it.


To date the android platform has been the most virus laden platform in the history of smart phones. Regardless of flexibility

the fact that this phone platform is still easily rooted should make people stop and ponder.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


For what its worth, jailbroken iDevices suffer from similar vulnerabilities. 




For what its worth, jailbroken iDevices suffer from similar vulnerabilities. 




True, but those are the inherent risks you take in circumventing the vendors security attributes. On the same topic Apple even after all these years is still the slowest company in releasing fix's for known virus / bugs. As much as I bag on Microsoft they have the benefit of 20 plus years of being targeted and thus have a fast response to OS vulnerabilities and threats.


Given the on going market capture of Apple one would think they would be faster in this regard. There is a site I don't recall off the top of my head that tracks the amount of time it takes Apple / Microsoft to release a patch. Every year Apple is still dead last and that just makes me shake my head.


The reality is every four generations are supported by Apple (iPhone) but that is not the case for the Android camp. Some of the stats indicate tens of millions of first gen, 2nd, 3rd, generation Android platforms are still exposed to these trojans and virus's.


The reality is when a phone becomes capable of being infected this whole thing went down the shitter for all of us regardless of platform.

Damn, I was afraid this would turn into a apple vs Android rant... I'm out.


Ha, had to add some levity Jimbo!


I have Tapatalk on my GalaxyTab 2 and have had no problems with it or any kind of Apple spam.  I prefer the iOS version but both are functional.  The Android version does not appear to display the "Followers" stat from what I can see.




I have Tapatalk on my GalaxyTab 2 and have had no problems with it or any kind of Apple spam.  I prefer the iOS version but both are functional.  The Android version does not appear to display the "Followers" stat from what I can see.




At this point it isn't clear how this number is derived because mine changes from time to time. When I look at the amount of active people on the site it does not compare either. So its not the amount of users on line at any given point of time. I also don't believe there were 5000 plus subscribed or viewing a sub forum when I was either.


Thanks all for the insight. 


Mine is still at 1076 and has been for at least the last week since I first noticed it. 




Mine is still at 1076 and has been for at least the last week since I first noticed it. 




Too funny now mine shows 1076 just moments ago when it was 330, 5000+


Too funny now mine shows 1076 just moments ago when it was 330, 5000+


Do you have other forums configured in TT?  If so, navigate to the top level of them and compare numbers with what you have been seeing.




Do you have other forums configured in TT?  If so, navigate to the top level of them and compare numbers with what you have been seeing.




TFT 1716, TGG 99, TGJ 6080, UDI 330, CVM 785, TFC 409, BTF 16. Maybe this is as simple as TT users subscribed to the specific forums? Not viewing etc?


I'm 99% positive the number is the number of Tapatalk users that have been logged into the forum in question at least once.  Does not explain where your 330 is coming from however.




Damn!.. Now mine is doing it too!


330 for UDI.


This data must be coming from multiple Tapatalk servers with different datasets.




Damn!.. Now mine is doing it too!


330 for UDI.


This data must be coming from multiple Tapatalk servers with different datasets.



But here is the thing. The 5000 plus number is impossible but yet it showed up for weeks!


There isn't 5000 UDI people using TT at all hours of the day, ever!



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


I'm sure these numbers don't represent the number of users "online now" but rather the number of tapatalk users that have visited a specific forum site.  The 1076 number for UDI feels right to me as does 3958 for iMore and 18 for Ubi forums.  I rarely see more than 4 or 5 TT users online at UDI at any one time.




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