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How Many Programs Do You Have?


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Just out of curiosity, how many programs do you have on your ISY?


I've got 190.  Is this a lot, a little, about average?  I'm curious.


**24 integer variables and 2 State variables**


Oh something stupid like 329 Integers Variables, 146 State Variables, and just under 400 programs. So I don't know if that is a lot or a little but its still growing! 

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Wow. I'm up to 460 programs, 53 integer variables, 132 state variables and 279 network resources. I *really* hope I will be able to eliminate over 200 network resources soon (when substitution comes in 5.x)

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I've only have 35 programs. 12 of which are for IR control which I don't use. I do most everything thru scenes which is where the ISY shines.

Too funny!


I thought you would have easily pushed past 500 plus programs etc.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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I have:


552 Programs

7 Folders with conditions

93 State Mvars

136 Integer Mvars

381 Network resources.


Like MWareman above, I expect to drop many resources and a number of programs once 5.x allows wider usage of variables.  At that time I expect to increase the number of both state and integer variables in use.



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I have 64 programs (gotta love nice binary numbers).  Apparently I need to start creating more if I'm going to keep up with y'all -- my wife will be so happy if I do since all my home-automation "improvements" work out perfectly first try.



Ah, yeah... Mine too... :lol:

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I am in 40s program count wise too, maybe 60 variables because of polling and logging thermostats. I'm not motivated by a larger number. The right number is what's needed to get the job done.


The more the count has gone up, the more I think about:

- how to get the program folder organization 'just right'. Even at ~40 its daunting sometimes. A number of the state variables track operation state of the house, and across program folders, it can be tricky to remember to update everything that needs to be updated to keep it in sync.


- how likely it is I will outsmart myself, creating a condition that loops on itself across programs.


Like Michael, I have a lot of repetitious network resources and I'm eagerly awaiting V5 to get that down considerably.



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I've got 190.  Is this a lot, a little, about average?


I believe we've gathered enough evidence to prove that my answer was correct B)

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I'm not motivated by a larger number.


I am not, either.  In fact, I find greater pleasure in getting the job done with fewer numbers of programs.  I enjoy finding the simplest solution to the problem.  I also have enough trouble keeping track of my limited number of programs that I cannot even imagine having hundreds of programs.


Clearly, however, I do not even attempt much of what the real hard-core automators do.

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I am not, either.  In fact, I find greater pleasure in getting the job done with fewer numbers of programs.  I enjoy finding the simplest solution to the problem.  I also have enough trouble keeping track of my limited number of programs that I cannot even imagine having hundreds of programs.


Clearly, however, I do not even attempt much of what the real hard-core automators do.


I believe it really comes down to what is in your system and how you expect it to operate. Some have the controller simply turn things on and off. Some have it turn devices in the home based on duration or time of day.


The above scenario I would gather encompasses about 70% of the ISY user base.


Then you have those who have environmental devices and they wish to track its energy consumption, duration, and cycle time. I fall under this category and because I do must have repetitive programs / variables that allow me to track those areas.


The next is of course those who use the network module to activate or react to other network related devices or to push data to cloud hosted services. Based on a few peoples replies that is another place where high usage can come into play.


I agree with you if I could make something lean and mean and small in program size. I always try that method first opposed to using massive line of code to do the same.


For me its the KISS principle but the reality is the ISY Series Controller by default requires a certain level of programming if specific wants and needs are to be met.


I know there was a user on here that stated he had some insane amount of programs I believe approaching the limits of the ISY Series Controller! Upon reading his reply almost three years ago I had to take pause and think if he was exaggerating or was really at that level.


Fast forward three years later I am about half of what he was!


Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought I would break 12 programs never mind dabble into the use of variables!


It really came down to the massive amount of knowledge and help from people like Xathros and his like that pushed me forward in making *real* use of my HA controller.


So, I lay complete blame squarely on the feet of our resident Xathros for my massive hoards of programs / variables! At some point in time I hope very much to stream line a few programs and really see what 5.XX has to offer. I truly believe if the new release allows me to push data to other cloud based services in a more streamlined approach via variables.


I fully expect to see about 100+ network resources of all kinds. 

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, I find greater pleasure in getting the job done with fewer numbers of programs. I enjoy finding the simplest solution to the problem. .

Agreed. I spend an inordinate amount of time overthinking ways to use that 'else'.



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Agreed. I spend an inordinate amount of time overthinking ways to use that 'else

How about the most basic of automation tasks:


if time is from sunset to sunrise (next day)

then turn lights on

else turn lights off


So, I lay complete blame squarely on the feet of our resident Xathros

Agreed.  There may be a couple of others who get an honorable mention, however.


The above scenario I would gather encompasses about 70% of the ISY user base.


I would guess more like 95%

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Not sure whether or not to take that as a compliment...  :?


I also agree that simplicity is better and usually try to find the simplest answer to a problem. The current limitations however often dictate multiple programs to solve seemingly simple problems. I'm quite hopeful that the 5.X features will allow me to drastically simplify things and reduce the overall number of programs that I have now.  Many of them are used to integrate with external devices (Din relay, Ubi, Hue etc) and when I can use one program and network resource combined with variables in many cases 10+ programs could easily become 1.



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While I do have quite a few Insteon nodes and a small but growing number of ZWave nodes, the large majority of my programs and variables relate to communication with other devices on my LAN and many do nothing with Insteon or ZWave nodes at all.



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It's interesting hanging out around here.  I've got a good 35 programs or so, and I feel like I've just started, and figured I'd end up somewhere around 100.  That being said, I didn't imagine having more than 5 or 10 when I bought this thing.


I'm having a hard time figuring out what your 300+ programs all do....crazy.

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There's different dimensions to it. Enhanced logging, and full support for network based devices using network resources can each ramp that number up quickly.


Not having variable substitution in all places is an underlying cause.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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