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my plm has a cat 5 jack on the bottom not a rs232 9 pin jack, smarthome sent me a double ended female 232 to 232 cord and a double ended male cat 5 cord with the equipment. So if I should be plugging the plm into port A on the isy26 do I need a cord that has female rs 232 on one end and cat 5 on the other end? Or should I have a plm that has a female rs232 jack on the bottom?

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First, let me apologize on behalf of UDI as well as SmartHome. This is not acceptable.


What you should have is an RJ-45 (CAT 5) jack on the PLM. So, the cable should be CAT 5 on the one side and RS232 Female on the other side.


Would you be kind enough to let me know what version of PLM you have?


Also, if you run into any problems with SmartHome sending you a new Cable/PLM, please send us an email (tech@universal-devices.com) and we'll contact you to resolve it as soon as possible.


Again, please accept our sincere apologies,

With kind regards,


my plm has a cat 5 jack on the bottom not a rs232 9 pin jack, smarthome sent me a double ended female 232 to 232 cord and a double ended male cat 5 cord with the equipment. So if I should be plugging the plm into port A on the isy26 do I need a cord that has female rs 232 on one end and cat 5 on the other end? Or should I have a plm that has a female rs232 jack on the bottom?
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If the two cable where just loose in the shipping container. Did you look in the cardboard insert of the PLM box? Smarthome packs the PLM cables inside the cardboard insert. That is where mine where when I bought a PLM directly from them.

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I recall the proper cables were shipped with the ISY; PLM to ISY as well as a Cat5 to connect the ISY to the router. Pay no attention to the cables included with the PLM.


I would also suggest looking again to see if the cables aren't stuffed in the packaging of the ISY.




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