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Insteon 2441TH Thermostats not always responding to ISY994i Programs...

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I created programs to control my Insteon 2441TH Thermostats.


It's very inconsistent.  I created events which have schedules, then I created states which perform the actions.  


At times, it works perfectly... others it is sporadic where it may take the cool setpoint but not the heat or vice versa.  Then there are times it doesn't do anything.


Below is an example state for actions:




   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set '1st Level Thermostat - Main' Synchronize Clock
        Set 'Master Bd Thermostat- Main' Synchronize Clock
        Set '1st Level Thermostat - Main' Mode Auto
        Set '1st Level Thermostat - Main' 72° (Heat Setpoint)
        Set '1st Level Thermostat - Main' 75° (Cool Setpoint)
        Set 'Master Bd Thermostat- Main' Mode Auto
        Set 'Master Bd Thermostat- Main' 72° (Heat Setpoint)
        Set 'Master Bd Thermostat- Main' 75° (Cool Setpoint)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I even tried adding "wait" commands of 5 seconds between each action... still didn't solve the problem.  I then doubled the actions with the waits in one program... still same thing happens.
  • 3 weeks later...

I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but I am getting the exact same issues with my thermostat (sometimes responds, sometimes it doesn't).  I have even swapped it out with a known-working thermostat, and it still has sporatic error messages.  The original thermostat is working great now that it installed again in my basement.  Seems like it might be a signal issue, but my entire house is full of insteon devices/switches/modules, and there is a insteon keypad literally 3 feet from this problematic thermostat. 


Here is an error log excerpt.  I attempted to change the set temp via my phone and mobilinc.  Mobilinc app reported "Bad Message - ISY failed to process the request, please try again"


Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:30 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 2B AF 71 1F 6D 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:30 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2B.AF.71 1F 6D 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 06        (88)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.AF.71 2A.A1.10 02 72 44           (44)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [std-Direct  ] 2B.AF.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2B AF 71 1] [CLISPH] [136] uom=0 prec=-1

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [  2B AF 71 1]   CLISPH 136

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [D2D-CMP 0015] STS [2B AF 71 1] CLISPH op=2 Event(val=136 uom=0 prec=-1) < Condition(val=134 uom=0 prec=-1) --> false

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [D2D-CMP 0011] STS [2B AF 71 1] CLISPH op=3 Event(val=136 uom=0 prec=-1) > Condition(val=132 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.AF.71 2A.A1.10 07 72 44           (44)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:37 PM : [std-Direct  ] 2B.AF.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:38 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.AF.71 2A.A1.10 07 72 44           (44)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:38 PM : [std-Direct  ] 2B.AF.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:38 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.AF.71 2A.A1.10 07 72 44           (44)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:38 PM : [std-Direct  ] 2B.AF.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:39 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 2B AF 71 1F 6D 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:39 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2B.AF.71 1F 6D 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 06        (88)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:41 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.AF.71 2A.A1.10 07 72 44           (44)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:41 PM : [std-Direct  ] 2B.AF.71-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:50 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 2B AF 71 1F 6D 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:50 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2B.AF.71 1F 6D 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 06        (88)

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:54 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2B AF 71 1] [ERR] [1] uom=0 prec=-1

Mon 04/20/2015 04:12:54 PM : [  2B AF 71 1]      ERR   1


Any ideas?


Thanks for the reply Michel.  


Given that this is the second thermostat I have tried in that area with similar intermittent issues, I would have to agree that it is signal related.  Seems crazy to me when the 2100 sq ft house has 40+ insteon devices, and many of them are within a couple feet of the thermostat.  I would have thought the network of devices would cover it more than adequately. 


There is one regular switch that is less than 12" away from the thermostat I wasn't planning to swap for insteon.  I will swap it and see if that helps at all.  Must be some sort of weird interference in that part of the house.... 


Yes, all of my devices are dual-band, and ordered/installed within the last 9 months.  Dual-band keypads, dimmer switches, in-linelinc dimmers, lamplincs, etc.  My PLM and ISY controller are in the basement and in the opposite corner of the house from the thermostat, if that makes any difference? 


.....My PLM and ISY controller are in the basement and in the opposite corner of the house from the thermostat, if that makes any difference? 

Sounds like something is intermittently blocking the signal on its way from the PLM to the Thermostat. There are several possibilities:

  1. A chance that all of your dualband devices are installed such that they are very far from the plm and can't get a signal there. Things that would contribute to this would be metal electrical boxes that the dualband devices are installed in. I have this problem in part of my house. There may be some truth in this one but I don't think this is a primary cause in your case.
  2. The PLM is in a tight location, surrounded by metal and may be installed where it doesn't have line of site to other dual band devices. Being a corner of the house could contribute to this. If true, other devices should be affected too.
  3. The PLM maybe near something that intermittently creates powerline noise like a furnace blower motor, washer drier, tv/electronics/computer, low voltage lighting transformer. However if this is the problem, other devices should have intermittent problems as well, at the same time the thermostat is.

Without knowing more, I would think number 3 is the culprit to start looking for and also more is needed about where the PLM is:

  • Can you describe the location where the PLM is installed, what metal is nearby, especially ducts, panels, etc.
  • Do you have metal electrical boxes for switches and outlets?
  • Are other devices affected too that you know of, any intermittent behavior, lights don't come on when they should, etc.
    • If so, does it happen around the same time as the thermostat having problems?



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