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AT&T doesn't show up in notification settings


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a couple of questions, actually:


AT&T doesn't show up as a provider for cellphones (AT&T PCS and AT&T Pocketnet PCY do show up). why isn't one of the most commonly used cellphone companies listed?


If I do ever get this notification listed, when will it notify me? any time any errors occur? or only when I tell it to in a program, like if a certain motion sensor gets tripped, then "send notification to all".

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Hello someguy,


Apologies for the inconvenience. You can always use Regular email and put your phone-number@att.sms.address.


The notifications are handled in programs only: you have to tell when you want to be notified.


With kind regards,


a couple of questions, actually:


AT&T doesn't show up as a provider for cellphones (AT&T PCS and AT&T Pocketnet PCY do show up). why isn't one of the most commonly used cellphone companies listed?


If I do ever get this notification listed, when will it notify me? any time any errors occur? or only when I tell it to in a program, like if a certain motion sensor gets tripped, then "send notification to all".

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