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What is needed to use Z-Wave on ISY

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You'll need an isy with z-wave module installed. You'll then need a or several z-wave devices, like switches or sensors. Lastly, you'll need to configure these together and write programs to make it all work. I'm new too, and I can tell you it is pretty simple but takes a lot of patience, mainly because you just don't know. Read all the zwave forums and experiment. I'm learning how to write a program for a single switch and I want to pull my hair out and run down the street screaming, but from what I gather, that's normal when your starting out. Fun is when you discover something and it works.



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outside of whats been posted, make sure you invest in enough devices to avoid headaches with signals. While Zwave is a great protocol, it is rf only so you will want to have enough device to ensure the signal reaches where you need it to work.

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