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Text Messages Coming from Different Sender Each Time


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Hi, I'm using txt msg alerts to let me know when certain events happen.  I seem to remember all of my msgs coming from an "alerts@..." source but regardless, they always came from the same source each time so that all of my alerts were in the same sender log on my cell phone.  Now, every message comes from a different sender with the sender being of the form 9489, 9490, 9491, etc.  I would like to get these back to being all from the same sender so they're all grouped together and I have a history of alerts in one place.


I'm currently on T-mobile.  I was using AT&T a while back but don't recall if this problem started around the same time I switched providers (I've been living with this for a while).  


I appreciate any advice you have.  Thanks.

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If you make your message > 160 chars then T-Mobile will automatically convert the message from SMS to MMS and you will receive the From: correctly. Unfortunately there is not a separate MMS vs SMS mail address to send a message to with T-Mobile. ATT does have separate mail addresses for SMS & MMS. One of the reasons I switched back to ATT a while ago.


Unfortunately it usually means padding your message with junk to get the character count up. Also note, MMS can take a little longer to go through than SMS.

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Thank you all for your responses.  I'm using my cellphone@tmomail.net as the address to send texts to.  I'm pretty sure this is what is recommended... and it's working other than the sender id


MWareman, could u pls provide a pointer on how I could use network based push notifications.  I'd really like to solve this.  



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Thank you Andyf0!  I'm making progress!!! I padded my message but unfortunately that didn't work however, it led me to try sending my message as html and xml.  In both of those case it showed the sender as "alerts@uni..." and showed grouped my messages!  I wasn't able to read my messages though... I'm assuming because it was properly formatted as html or xml so I'll try that next after I figure out what the proper tags should be.

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MWareman, could u pls provide a pointer on how I could use network based push notifications. I'd really like to solve this.



No problem! I wrote various options up on the wiki.




Now that ISY supports variable substitution in network resources I'm slowly replacing my final sms notifications. Hopefully, I'll add a quick note to the wiki page on this feature soon.



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Thank you Michael for sending me the link to your write up on the wiki.  I'm afraid what you're doing is a little beyond me and most of the capabilities that the NW module will provide me I'm not ready for to justify the cost :-( .


I'm going to keep my fingers crossed I find another solution since this did work once before. If not though, I may go this route.  Again, thank you.  I appreciate the help.  

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