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Home button


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I have a simple KPL home button that turns on 3 or 4 specific lights using a scene. The problem is as soon as I start using the individual light controls to change those lights, the button status gets out of sync because obviously the whole scene is no longer on or off. Basically as soon as any of the individual lights are controlled, I want the home indicator on the KPL to go back out.


What is the best way to handle this?


Should I make it programs instead so I can control the KPL light as a scene separately from controlling the lights that are activated when I press the button?


Is there anyway to accomplish this with scenes instead?

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Select the scene. Within the scene select the controller (red). Set the On Level of the button to 0 (zero).

Which scene, the home scene or one of the individual scenes. I've tried both. No matter what I do, messing with stairs also controls the KPL home light.


I have a home scene that has

KPL Home as controller

stairs as responder

hallway as responder

family room as responder


I have a scene for stairs that has

stairs as controller

KPL home as responder

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In the scene with:


stairs as controller

KPL home as responder


select the "stairs as controller" device. What is the On Level for the "KPL home as responder?"


Edit: don't select the scene, select the device within the scene.

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Brian, there are a lot of ways to handle this situation and this is always a debated topic. I would just remove the Kpl home button from the stairs scene.

The way I use my home button is this. I get home, I press it, it turns on certain lights (hallway and kitchen), then the button turns off. This way the button is always ready to "turn on" the home scene. The home button is not a responder of the hallway or kitchen scenes.

I think the program I have is something like this.

Create a scene with the home button as a responder.

If control home button is on.

Then wait 4 seconds (allows traffic to clear)

Set scene home button off.


The home button is always unlit. So anytime you press is it triggers responders on.


Now if you want the home button on when all responders (stairs, hallway, family room)are on, and to turn off if any one of the responders are off, then you need a monitoring program.

If status home button is on


(Status stairs Is off or status hallway is off or status family room is off)

Then set scene home button off.


You can do the reverse to turn the home button on if all of the responders for the home scene are on.

If status stairs is on and status hallway is on and status family room is on

Then set scene home button on.


I have some buttons that have monitoring programs so I can look and see if the scene is "on". The definition of a scene being on when you are referring to devices that control different lights is where the debate comes in. We have a dining scene button that turns on the kitchen, island, breakfast, under cabinet, and pantry lights., and turns off the family room lights. If the criteria is met where the resonders of the dining scene have been individually controlled to what the dining scene would set them to, then the monitoring program turns on the dining Kpl, and another program does the opposite.

The home and away buttons just control their scene then turn off.

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