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Can't link one Switchlink dimmer

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Hi everyone,


Newbie alert. I have a ISY99i pro, and a bunch of Switchlink switches and dimmers. I've been able to link all but one of the dimmers to my ISY99i. I click "Start Linking", push the paddle up on the dimmer for 10 seconds, the light blinks, and then ... nothing! The usual dialog box with the choices of how to proceed (replace, add, etc) and the cancel button disappears spontaneously.


In the event viewer, the lines "Initializing the linked devices" and "All linked devices are now initialized" appear back to back, without the usual intervening lines listing the devices address, etc.


Any ideas?



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You might try doing a factory reset on the dimmer, per the instruction sheet. It could be a communication problem caused by noise or by signal-absorbing devices on either the circuit to which the PLM is connected or the circuit to which the dimmer is connected. You could try unplugging or adding filters to any computers, UPSs, AV equipment, etc. that could be absorbing the signal. Have you tried entering the address of the dimmer manually via Add New Device? If none of these things work, you may have a defective dimmer.


Hi everyone,


Newbie alert. I have a ISY99i pro, and a bunch of Switchlink switches and dimmers. I've been able to link all but one of the dimmers to my ISY99i. I click "Start Linking", push the paddle up on the dimmer for 10 seconds, the light blinks, and then ... nothing! The usual dialog box with the choices of how to proceed (replace, add, etc) and the cancel button disappears spontaneously.


In the event viewer, the lines "Initializing the linked devices" and "All linked devices are now initialized" appear back to back, without the usual intervening lines listing the devices address, etc.


Any ideas?



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Always doing a Factory Reset on all your new devices at install is done by many of us. Sometimes Smarthome has shipped modules with test links and X10 addresses in them. The Factory Reset starts you off fresh.


Do you have a pair of installed Access Points to bridge the phases and improve communications?


Could also be noise or signal absorbers as mentioned.


I believe you can maybe log some data.

Try in the Tools tab.


Event Viewer.

Then change the level to 2 and try your linking. A log screen will give you data. Save it. It may give others a clue to what the problem is.

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Thanks for the quick replies. I had tried factory reset, which did not work. Ultimately I tracked down the problem. Somehow, last night I had added that dimmer as a ControlLink! Removed it from the list of devices, performed a factor reset, and then all was well.



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