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What is the differene between 'Status' and 'Control' under Conditions?


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"If Control 'switchlinc' is not switched Off"


triggers a Program when the Off paddle is pressed and the Condition is False because of the 'not'.   Same process applies if the Off paddle is tapped multiple times (not fast enough to generate Fast Off).  Each Off paddle tap triggers the Program with a False Condition.   Sending an Off command to the SwitchLinc DOES NOT trigger Program. 



Thank you for this clarification!!  I've been struggling to understand why some programs included both SWITCHED ON and NOT SWITCHED OFF conditions.  I had assumed that NOT SWITCHED OFF simply meant "if any signal other than OFF occurs." (e.g., ON, FAST ON, FADE UP, FADE DOWN, etc.)  I think that the choice of language syntax naturally leads to that incorrect assumption, but now that I understand how thinks work, I can move ahead more confidently.   Incidentally, I've been programming in various languages for 30 years, and ISY programming has thrown me some unexpected curve balls, with this particular one not the least of them.  Kudos, LeeG, for setting me straight! 

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Can someone tell me if there is a typo in wiki?


Here is what I am reading:


It starts with Program 3, which is using a scene to turn on a light.


Then in program 4, is turning off the light directly.


Was that intentional, or a typo, was there a reason that they are using the scene in one and not the other?


The link below is the wiki page I am rreading, but here is a copy of what is written if you don't want to go to link:


3. Program Main Bath Motion On - Enabled

If        Control 'Main Bath Motion.1-Sensor' is switched On    And Status  'Main Bath Lights' is not OnThen        Set Scene 'sMain Bath Lights' OnElse   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

4. Program Main Bath Motion Timer - Enabled

If        Status  'Main Bath Motion.1-Sensor' is OffThen        Wait  4 minutes         Set 'Main Bath Lights' OffElse   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')






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A scene has two or more members. When you control a scene, you are controlling all members of the scene at once. A direct command controls only that one device.

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I see no rationale in the wiki explaining why a scene was used in one case and a direct command in another. Such decisions, ultimately, are based on what one is trying to achieve. In this case, I suspect this is an oversight...mturn lights on....turn same lights off. I would have used a scene in both cases unless I am missing something.

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Scenes are immensely quicker that programs. And, if you're controlling more than one device, a scene controls them concurrently, a program controls them sequentially. Also, scenes are the only way to control individual KPL buttons.


OTOH, if a condition is involved, then, in nearly every case, that can be accomplished only via a program.

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I think I gave up and threw in the towel!


I came up with something else that allows me to get what I want without the stuggle of figuring out how to write the program the way I originally wanted to do.


I will just have to spend more money on a few more MS sensors.


I really never stated the final objective because I did not want help in writing it, I wanted to attemp writing it myself.


Here is what I originally wanted to do:


I wanted to solve the very complex and much talked and written about way to get a Motion Sensor to work more accurately when used in an occupancy mode.


The main issue that everyone runs into is that it turns off a device if you are not moving but still occupying the same space that originally triggered an ON coommand from the motion sensor.


Typical usage, the bathroom. But of course, everyone has had the issue when someone stays longer than the timer setting.


The most recommended option was to raise the timer to long enough to take into account any lenght of stay. But if trying to save on electric, that could eat into savings.


All of this you all already know.


I want to just use the motion sensor in my case; the bathroom, to turn on the bathroom light, but not to worry about that motion sensor to turn it off.


I wanted to use the Hallway MS located just outside the bathroom as a trigger to turn off the bathroom light. Even if the bathroom motion sensor has timed out.


I live alone, so the Hallway MS would go ON when I walk out of the bathroom. So that trigger of the ON, would in turn send an OFF command o the bathroom light.


I was trying to make t complicated, in that I only wanted the Hallway light to trigger an OFF coomand if the bathroom light was ON. But when not using the bathroom at all, it would just turn on the Hallway light as it normally was set to do.


So today, the idea came, when I pretty much decided to just buy an additional Motion Sensor, instead of using the Hallway Motion Sensor.


There would be two motion sensors used for each bathroom I have, I might get away with one, since they are right next to each other.


I did purchase the Open/Close Sensor for doors or windows, but since I don't tend to close the bathroom door because i live alone, that won't work.


By using the second motion sensor, with a blinder on it (probably just some sort of collar around the motion sensor) so it would only see dirrectly what is in front. I need to block any of the side angles.


I am going to place it just outside the bathroom, using it as a trip wire.


If it gets tripped it will shut OFF the bathroom light.


I shouldn't need to worry about tripping it OFF when entering the bathroom, because it should send an OFF command as I go into the bathroom, but the motion sensor inside the bathroom should turn it ON. I will program the ISY not to react at the OFF status of the bathroom motion sensor, it will never go off even after the built-in timer of the motion sensor switches to an OFF status, because I'm not allowing the bathroom light to be linked in a scene as one usually does. I will have total control of the timing if I wanted to use timing or not.


Now when you walk out of the bathroom the motion sensor located just outside the bathroom, when it sends an ON status I will turn OFF the light.


Its two programs with almost nothing inside them.  I'm just wonder if its better to use STATUS or CONTROL when looking at the motion sensor stats, which is going to react faste.


Here is what I got so far:


Big Bathroom Sensor On - [iD 0016][Parent 0017]

        Status  'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is On
        Set Scene 'Bathroom Big Motion Scene' Fast On (or should I forget about the scene and turn on the bathroom micro switch directly)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0017]

        Status  'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is On
        Set Scene 'Bathroom Big Motion Scene' Fast Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

That's it!


It should work as long as I manage to get the motion sensor outside the bathroom so that it only has a limited view. I can't have it react to my movement while I'm in the bathroom. I've noticed that sometimes depending on where I'm standing inside thge bathroom, I can trigger the Hallway light on because of the wide coverage that these motion sensors are capable of.


OK, I am upset with myself that I am giving up, but I will be having other stuff that I'm planning on doing that will force me to do the tricky stuff. But I'm ashamed already.



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"The main issue that everyone runs into is that it turns off a device if you are not moving but still occupying the same space that originally triggered an ON coommand from the motion sensor."


This happens when the Motion Sensor is not configured correctly. The 'On commands only' option should be checked. Then turning the load device Off is done in a Program when no Motion is sensed for whatever time represents an empty bathroom.


I've used that approach for years.

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The learning curve for event based software can be tough for some people.  It will come. I spent a few years working on an event based system that controlled electrical grid systems that controlled a good portion of our economic area of the province. You make mistakes on that one you pay and pay so dummy training systems and emulators were written to prove everything before installation into the real deal.


Even still,  ISY gave me a run for my money. Now when I look back at programs I wrote a year ago I think, "That's dumb. I could have done it this way, so much better". Don't be discouraged. Use canned programs from people and you will still find yourself improving on them for your needs, and then improving them again, later. It's a cool hobby controlling the world.

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No need for a program with the original two Motion Sensors, Bathroom and Hall, but only under the specific circumstances expressed by the OP, that is, living alone. In fact, the OP found the solution,


I live alone, so the Hallway MS would go ON when I walk out of the bathroom. So that trigger of the ON, would in turn send an OFF command o the bathroom light.


Set the Bathroom MS to On-only, as suggested by Lee. Create a scene, not  a program, where the Hall MS turns on the hall light and also turns off the Bathroom light.


Don't walk through the hall if a guest is in the bathroom B)

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No need for a program with the original two Motion Sensors, Bathroom and Hall, but only under the specific circumstances expressed by the OP, that is, living alone. In fact, the OP found the solution,



Set the Bathroom MS to On-only, as suggested by Lee. Create a scene, not  a program, where the Hall MS turns on the hall light and also turns off the Bathroom light.


Don't walk through the hall if a guest is in the bathroom B)

As a slight variant and addition to that, above,  have a very long time off on the bathroom light and if motion is detected in the hallway make an assumption the person left and shorten the time off for the bathroom. If bathroom motion is detected again, reset the sequence and start a very long timer again. This gives a compromise that can work for people not moving too much.


I wouldn't put a short auto-Off in a bathroom. You may be caught in the shower in the dark. Energy saving with the new LEDs will never pay for the MS anymore. It's about convenience now. I can walk in most common areas in my home now with my hands full of boxes and never have to touch a lightswitch.


I have MSes in all my bedrooms and occasionally I get asked by guests  making sure they are not webcams. :)

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Whoops! Did something really really stupid here. And funny at the same time!


The forum software is a little different than most of the forums I use, it has much less options.


I did not realize if I don't choose the latest page number I won't see the new messages. Today, scratching my head because I didn't see what I wrote yesterday, I clicked on page 2 at the top and found all of your messages that you've been responding to and I never read until today.


Thank you all for responding to me and words of encouragement.


And yes, I see that 'Control switch is not on', is to check for a device that might not be on but be at 50% (dimmer or  other device that has a option other than ON).


     Control 'motion sensor' is switched On
    And Control 'motion-sensor' is not switched Off


So the reason for having both lines is to double check that the device is on and any dim level other than off.


Could you write it then with just the:


Control 'motion sensor' is not switched Off


And forget the first control line of:

Control 'device' is switched On




So what I tried last night and works for the most part but I will be adjusting:


I set the bathroom motion sensor to do just the ON command, in settings of the Motion sensor options.


For now I pulled a motion sensor from the Master Bedroom to use to play around with in figuring everything out. I will either purchase more motion sensors or transfer what I end up doing to the Hallway motion sensor. I wanted to state this because when I post a copy of the program I don't confuse everyone trying to help me when they read Master Bedroom instead of Hallway.

I set the master bedroom motion sensor with this program:


Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0017]

        Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is switched On
    And Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is not switched Off
        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Fast Off (here is where I turn off the Bathroom light)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


And I had the program for the bathroom motion sensor as follows:


Big Bathroom Sensor On - [iD 0016][Parent 0017][Not Enabled]

        Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is switched On
    And Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is not switched Off
        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
It sort of worked but the delay was so big in turning on the bathroom light I felt like there is problem so this morning I realized I don't need this program.


I then reset the original Bathroom Scene back up, I had deleted the bathroom scene (that linked the motion sensor to the bathroom light) since there was no need considering it was controlled by the program at the time.


So now I have the bathroom micro dimmer link with the motion sensor using the a scene.


Its titled 'Big Bathroom Scene' Motion sensor is controller and micro dimmer is responder. Motion sensor is set to 'ON' command only and 'as motion is sensed' is checked, the count down is 30 seconds but according to documentation countdown is not used when ON only is used.


So now the lights should turn on almost instantly as they did when I first setup the ISY and all the devices.


And with the one program of:


Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0017]

        Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is switched On
    And Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is not switched Off
        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Fast Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

This turns off the Bathroom light.


It works but there is that delay, so I'm not sure why the delay when using a program compared to being linked?


Also, to reduce traffic and constantly sending 'off' commands to the bathroom light, was to keep that program disabled until the bathroom light is turnecd on. Only enable program when bathroom light is on.


Does that sound like a smart thing to try?



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And yes, I see that 'Control switch is not on', is to check for a device that might not be on but be at 50% (dimmer or  other device that has a option other than ON).


     Control 'motion sensor' is switched On

    And Control 'motion-sensor' is not switched Off




I got this far and see that this is wrong.


Status has nothing to do with control.  Control means that an Insteon message was initiated by that device.  For a switch that means someone pushed it, for a motion detector, it means something moved in front of it.



Control switched on    *************this drives the "then" clause when an on event occur (clicking the on paddle for a switch or motion occurs in front of a motion detector)

and control not switch off  ************* this drives the "else" clause when an off event occurs (clicking off paddle or after a time out for a motion detector) 


switched on and not switched off has nothing to do with percentage.  If you have programmed your switch to turn on to 50% when you click on the on paddle, it doesn't matter, it still is "control switched on" when you push the on paddle.


In short, the above two lines together have the purpose of using one program to get both a pressing of the on button and a pressing of the off button to do 2 different things.

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OK, here is simple question:


Is there any more videos out there that go over programming the ISY. There are really only 3 basic ISY videos. But there is nothing on programming really. Nothing that goes over when you would want to do Status and when you would use Control. The explaination of using 'not is', etc.


I really thing it could help us that need that kind of lectured learning on top of what I'm reading. Maybe showing the result of a program. The video that showed links and crosslinking (which was an Insteon video) that made it real simple to understand how to do the actual linking manually for me.


Then I started to think of a way to make the programming easier for the 'averasge Joe'.


If anyone has ever used Turbo Tax by Intuit? Originally, when they first put there product out, it was really just the forms and you filled in the data. But today, you can still just fill in the form if you know what you're doing, if you don't (average Joe), you can use the Easy Mode or Called 'Interview Mode.


This Interview mode asks you questions and depending on your answers, it brings up other questions and so on and so on until its all done.


In my mind, the ISY programming could have an EASY mode for average Joe and keep the way it is now for power users.


In the Easy Mode the ISY would then ask you a series of questions.




What device do you you wish to control, it list the devices you added, as it does now in the drop down. Then after you pick the device it will ask you what do you wish to do with this device, and have the list of  choices for that device example; turn on, turn off, dim and dim at what level.


I could go on, but I think you know what I'm trying to convey. And true, maybe you could not perform all of the finite things with the interview process at the beginning, but it should make the programming a little more user friendly.


I know and understand what everyone here is saying, that after a time working with the ISY I will not care with any of this.


I just would like the ISY to be more marketable to the average Joe. if Universal Devices is not able to sell enough hradware or add-on modules, then they won't be able to grow and stay in business.


I truly believe that in the next few years the Home Automation catagory is going to exploded. And right now everyone is jocking for which protocol will be surpreme and what products become the ones were their names at the tips of everyone's mouth. Just like Apple who knows how to bank on word of mouth and keeping themselves at the top of marketing. There is really not much difference between iOS and Android now. I used to be a user of WebOS, which was actually designed by the former Appe team. It was actually the best TRUE multitasking OS (Apple and Android still do not use TRUE mulltitasking, AKA pure UNIX). But because of marketing errors (and that it was on hardware to slow for the OS) it was abandond. But if you used it, you knew it was the best of all of them.


I want the ISY not to be lost in this explosion.


Ok, went way off topic, sorry guys!



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I got this far and see that this is wrong.


Status has nothing to do with control.  Control means that an Insteon message was initiated by that device.  For a switch that means someone pushed it, for a motion detector, it means something moved in front of it.



Control switched on    *************this drives the "then" clause when an on event occur (clicking the on paddle for a switch or motion occurs in front of a motion detector)

and control not switch off  ************* this drives the "else" clause when an off event occurs (clicking off paddle or after a time out for a motion detector) 


switched on and not switched off has nothing to do with percentage.  If you have programmed your switch to turn on to 50% when you click on the on paddle, it doesn't matter, it still is "control switched on" when you push the on paddle.


In short, the above two lines together have the purpose of using one program to get both a pressing of the on button and a pressing of the off button to do 2 different things.

OK, seem to keep misunderstanding this conrol thing. That's obvious.


So once again, the difference in using the Status, which is going back to my very first post?


Control is a message coming back from the device that a paddle got tapped or the motion sensor picked up movement.


Then staus is the current state of the device, it doesn't really listen to the device message of my paddle got tapped?


Am I closer?




update: Status shows current state, so a device could be on, but if a device is already on and a person taps the paddle on again when the light is already on that would not change the state or status. But something happened, a person tapped the paddle, or a paddle is being held on (maybe to dim).


Is that it?

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OK, here is simple question:


Is there any more videos out there that go over programming the ISY. There are really only 3 basic ISY videos. But there is nothing on programming really. Nothing that goes over when you would want to do Status and when you would use Control. The explaination of using 'not is', etc.


I really thing it could help us that need that kind of lectured learning on top of what I'm reading. Maybe showing the result of a program. The video that showed links and crosslinking (which was an Insteon video) that made it real simple to understand how to do the actual linking manually for me.


Then I started to think of a way to make the programming easier for the 'averasge Joe'.


If anyone has ever used Turbo Tax by Intuit? Originally, when they first put there product out, it was really just the forms and you filled in the data. But today, you can still just fill in the form if you know what you're doing, if you don't (average Joe), you can use the Easy Mode or Called 'Interview Mode.


This Interview mode asks you questions and depending on your answers, it brings up other questions and so on and so on until its all done.


In my mind, the ISY programming could have an EASY mode for average Joe and keep the way it is now for power users.


In the Easy Mode the ISY would then ask you a series of questions.




What device do you you wish to control, it list the devices you added, as it does now in the drop down. Then after you pick the device it will ask you what do you wish to do with this device, and have the list of  choices for that device example; turn on, turn off, dim and dim at what level.


I could go on, but I think you know what I'm trying to convey. And true, maybe you could not perform all of the finite things with the interview process at the beginning, but it should make the programming a little more user friendly.


I know and understand what everyone here is saying, that after a time working with the ISY I will not care with any of this.


I just would like the ISY to be more marketable to the average Joe. if Universal Devices is not able to sell enough hradware or add-on modules, then they won't be able to grow and stay in business.


I truly believe that in the next few years the Home Automation catagory is going to exploded. And right now everyone is jocking for which protocol will be surpreme and what products become the ones were their names at the tips of everyone's mouth. Just like Apple who knows how to bank on word of mouth and keeping themselves at the top of marketing. There is really not much difference between iOS and Android now. I used to be a user of WebOS, which was actually designed by the former Appe team. It was actually the best TRUE multitasking OS (Apple and Android still do not use TRUE mulltitasking, AKA pure UNIX). But because of marketing errors (and that it was on hardware to slow for the OS) it was abandond. But if you used it, you knew it was the best of all of them.


I want the ISY not to be lost in this explosion.


Ok, went way off topic, sorry guys!




is NOT   - - - - the NOT is there to drive the opposite clause.  That is it.  Pretend the not isn't there, read the line of code and decide what it will do.  Then, realize it will do the opposite when you add the NOT.


In the above example you want one thing to happen when you push the motion detector sends an on command, and something different when it sends an off.  You could write 2 programs and only use the "then" clause, or write one program and use both clauses.


Realize how insteon works, when you push "on" or "off" or push and hold to get a "dim up" or "dim down", a power line command is produced.  A program including one of those commands will respond.  But it will not respond to any other command from that switch.  Status of the switch is irrelevant.  




control swithced on


This ONLY responds when someone pushes the "on" paddle.  Nothing else has any affect on this program. 




control switched on

and time is 6am


This is a useless program.  It would require that someone pushes the on paddle EXACTLY at 6am to be true (pretty much impossible).  So effectively it would be false every day at 6am when it triggers, and every time someone hits the on paddle.

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OK, seem to keep misunderstanding this conrol thing. That's obvious.


So once again, the difference in using the Status, which is going back to my very first post?


Control is a message coming back from the device that a paddle got tapped or the motion sensor picked up movement.


Then staus is the current state of the device, it doesn't really listen to the device message of my paddle got tapped?


Am I closer?




update: Status shows current state, so a device could be on, but if a device is already on and a person taps the paddle on again when the light is already on that would not change the state or status. But something happened, a person tapped the paddle, or a paddle is being held on (maybe to dim).


Is that it?


I think you are getting it.


Yes, example


a switch could be on, and you push the on button.  It still sends out an on command.  Or conversely, off.  Here is a program I use a lot



device x is off

and device x is switched off


set device x to 20%


At night, I can tap the off paddle of  a switch that is already off (the bathroom light for example) and get the light to turn on dimly without having to push and hold to do a dim up.


Also realize that "status" is a condition that is held in ISY's memory.  Sometimes it is wrong if there was  a missed communication.

Control is always an event that comes from the switch.

Of course a change in status comes from the device.  A CHANGE in status will be a trigger event for the program.  But if something else triggers the program, then the program references the status from ISY memory.



EDIT: Also realize that a press and hold is a "dim" control command, not an "on" or "off".  A switch can make several commands, on/off/fast on/fast off/dim up/dim down.  These are all totally independent commands. for example, "control switched on" completely ignores a "fast on" event.


EDIT More:  you said "Then staus is the current state of the device, it doesn't really listen to the device message of my paddle got tapped?"

Well, kind of.  If the paddle was tapped, and that caused the state to change, then ISY will register a status change and any programs including "status of device" will react to that.  This may be too much ifno for you, but mostly devices don't report their state (they will in certain situations).  ISY assumes the state based on the control commands.  ISY assumes that a control on resulted in the switch achieving the percentage on level it is set to.  A "dim up" command is timed by ISY and it assumes it reached the status according to the rate at which the switch dims.  Like if it takes 5 seconds to go from off to on, and it started at 20%, and it recorded a 1 second dim up command, then it assumes 40% .  You can try this, you will see ISY thinks a swtich is at say 40% after a dim up, then hit "query" and the device will respond with its actual percentage, it might be a little different, like 42%.

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Big Bathroom Sensor On - [iD 0016][Parent 0017][Not Enabled]

        Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is switched On (someone walked in from of motion sensor, it sent a wakeup command), somebody wants something to be done)
    And Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is not switched Off (because this is a motion sensor its harder to comprehend, but this is to check the motion sensor sent an on command, if its an off command it will proceed to the else, which in this case does nothing or does not turn on anything)
        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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yes yes, got that status doesn't away hold accurate info of true state.


It is an easier way to program but doesn't account for changes that happened in between the status getting updated.


I'm going to assume that the status is updated by ISY every so often. At regular intervals?


I'm trying to read how the status is updated, there really isn't any detail on how that happens.


But for our conversation, status is just looking at the last current state, its not able to notify you if a switch has been tapped in either an on position or an off position.


If you want to do something to a device you need to know about what was touched, the on position or the off position ( on a switch there are actually two physical micro switches, that how it know if you tapped the on or off but on the motion sensor there is only one physical micro switch, so its a toggle, once on and then once again off) the controller of the device or locally the device.


Is this correct?

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update: Status shows current state, so a device could be on, but if a device is already on and a person taps the paddle on again when the light is already on that would not change the state or status. But something happened, a person tapped the paddle, or a paddle is being held on (maybe to dim).


Yes, that it. If the device is already on and a paddle/button is pressed to turn the device on, the state of the device does not change. Status will evaluate as false. But, you are correct. Something happened.


If the device is already on  and the condition is Control, then the paddle/button press would trigger the program. If the condition is Status, then the program would not run.


If the state of the device is off and a paddle/button is used to turn the device on, then either Status or Control will evaluate as true. The state of the device changed and/or a direct command was sent


If the state of the device is off and a linked controller is used to turn the device on, then Status would evaluate as true, but Control will evaluate as false. The state of the device changed, but a direct command was not sent.

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The Program works.  The "not switched Off" statement is not necessary.  Does not cause a problem but to an observer it appears the Program is missing Else logic.

You gotta be kinding me.


I asked that a few messages ago.


So the line is not necessary because its a motion sensor and I'm not doing much else with it.


If it is a regular wall dimmer for example then I would need that control switch is not.


Is that what everyone is trying to make me understand?


In my case, because I only need to see an on command come back from the motion sensor, I do not need the second 'control motion sensor' is not off?





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This seems to be working:


Big Bathroom Sensor On - [iD 0016][Parent 0017]

        Status  'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' is not Off
        Enable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'
        Disable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'



Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0017][Not Enabled]

        Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is switched On
        Set Scene 'Bathroom Big Motion Scene' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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You gotta be kinding me.


I asked that a few messages ago.


So the line is not necessary because its a motion sensor and I'm not doing much else with it.


I looked on previous posts and do not see where you asked that.


The line being necessary or not has nothing to do with it being a motion sensor.  (Stusviews response is the same as I would have given.)


My sense is that you are trying to run before you can walk, and you will continue to have a system that will continue to behave in ways that surprise and frustrate you.  My suggestion is to slow down and take this one small step at a time.

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