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I got a little Project


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I volunteer for a non-profit and we have a full size 3 LED light traffic light that runs on 110-120 V.  I would like some sort of wireless control (range 50 – 100 feet) where I can change the light signal that is on.  Ideally, a button press would go from green to yellow (for 5-10 secs) then red.  Another button press goes to green again.


About all I came up with was a four button Insteon switch with 3 different appliance links.  But old fumble fingers could potentially have all 3 colors lit up at once. Not real good.


Anyone got some better ideas how I can do this?  I am even hoping there might be a simple wiring schematic out there somewhere….


Did I mention I need to be able to build this thing before next Saturday, Sept 19?  AND the system has to be self-reliant as I'll be out in a large parking lot with nothing but AC power.  No ISY and no computers running things.


Any advice is speculative without knowing haw the light is wired. Which specific, "full size 3 LED light traffic light?"


Any advice is speculative without knowing haw the light is wired.

I can wire it any which way. Now all 3 lights are pigtailed together and light up together.  Not what I want.


It's a full size " 3 ball" traffic signal you see at every signalized intersection.  You know, those things we all curse at on our way into work!  LOL


I can wire it any which way. Now all 3 lights are pigtailed together and light up together.  Not what I want.


It's a full size " 3 ball" traffic signal you see at every signalized intersection.  You know, those things we all curse at on our way into work!  LOL


you could accomplish this in your programs using a couple different methods..


         3 programs setting one of the appliancelincs on and the other two off...



        Control 'Remote -A is switched On



        Set 'ApplianceLinc_1' On

        Set 'ApplianceLinc_2' Off

        Set 'ApplianceLinc_3' Off



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




Here's how I would do it with a variable.


Use a LampLinc or On/Off module for each lamp with each lamp plugged into it's respective LampLinc.


Create four scenes with names like

Traffic Light Off,  Traffic Light Red, .....etc.


...with all three lights in each.

    One with All 0%.,  

    One with Red 100% and Yellow & Green 0%,

    One with Yellow 100% and Red & Green 0%,

     One with Green 100% and Yellow & Red 0%


Create a variable in your state variables called $sLight.colour


Create four programs that control each light's scene like this. A folder works well to hide all the mechanicals like this.


        $sLight.colour is 0
        Set Scene 'Traffic Light Off' On


        $sLight.colour is 1
        Set Scene 'Traffic Light Red' On


        $sLight.colour is 2
        Set Scene 'Traffic Light Yellow' On


        $sLight.colour is 3
        Set Scene 'Traffic Light Green' On


Now you can write programs to do different things with the lights just by setting the variable $sLight.colour to values 0-3.

Here is automatic sequence to demo the easy usage of this package.



   whatever trigger you want MS, time of day, both, KPL etc..


   Repeat 20 times

        $sLight.colour = 1

        Wait 20 seconds

        $sLight.colour =3

        Wait 20 seconds

        $sLight.colour = 2

        Wait 3 seconds

  Repeat 1 times

        $sLight.colour = 0


This may seem like a lot of work at first but once your automagic program packet is written, playing with your lights from any program is very easy from that point. Just set your variable and ISY will do all the work. you may want different sequences and/or speeds for effects.


Scenes do not have to be created as you could just write the code for each light combination in each program (as with jerlands example above) but the scene method turns the running program icon  Green and the others Off automagically in the admin console. This really works well and is easy to see what is happening in the admin console device tree.


After writing programs with huge quantities of device control lines only to find other programs interfere with programs,  I am converting most of my ISY programs to this method and using the truth ISY event trigger engine. It is much more compact and easy to write controls once your get familiar with the idea of automagic events happening behind the scenes. (pun intended).


I also define variable constants like $cRED and permanently set them to values so I can not mix up values and the programs are easy to read and understand.


         $sLight.colour = $cRED




Advanced green



    Whatever keyclick you want


   Repeat 10 times

          $sLight.colour = 3

          Wait 1 second

          $sLight.colour = 0

          Wait 1 second

   Repeat 1 times



you could accomplish this in your programs using a couple different methods..


         3 programs setting one of the appliancelincs on and the other two off...



Here's how I would do it with a variable.



Gr8 suggestions jerlands and larryllix.  But this setup is not at my home,  it's setup in a large parking lot.  My bad for not mentioning this.  What ever I have has got to be self-reliant. No ISY and no computers to run things.


SO.. If I have 2 Insteon (or Z-wave) devices, one for transmitting and one for receiving (e.g. I/O link), that would address my wireless remote trigger link.  With those, I would need some sort of circuitry unit, with relays and a timer, that would be triggered by the receiver.  The unit, through use of the relays would provide the power to the 3 lights individually.


Something like this https://www.trafficlights.com/controls/rc3-remote-control-kit/


OR maybe this http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-Traffic-Light-Controller-Sequencer-120VAC-up-to-500W-per-channel-/261618441920?


You maybe able to accomplish what you want using one Mini Remote button On for green and off for red.


Key:  G = ApplianceLinc for green

         Y = ApplianceLinc for yellow

         R = ApplianceLinc for red


Green Light


        Control 'Button A' is set On


        Set 'Y' Off

        Set 'R' Off

        set 'G' On


Red Light


       Control 'Button A' is set Off


        Wait x seconds

        Set 'Y' On

        Set 'G' Off

        Wait x seconds

        Set 'R' On

        set 'Y' Off


On precedes Off so there is no instant when no color is lit.


Edit: I just read your last post. There is no way to accomplish what you want without a 24/7 timer. The link you provided does not include a timer. "Note this product is not sold or intended to control vehicle traffic, It is for static display indication use only."


SO.. If I have 2 Insteon (or Z-wave) devices, one for transmitting and one for receiving (e.g. I/O link), that would address my wireless remote trigger link.  With those, I would need some sort of circuitry unit, with relays and a timer, that would be triggered by the receiver.  The unit, through use of the relays would provide the power to the 3 lights individually.


Something like this https://www.trafficlights.com/controls/rc3-remote-control-kit/


OR maybe this http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-Traffic-Light-Controller-Sequencer-120VAC-up-to-500W-per-channel-/261618441920?



I think it'll work but it seems the RC3A is the model you want as offers 3 different cycling rates whereas RC3 doesn't offer cycling.  I don't see a need for either the Insteon or Z-Wave with this control.


EDIT.. Oops.. I don't see a wattage rating on this thing.. another page suggests 8watt per module but I'm unclear what they're referring to.

150W max. lamp/channel



 The link you provided does not include a timer. "Note this product is not sold or intended to control vehicle traffic, It is for static display indication use only."


I think this disclaimer is more for legal purposes than anything.  The light apparently will be temporary and supervised (I suppose :)





I could suggest many electronics techniques but by the time you rig up a sequencer with triacs on heatsinks, with fusing an proper safety nets, you would be cheaper to buy  a rebuilt ISY994 for $99, three LampLincs, and three power cords.


To eliminate the possibility of having more than one light on at a time takes some smarts or logic and this would take  an ISY.


OTOH, with three Insteon modules and a mini remote you could set up four scenes and have the mini-remote select scenes,  similar to my post above. If you have an ISY at home this could be all set up using the ISY and then porting it to the remote location with no ISY involvement. Who cares if it doesn't know you are pressing buttons?



I think this disclaimer is more for legal purposes than anything.  The light apparently will be temporary and supervised (I suppose :)


Nope. The key words are "static display." The colors don't change unless you manually change them.


Nope. The key words are "static display." The colors don't change unless you manually change them.


If you look at the functions of the RC3A it seems to indicate it does cycle colors .




Gr8 suggestions jerlands and larryllix.  But this setup is not at my home,  it's setup in a large parking lot.  My bad for not mentioning this.  What ever I have has got to be self-reliant. No ISY and no computers to run things.


SO.. If I have 2 Insteon (or Z-wave) devices, one for transmitting and one for receiving (e.g. I/O link), that would address my wireless remote trigger link.  With those, I would need some sort of circuitry unit, with relays and a timer, that would be triggered by the receiver.  The unit, through use of the relays would provide the power to the 3 lights individually.


Something like this https://www.trafficlights.com/controls/rc3-remote-control-kit/


OR maybe this http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-Traffic-Light-Controller-Sequencer-120VAC-up-to-500W-per-channel-/261618441920?

You don't  have time to order, receive and setup these devices.


Set it up with your home ISY, borrow it for the day and return it  when done. Cheaper and you know you can make it work inside of a day,


You don't  have time to order, receive and setup these devices.


You may be right about that.  I can't imagine my house without the ISY for a day, but that could be my fall back Plan B.


Plan A is I've special ordered the RC3 traffic controller and it's suppose to get here Wednesday. That should give my Thursday and Friday to get things working right. Which will include connecting two leads from an unused I/O Link contact closure to the controller button.  My button will be one on an older 6 button Insteon remote. Fingers crossed this is a good combo. 


Thanks for you suggestions.


EDIT: A friend suggested I use the transmitter and receiver from a garage door opener.  DUH!  Why didn't we think of that?


"If you know too much, the simplest solutions can be out of reach"  LOL


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