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Status in Log


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All of a sudden I have noticed many many status updates on several units in the Log. Most are related to a motion sensor at a time when no motion should be detected. Also several X10 messages are sent when not requested.

My PLM is at that magical two-year life span. Should I just go ahead and change the capacitors, which I have on hand, at this time? Or do I have some other problem?

Everything else is working smoothly, with no phantom activations.

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Hi jmac,


Is the problem repeated during those times? If so, you might want to use the Event Viewer, change the level to 3, at/around the same time and see the traffic. As far as X10 messages that are sent: are they sent from ISY or are they received from ISY. Again, Event Viewer would be much more helpful than just looking at the logs.


With kind regards,


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