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Entering data in the Elk Configuration tab in the ISY 994i admin console-Windows 10


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On Aug 24, 2015 Elk released a new firmware update to fix the problem connecting to your M1ESP with windows 10. When I updated to 2.0.34 that fixed the problem connecting to my M1EXP but now I cannot fill in data in the Elk Configuration tab in the ISY 994i admin console. When I try and enter M1ESP I.P., port and user access code I can fill it in but after I save it and go back in it is gone. It also no longer connects to Elk's M1EXP.


I then launched the ISY 994i admin console using my last Windows 7 machine and everything was fine. I could fill in the data in the Elk config tap and it connected to the M1EXP.


Please let me know if anyone else is having this problem and wheather a new firmware fix needs to be done for the ISY 994i.


Thank You,




Thank you very much for your help. When I cleared my java cashe and downloaded a newer version of the admin console (you attached the link to) everything works fine now.


Thanks as usual for your help and great support,




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