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Help with either/or timer algorithm


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I have a light that I would like to come on at either 4:30pm, or 2 hours before sunset, whichever occurs LATER.  With this criteria, the light would never come on before 4:30pm, but could come on well after 6pm on the longest days of the year.  How would I capture this logic with a 994i timer?  Many thanks!

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I hacked this out quickly using v. 5.02 firmware and haven't tested because I'm in route soon but should give you an idea. (also noticed the 3rd program should have a time value to run in If)


It took me 3 "State" variables and 5 programs.  I'm probably overlooking something very simple :)


s.1630.time.in.seconds - name whatever but it's value is 59,400 (seconds) (also put value in Init)




1st program sets variable $s.sunset.in.seconds

Set Sunset In Seconds - [ID 007B][Parent 00CC]

        Time is  4:00:00PM
        $s.sunset.in.seconds  = [Sunset Today (seconds)]
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


2nd Program sets $s.2hrs.before.sunrise.in.seconds

Set 2 Hours Before Sunrise - [ID 0010][Parent 00CC]

        Time is  4:00:05PM
        $s.2hrs.before.sunrise.in.seconds  = $s.sunset.in.seconds
        $s.2hrs.before.sunrise.in.seconds -= 7200
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

3rd Program compares the two variables

1630 or 2hrs Before Sunset - [ID 00D2][Parent 00CC]

        $s.1630.time.in.seconds > $s.2hrs.before.sunrise.in.seconds
        Disable Program '1630 Outside Lights'
        Disable Program '2hrs Before Sunset Outside Lights'

The next two programs run either at 4:30pm and 2 hours before sunset

1630 Outside Lights - [ID 00D3][Parent 00CC]

        Time is  4:30:00PM
        Set Scene 'Outside Front Door Light' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

2hrs Before Sunset Outside Lights - [ID 00DA][Parent 00CC]

        Time is Sunset  -  2 hours 
        Set Scene 'Outside Front Door Light' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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Have we figured out how to insert a variable in wait?  I am away from my system and won't be able to test this anytime soon, but my approach to trim this down would be one program that executes at 4:30pm that sets a single state variable to the difference between sunset and 6:30 pm  (sunset minus value for 6:30).  second program reacts to the once daily change of the state variable to execute if state variable is greater than zero, wait that amount of time and turn on the light, else turn it on immediately.


if we can't use a variable in wait then I guess it would take more work.  I never switched over from state machine approach so dunno how the variables actually work!

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I'm not in front of my computer but is it possible to add 2 time criteria to an if statement?


If from 430 to sunrise (next day)


From sunset-2 hr to sunrise (next day)





That would evaluate at both 430 and ss-2 hr, and sunrise correct? And would only be true when inside both time conditions?


Of course if you can't enter 2 time conditions then ignore all of my silliness.



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Give these 2 a try. I didn't have a way to test, but should be easy to try and evaluate results


This program meets the first part of the requirement: If its 4:30, and its within a window of time 2 hours before sunset, turn lights on. The 2 hour window is for cases where sunset doesn't line up exactly at 4:30. I'm not sure how long before 4:30 sunset can be for your location. This could be reduced to that actual gap.

Lights at 4:30 - [ID ][Parent 0001]

        Time is  4:30:00PM
    And From    Sunset  -  2 hours 
        For      2 hours 
        Set 'Garage / Garage Lights' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

This second program is for times when sunset - 2 is after 4:30. The other program may decide not to execute, this one always will. The 'And' clause keeps it from executing too soon, before 4:31, but allows it to execute up till the latest sunset time. Again, I don't know what that is worst case for you, so the 3 hour, 30 minute window can be adjusted to your worst case scenario, summer solstice ( - 2 hours)


The thing to note is that there will be times that the above program will turn them on, and this will also turn them on too. You won't notice it, just fyi. 

Lights sunset after 4:30 - [ID 0034][Parent 0001]

        Time is Sunset  -  2 hours 
    And From     4:31:00PM
        For      3 hours and 30 minutes 

        Set 'Garage / Garage Lights' On

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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