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Switched Routers, different IP ranges, ISY wont pick up an IP


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I recently switched routers, IP ranges went from 192.168.1.x to 192.168.0.x


When i open ISY994 Administrative Console, i am just presented with "ISY Finder Not Found"


The DHCP on the new network is not even showing a host name of "ISY994-EMS" trying to connect to get an IP. I know the MAC address as I mapped the DHCP to always give the same IP in my old router, and i also do not see the MAC address trying to connect.  Fairly certain i did not configure a static IP inside ISY... i have a backup if there is anyway to inspect this and confirm?


I have blinking lights on the network cable that is plugged in.

What options are there here, these all seem "bad"?

  1. Plug in Old router
  2.  Re-IP new router to match old IPs
  3. Factory Reset?


Why would every other device i own pickup a new DHCP address but the ISY is stuck?

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@felickz Did you assign a static IP in the ISY?

Fairly certain i did not configure a static IP inside ISY... i have a backup if there is anyway to inspect this and confirm?


You can temporarily set a static IP on your computer on the old range and see if you can find it.


The ISY may not request new DHCP lease until old one expires, you could try power cycling it.

Why did every other device on my network figure out they needed a new IP,but ISY did not?


Clear the Java cache and reinstall the Administrative Console.

Has been done

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Fairly certain i did not configure a static IP inside ISY... i have a backup if there is anyway to inspect this and confirm?

Based on your symptoms, I suspect you assigned a static IP. Change your new router to use the old subnet, or connect your old router. The other option would be to change the subnet mask in your new router to, which will allow you to connect to the ISY. Any network scanner will then find the ISY IP address.
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Based on your symptoms, I suspect you assigned a static IP. .... The other option would be to change the subnet mask in your new router to, which will allow you to connect to the ISY.

I agree with the static IP on ISY being the likely cause, but changing the subnet mask on the router won't help.


If a client on needs to talk to a server on (on the same broadcast domain) the subnet mask on both the client and the ISY needs changing to /16, not the router.


It would be best to simply add a secondary IP on the client, so 192.168.0.x/24 is default, and 192.168.1.x/24 is a secondary IP, and leave the router alone. That way, the client will be able to communicate with both.

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Hello felickz,


You have two other choices:

1. If you have mini USB to a USB cable, you can connect ISY's monitor port to a USB port on your computer and then use a terminal application (such as putty) to reset ISY's networking back to DHCP. The command is CT and when prompted for IP, enter 0 to go back to DHCP

2. If and only if you have a good backup, factory reset ISY and then once you find ISY on your computer, restore the backup. Once prompted whether or not you want to change the existing configuration (DHCP) with the one in the backup (static), choose No


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello felickz,


You have two other choices:

1. If you have mini USB to a USB cable, you can connect ISY's monitor port to a USB port on your computer and then use a terminal application (such as putty) to reset ISY's networking back to DHCP. The command is CT and when prompted for IP, enter 0 to go back to DHCP

2. If and only if you have a good backup, factory reset ISY and then once you find ISY on your computer, restore the backup. Once prompted whether or not you want to change the existing configuration (DHCP) with the one in the backup (static), choose No


With kind regards,


This is by far my favorite answer :) ... are there any tutorials on connecting ISY to putty?  Tried these settings but no dice: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Quick_Start_Guide#Connecting_to_the_ISY_Shell_Using_the_Serial_Port

  •  configure for 115200bps, 8N1, Xon/Xoff, and for the appropriate COM port.


When i plug in USB i get COM4 connected to Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM4)...

When i do a Putty Serial connection on COM4 i just get a cursor unable to run commands?


edit: just had to start typing ... it was actually connected!!

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I have a similar issue. My ip domain has always been 192.168.1.x. got a new ISY and set a static ip, as I do with most fixed devices (printer, elk, access points, etc). None of them have any issues. On the ISY, if I have not connected with it for hours I have to ping it.  Then itsy finder finds it.  Does the network cut go to sleep?

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  • 7 months later...

@felickz Did you assign a static IP in the ISY?

Indeed this was my problem... i normally never do this as i use a firewall to map dhcp addresses.  Temporary lack of sanity!  


Once i could get connected to the console via putty it was simple see and to change!

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  • 1 year later...


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