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Is there a tutorial/document that explain how and what is needed so I can trend, say 15 temperature sensors at 15min intervals for about 1 month before fifo takes over?

Can I store these logs on an SD card in ISY in csv or similar format?


Also, is there a summary page in ISY where the status of the z-wave network/nodes are displayed and shows what is online/offline?




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This set up guide was created for a specific piece of hardware I own but the basic principle are the same. Essentially I wanted to high light how to get data in and out of 994 Series Controller and relay the same to a cloud hosted service like SEG.


This same method can be modified to go else where or to a local data server.



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This is a great read, thank you very much.

I see I would need network resource module which is fine, I will get that.

Do you suppose this method should work to push something to like google sheets?

I wonder how I tell google sheets to increment the row based on newest data.




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