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Mobilinc and ISYPortal


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I dont see why UDI and Moblinc compete with each other.  Both have non compatible portals and now they each will have their own Echo skill?  Really?  Fragmenting the functionality and competing with each other rather than partnering and offering one system is hurting each companies business in my opinion.


I am not going to pay for two portals.  To be honest I am sorry I paid for the Mobilinc.  Yes they added a whole bunch of features recently but the basic functionality and GUI is still very poor.  But if I buy an apple watch and pay even more money it may work.


But what do I know I am just a customer.

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Hello everyone,


We found the root cause if the incompatibility between MobiLinc and ISY Portal: MobiLinc is sending a poorly formatted header which includes the port number in the path.


We will put a fix in the portal to ignore the port.


We'll push to production as soon as we hear back from Amazon (lest we cause interference with their testing).


Hi Digger,


I don't call this competition. We are still working very closely with each other. It's just more choices for our customers.


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi dwessels,



Yes, it's live and working. What you need to do:

1. Login to ISY Portal

2. Click on My Profile (top right)

3. Set your preferred ISY and Save

4. In MobiLinc configuration, for https URL, type my.isy.io ... NO paths are necessary


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Thanks for the quick reply.  I went ahead and set it up that way.  

When I go to sync with the ISY, I end up with an error: "Network Error: There was a problem sending the request.  Please verify the connection setting in My Settings and try again. Error Code: 401. Error Message: Authentication needed"


I have the my.isy.io username and password in the app, and I have the https field set to my.isy.io and port 443.  Am I missing something else?

I logged into the portal to set the default ISY.



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Hi Michel,


Thanks for the quick reply.  I went ahead and set it up that way.  

When I go to sync with the ISY, I end up with an error: "Network Error: There was a problem sending the request.  Please verify the connection setting in My Settings and try again. Error Code: 401. Error Message: Authentication needed"


I have the my.isy.io username and password in the app, and I have the https field set to my.isy.io and port 443.  Am I missing something else?

I logged into the portal to set the default ISY.





The instructions I have are to set https to my.isy.io, leave http field blank, input username and password for portal and select secure.  I believe the port field is ignored.


I'm running android and have tried everything I can think of but can't get it to connect.




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Hi Guys,


Also, you have to change the profile from MobiLinc Connect to ISY. In short, MobiLinc should think that it's talk to ISY directly.


With kind regards,



Here are my settings which don't work on my android...  I typically connect https thru a DDNS which has always worked well.


Host Type = ISY

User Name = Portal User Name = email address (also tried encoding @ to %40)

Password = Portal Password

Local http:// = blank

Local Port = 80 (n/a because I understand this is ignored?)

Secure https:// my.isy.io

Secure Port = 593 (n/a)

Connection Method = Secure Connection (HTTPS)




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Hi Jon,


Can you login to https://my.isy.iodirectly? As suggested, the secure port must be 443.


Hi dwessels and Jon,


Do you already have a MobiLinc Connect account?


With kind regards,



No.. It's problematic.  I can eventually log in but multiple entries, refreshing the page etc,..  I also get the error "email must be between 6 and 80 characters" so I tried encoding @ but no difference.  I'm thinking now it might be password related in that I use a 12 character word.  I'll change this and see what happens.


Edit: Tried the password change and no effect


Edit2: I may have mis_understood.  I can log in using my.isy.io but using email:password@my.isy.io in the URL no..

I don't have a mobilinc connected account




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I will watch this thread as I would really like to use this. I had the ISY portal deactivated in less than a day after buying it because I rely to much on mobilinc and the ISY portal just doesn't work with mobilinc. My iPhone just hung on parsing address 18277 details...If I closed the app and relaunched it I was able to see some of my devices but they never showed status and they would only turn off, not on..


hopefully someone "fixes" this integration issue as it seems like mobilinc is the most popular way for people to use their ISY from their mobile devices.

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I will watch this thread as I would really like to use this. I had the ISY portal deactivated in less than a day after buying it because I rely to much on mobilinc and the ISY portal just doesn't work with mobilinc. My iPhone just hung on parsing address 18277 details...If I closed the app and relaunched it I was able to see some of my devices but they never showed status and they would only turn off, not on..


hopefully someone "fixes" this integration issue as it seems like mobilinc is the most popular way for people to use their ISY from their mobile devices.


On my android I use DDNS for https and have never had issues.  I'm only playing around with it now to get it working :)  I don't think you need mobilinc connect either with an iphone but I don't know.




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Hi Jon,


Can you login to https://my.isy.iodirectly? As suggested, the secure port must be 443.


Hi dwessels and Jon,


Do you already have a MobiLinc Connect account?


With kind regards,


Hi Michel,


Thanks for continuing to help figure this out.

1. Yes, I can login to https://my.isy.iousing my email and password. It works great.  

2. Yes, I have an active MobiLinc Connect account.



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Hi Jon,


You cannot use email@URL. Please use a browser and go to https/my.isy.io ... you will be prompted to login. Please try logging in and let me know if that works.


Hi dwessels, thank you. Please send your UUID to support@universal-devices.com.


With kind regards,



Yes I can log in that way.




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Hi Jon,


Ok, now please do let me know:

1. Do you see a green icon next to your ISY in the portal?

2. Admin Console | Configuration | Portals, what is the name of the portal (title around the Registered/OnLine)?

3. If possible, please attach a screenshot of MobiLinc configuration settings


If all else fails, we'll do a remote session to figure out the root cause.


With kind regards,


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Hi Jon,


Ok, now please do let me know:

1. Do you see a green icon next to your ISY in the portal?

2. Admin Console | Configuration | Portals, what is the name of the portal (title around the Registered/OnLine)?

3. If possible, please attach a screenshot of MobiLinc configuration settings


If all else fails, we'll do a remote session to figure out the root cause.


With kind regards,



1. Do you see a green icon next to your ISY in the portal? <-- Yes, mouse over reads "Online Since etc.,"

2. Admin Console | Configuration | Portals, what is the name of the portal (title around the Registered/OnLine)?<--- (First Name Initial)(Last Name)

3.)  If possible, please attach a screenshot of MobiLinc configuration settings


I've pm'd images for clarity :)





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