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Mobilinc and ISYPortal


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So you DON'T need to choose between ISY Portal and MobilLinc Portal thingy?  Oh argh, I just spent $50 on the ISY Portal and deactivated the MobilLinc module because the ISY wiki said I had to use ISY portal to connect the Echo.




Yes, you do need to choose. the ISY supports one and only one portal. What Wes is indicating is that if you choose the MobiLinc portal, then you can now connect MobiLinc with Echo.

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I have read thru this thread and the Wiki but seem to still have a problem.  I have a mobilelinc pro on my android phone and table, use to have the mobilinc portal connection, but had UDI remove it, as I have the ISY portal connection.  My setting are as follows.


Host Type - ISY

User Name - ISY Portal Credentials

Pasword - ISY Portal Credentials

Http: Blank

Http Password - Blank


Port - 443

Connection Method - Auto



I have removed the program and reinstalled, any ideas?



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Hi AnthemAVM,


Yes, the UUID which is also available in ISY Portal.


And, yes to stusviews suggestion (thanks!).


With kind regards,



Michel and Stu,


I tried both and it didn't work.  I deleted the program, restarted the phone and reinstalled it, still getting the following error.  SYNC Error - Unable ton connect to the lighting controller.  Please verify the lighting controller settings.  Any other thoughts?



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Ever since I switched from mobilinc connect to ISY portal, I have the following problems:

1) Mobilinc rarely "connects" when I am away from home

2) when it does connect, it takes a long time to update the home screen (a minute or more)

3) sometimes when it connects, some of my home screen icons disappear and the ones that remain revert back to the default icons and verbiage.

4) Locative only seems to work "sometimes" so if I have "left" the premises, and mobilinc doesn't work, I can't tell the house that I am gone.


I wrote a similar thread on the mobilinc section of this board, and Wes responded that he can't troubleshoot issues with ISY portal. I sort of understand that (but not entirely since mobilinc is so closely tied to ISY that I would think he'd want it to work with either his portal or ISY's.)


I have tried every thing posted above in this thread to make it work, but nothing has succeeded. I feel that my choices at this point are to 1) go back to mobilinc connect (and lose the nicer verbal interface to Alexa) or 2) keep ISY portal for the nice interface to Alexa and find some other way to view and update my ISY when away from home(although I paid a lot of money for mobilinc, so it would be nice if i could get it to work).


Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Hi Bob,


The main question is whether or not you are losing connectivity between ISY Portal and ISY as well? The other issue that I have seen happen is that the App cache (especially on Android) causes major issues. And, the only way to fix it is to force stop, remove cache, uninstall and reinstall the app.


Above and beyond that, please check ISY's error log for 'Portal' related errors and report back.


With kind regards,


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Thanks for the suggestions, I think the problem is between ISY and the portal as you suggest...here is what I did to show that. BTW- I am using an iPhone 6s. After reading your response, I was at home. I opened mobilinc on the iPhone and it worked OK.  I then turned off my wifi on the phone and mobilinc continued to work OK. Then I called up the portal on the phone and saw that the dot was green, indicating that the portal was OK. Then I left the house, got to my destination and called up mobilinc. I saw the "mobilinc trying to connect" message. Then I called up the portal again and this time, the dot was gray, and hovering over it said it has been disconnected since I left the house. Now that I am back in the house, mobilinc works again and when I call up the portal on my phone, the dot is green again. All this while wifi on the phone is still OFF.

What should I try next?



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Hi Bob,


Definitely connection issues:

1. In the Admin Console, if you see File | Disable Access is there, click on it

2. If you have any port forwarding rules in your router that point to ISY, delete them ALL

3. If you have any parental control/mac address filtering in your router, make sure *.isy.io is in the white list

4. Make sure HTTPS Client Settings are set to TLS 1.2 and Strength of All (http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Network_Security)

5. Reboot your router


With kind regards,


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Thank Michel,

Definitely connection issues:

1. In the Admin Console, if you see File | Disable Access is there, click on it (I did see Disable Access, so I clicked it - now it says "Enable Access")
2. If you have any port forwarding rules in your router that point to ISY, delete them ALL I never set up any port forwarding rules for the ISY
3. If you have any parental control/mac address filtering in your router, make sure *.isy.io is in the white list I have no parental controls or mac address filters set up
4. Make sure HTTPS Client Settings are set to TLS 1.2 and Strength of All (http://wiki.universa...etwork_SecurityOn the dashboard, HTTPS client is set to TLS 1.2 and strength to all.
5. Reboot your router - done - 

I will test this tomorrow.


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Today's test - At home - wifi off on my iphone, mobilinc is working and the dot is green on the ISY portal page.. I left the house and arrived at my destination. The Mobilinc home screen did NOT update with the status of the various devices, scenes programs - even after several minutes but I also did NOT get the message "mobilinc trying to connect". When I looked at the ISY portal page, the dot was still green. Any other ideas to try?


When I left the house a 2nd time, I noticed the mobilinc trying to connect message...so maybe I just didn't see it during the first test.


Also now I notice that my lutron blinds which are controlled by the ISY through network resources are now not following their schedule...could that be because I set the internet access to Disable?

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Apparently when I rebooted the router, it changed the IP address of the lutron shades, so I had to go into network resources and edit each command to point to the new IP address. I tried several times to establish a static IP address for the Lutron smarthub, but it never took, so I manually changed all the commands. They seem to work now.

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Apparently when I rebooted the router, it changed the IP address of the lutron shades, so I had to go into network resources and edit each command to point to the new IP address. I tried several times to establish a static IP address for the Lutron smarthub, but it never took, so I manually changed all the commands. They seem to work now.

The IP address of the Lutron smarthub will probably change again in the future, unless you set a DHCP reservation in your router for the Lutron shades.
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Thank you Mwareman, I understand. I tried to reserve an IP address for the lutron hub, but was not successful.


BTW: Today I left the house, got to my destination and tried mobilinc....it couldn't connect. So I tried to use the portal, but the little dot was grey, not green, and hovering over it said it was disconnected about the time I left the house. The ISY was left in the "disable internet access" mode (as Michel told me to do above), and my iPhone had wifi on (although I was not in a wifi hotspot) and cellular enabled.  I am about to give up on all this.

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Can you post a screenshot of the connection settings in Mobilinc? There has to be something wrong with your setup.


As long as you have the ISY Portal username and password, the URI set to my.isy.io (for SSL) and blank (for HTTP), and your ISY set as the default in your portal account, it shouldn't matter if you are inside or outside of your network. Mobilinc will connect to the portal whatever.


If you are trying to do something fancy like HTTP direct to ISY when home and https to Portal when away, that's when you'll have this kind of issue.

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Connect method should not be 'Auto'...


I don't have IOS, so I don't know what the non-auto options are.


Auto will likely cause Mobilinc to try connecting using upnp broadcasts whenever your phone is connected to wifi.

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